
Faculty Publication

Books: Women and Legal Profession: in reference to Indian Context, ISBN-10 ‏: ‎9382823077

Publisher ‏:  Satyam Law International; First Edition (1 January 2014)

Articles in Journals

Journal Title
1. NIDA Law for Development, Graduate School of Law, National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA) Bangkok, Thailand, ISBN (e-book): 978-974-231-948-9, Role of Women and Sustainable Development in India – A Comparative Study with ‘South Asian Countries
2. Book of Abstract published by the National Unity of Reconciliation

3. ONUR, Sri Lanka.

‘Women and Armed Conflict: With reference to North Eastern States of India’
4. An Analysis, Law Review, Vol. 37, no.1 Women’s participation in Panchayti Raj
5. International Peer Reviewed, Open Access Journal, Vol.7. Sustainability and water resources system- A critical study of the state of Jharkhand
6. IJRAR,June-V,2019, ISSN2348-1269,P-ISSN 2349-5138, Children and the law-Emerging Issues
7. Ram Manohar Lohia National Law University Journal,

8. Volume-XI

The Journey from Marginal to

Mainstream-the woes of Transgender

in India

9. Ram Manohar Lohia National Law University Journal,

10. Volume-XII

From Dream to Broken relationship – Fraudulent Non Resident (NRI) Marriages in India –A critical Study
11. Journal of Law and Policy, Vol.V, 2018, ISSN 2349-9982, NUSRL, Ranchi. Rise of Crimes against Children in India: Are Children safe today?
12. Remarking an Analisation ISSN NO.: 2394-0344, VOL-2, ISSUE-6, September- 2017, How safe are Women today? Crimes against Women in India
13. International Journal of Arts, Humanities and Management studies.

14. ISSN NO2395-0692, Volume 02, No.06, June 2016 ,

Live-In Relationship-An Analysis through cases
15. Ever greening of Patents, CNLU,

16. Patna.

Judicial activism and Patent Laws In India – n analysis of cases
17. International Journal of Arts , Humanities and Management Substance Use and Abuse in India-

A comparative studies with other countries

18. Legal Express:

19. International Journal of Law,Vol.3,Issue-6, ISSN 2394-465X

Women’s Reