
Dr Shweta Mohan

Dr Shweta Mohan linkedin

Assistant Professor

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drafts Email Id : shweta.mohan@nusrlranchi.ac.in

About Dr. Shweta Mohan

Dr. Shweta Mohan is an Assistant Professor (Economics) in National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi, since 2010. She has served as Acting Vice-Chancellor of National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi from September, 2013 to February, 2014. She has also completed major project sponsored by the World Bank on “Land Governance Assessment Framework (LGAF)”  She has extensively researched on Law and Economics. She has completed her Doctoral Research from Chanakya National Law University, Patna. Courses taught by her are Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Indian economics, and international economics, Public Policy, Research Methodology, Social and Legal Theories, Banking and Insurance.


Awards and Accomplishments:

  1. Academic Counsellor IGNOU  2024
  2. Prapared course outline of Economics and Law (2023-2024 ) for DTH Channel 06 of Swayam Prabha,   MOE,Govt of India.


(M.A, PhD )

Areas of Interest/Research

Microeconomics ,Macroeconomics Law and Economics ,Public Policy

Teaching / Research Experience

13.5 Years

Conference / Seminar / Workshop

  1. Presented paper on “A Perception Of Constitutional Vision Of Socio-Economic Development In India’on 7th International Conference on Economic Analysis of  Law, Governance  and Public Policy 19- 21 Jan 2024 GNLU, Gujarat.
  2. Presented paper on Welfare Economics in taking the edge off Inequality during Pandemic in India” on 5th GNLU in International Conference on Law and Economics and Public Policy 10- 11th  March 2022, GNLU, Gujarat
  3. Presented paper on “Economic Perspective of Gender Equality and Judicial Vigor”in The Religious Rights  of Women in the National Seminar 10th -12th Dec 2021 NUSRL ,Ranchi
  4. Presented paper on Fiscal policy response in India admits COVID 19: An analysis in International Conference on Economic Analysis of Law and Governance 18TH -21 March 2021, GNLU, Gujarat.
  5. Presented paper on “Right to Food: Issues and Challenges in India” in International Conference on “2030 Agenda For Sustainable Development; Issues and Challenges  8th& 9TH  Feb 2020 Organized  by Madhusudan  Law College ,Utkal University ,Cuttak Orissa.
  6. Presented paper on “IPR & Critical Analysis of Economic Approach” in National Conference for “Reach for Gold: Intellectual Property and Sports,” 2019 Organized by Chanakya National Law University, Patna 19th April 2019.
  7. Presented paper on “Women at Workplace : A Socio- Legal Study” in the National Seminar on Better and Fair Environment  For Women at Work Place Organized by Chanakya National Law University, Patna. 20thJan 2019.
  8. Presented paper on “The Imperatives of Gender Based Laws in India” in National Seminar on “Feminine Jurisprudence and Gender Based Laws in India”Organized by Chanakya National Law University, Patna. 29th Sep 2018
  9. Presented paper  on Ambedkar  Vs Gandhi In Self Governancein Four Day International Seminar on” Aspirations and Challenges of New Generation Dalits In The Light of Dr .Ambedkar’s Prespectives.” 5-8th April 2017 at Patna University
  10. Presented poster in on the topic “The Politics of Farm Policy in India” at the International    Conference on Law and Economics 14-15th March 2015 at Gujarat National Law University.
  11. Presented paper in Two Day International Conference on Indian Economy: Development Prospects & Perspectives (ICIEDPP –20 14) organized by Society of Technical and Management Professionals (STMP)  21-22 June, New Delhi.
  12. Participated in five day National Workshop on “Legal Education Progrrammes” sponsored by Menon Institute of Legal Advocacy Training, 2013, CNLU, Patna.
  13. Participated in one day National seminar and presented Paper on “Scope of Legal Aid in Jharkhand” – 2012, NUSRL, Ranchi
  14. Participated in one day National seminar and presented Paper on “Tenancy Act in Jharkhand: Issues and imperatives” – 2012, NUSRL, Ranchi
  15. Presented paper in One Day National Seminar on Corruption in High Places: It’s Political, Social and Economic Impact on the Country, “Corruption in High Places: It’s Economic Impact on the Country”   2011- NUSRL, Ranchi.
  16. Attended as Resource Person a Workshop on “9th ISPCAAN Asia Pacific Conference on child abuse and neglect –   New Delhi 2011.

Visiting Faculty/ Guest Lectures

  1. Delivered lecture  on Research Methodology for Law Studentson 6th Nov 2023 at Arka Jain University.
  2. Resource Person in the seminar “How to plan for a Start up with Legal and Ethical Steps”on 8th May 2023 at Amity college of Commerce and Finance under Institution’s Innovation Council.
  3. Resourse Person on Special Lecture on Economic Analysis of Law  on1st March 2023 in St  Xavier Law School Kolkatta.
  4. Resource Person on 14day Refresher  Course in Inter/Multi-diciplineary  course in Information Technology  (27/1/2023) Organized by UGC Human Resource Development Centre
  5. Resource Person on 14 day Refresher  Course in Commerce& Management (7/12/2022) Organized by UGC Human Resource Development Centre
  6. .Resource Person on 14 day Refresher  Course in Commerce& Management (7/9/2021) Organized by UGC Human Resource Development Centre.
  7. Resource Person on 14 day Refresher  Course in Commerce& Management (23/9/2020) Organized by UGC Human Resource Development Centre.
  8. Keynote Speaker of National Webinar  held on 3rd May 2021 by Gautam Buddha University,Noida on “Pandemic ,Humanlife  &Patents ( need to give precedence to human life over international patent regime).
  9. Keynote Speaker on the National Conference held on 31st January 2021 by Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia National Law University on “Laws and Policies Relating to Agriculture in India”.
  10. Chaired a Session on ‘Laws and Policies relating to the Agricultural Sector in India”31st  January 2021 RMNLU, Lucknow
  11. Resource Person of 10th National Webinar 2020, Bengal Law College, Santiniketan held on 31st July 2020 on the Topic: ‘Interface Between Covid Crisis and Worldwide Economic Depression’.
  12. Delivered panel lectures and Chaired the Session on “Law and Economics: Banking Competition and Efficiency”in UGC sponsored National Seminar 2013, CNLU, Patna
  13. Chaired the Session in two day National seminar on “Role of Regulatory Agencies in developing business Laws in India” –2013, NUSRL, Ranchi.
  14. Chaired the Session in one day National seminar on “Service Sector, Consumer Protection and Public Awareness in Rural Market” – 2013, NUSRL, Ranchi



  1. Two weeks certificate course on “4th Edition of Short-Term Course on Legal Aidand Allied Laws” Nov 16 to Dec 2 2023.
  2. ARPIT Refresher Course on Economicsby  Ministry of Education 2020,Two Weeks Faculty Development Programme on “Advanced Concepts For Developing MOOCS” from July 02 – July 17, 2020, MHRD, Ramanujan College ,New Delhi.
  3. Faculty Development Course on Managing Online Classes and Co-Creating MOOCS: 2.018th -3rd June 2020, MHRD, Ramanujan College, New Delhi.
  4. UGC Sponsored Workshop onMOOCS, E- Content Development and Open Educational Resources 7 -30 July 2018 UGC – Human Resource Development Centre, Ranchi University
  5. Refresher Course in “Commerce, Economics & Management. Academic Staff College, RANCHI UNIVERSITY. RANCHI16th Jun 2017 – 6th July2017 UGC – Human Resource Development Centre, Ranchi University
  6. Special Winter School-2016   5th Jan2016 –25th Jan 2016
  7. 81st Orientation Program5th Jan 2015 – 1st Feb 2015
  8. Short Term Course in Research Methodology27th July 2015 –  1st Aug 2015
  9. Participated in the “Two Day Advance Regional Workshop on Biodiversity Law and Access and Benefit Sharing” organized by UNDP in collaboration with CNLU, Patna 5-6th July 2019.



  1. ‘Mental Health  and Legal Rights’publication by Satyam Law International Book Publication    ISBN;  978-81-19121-08-3, 2024New Delhi,2024
  2. “Economic Analysis of Law”publication by Thomson Reuters ISBN 978-93-91340-17-9,2021
  3. “Recent Trends in Law and Economics,” publication by Satyam Law International Book Publication    ISBN;  978-81-949509-9-8, 2021 New Delhi,2021
  4. “Legal Regulation of Agricultural Procurement and Processing in India,” publication by Satyam Law International Book Publication    ISBN; 978-81-921204-9-2, 2013 New Delhi


Articles in Journals

  1. “Economic Approach to Law with Special Reference to India ‘s Policy Intervention during Covid Crisis” in Soochow Law Journal, Volume19(1) January 2022, 1052109 pp 105 -119
  2. “India’s Trade Law and Policy: Issues and Challenge” in Law Review of Sri Jai Narain Mishra     Post Graduate College Lucknow ISSN:2349-946X, Volume 42, No I Dec 2021, pp 24-2( https://portal.issn.org/resource/ISSN/2349-946X)
  3. “The Future of Legal Education in India” in Indian Bar” Review Vol 49 (1) 2022  pp 227-231  ISSN 978-81931981-0-0(
  4. “Law and Economics: Its Relevance in Reality”in Chotanagpur Law Journal ISSN – 0973-5858 Voi 12 , No: XII 2020-2021 pp 141-147(https;//cnlawcollege.ac.in/publications/journals)
  5. Published paper on “ Right to Health :Law and Policy in India’ in Law Reviewof Sri Jai Narain Mishra Post Graduate College Lucknow ISSN:2349-946X,Volume 41,No I Dec 2021,pp 24-28
  6. “The Exodus of Labours During Pandemic: An Overview” in Jharkhand  Journal of Development and Management Studies XISS, Ranchi,ISSN0973-8444, Vol,19No .1 & 2, Jan –March 2021, pp 8447-8485. (https://www.xiss.ac.in/JJDMS/)
  • “Economic Analysis of Code on Labor Wages 2019”in Jharkhand  Journal of Development and Management Studies XISS, Ranchi, ISSN0973-8444, Vol,18,No .1 & 2, Jan –June 2020, pp 8447-8454 9 . (https://www.xiss.ac.in/JJDMS/)
  • “ Economic Implications of White  Collar Crimes in India” in Indian Bar Review Vol .47 (1)  Jan –March  2020, pp 131-149. ISSN 978-81931981-0-0  ( (https://www.barcouncilofindia.org/info/bci-trust)
  1. “Relevance of Health Economics, Law & Policy for Economic Growth”in CNLU Law Journal, ISSN 0976-805X volume IX 2020-2021.pp-132 145  ( cnlu.ac.in/journal )
  2. “Development in Bihar with Special Reference to Agriculture” in International Journal of Developlpment Studies ( IJSD) ( July –Dec 2017) Vol .IX Issue – II ISSN 0975-5799.184-188(pp) ( http://www.rsmeena.com/ijds-journal.htm)
  3. “Agriculture Price Policy And Regulation In India” in Resonance National Journal of value Education Vol 5.2 ( july 2017) ISSN  -2320-7116 ,87-92 (pp)
  • Black Money Act, 2015 and the Menace of Parallel Economy in India: An Assessment” in  International Journal The NUSRL Journal of Law And Policy(  Jan  -June 2015)  Vol . 2 No 1 ISSN 2349-9982.110-118(pp)


Chapters in Books

  1. “Welfare Economics in Taking the Edge off Inequality During Pandemic in India’ISBN – 9788119868087 published by EBC 2024
  2. Role of Fourth estate in economic growth and Development’ ISBN 978-93-5741-551-4, Blue Rose One Publication.2023
  3. “Right to Food Issues and Challenges in India, 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Issues & Challenges”ISBN  938557146  ,OJR, Publishing Company ,Orrisa.2020
  4. “Forest Rights of Tribal’s in Jharkhand, Tribal Rights in India Challenges and Achievement in 21st Century,”ISBN -978-81-9375-344-1, Best Publishing House New Delhi,2018
  5. “Honor Killing & legal provision in India”Honor Killing True Care Research and Development, ISBN- 978-81-93-2808-8-1, 2017Areas of


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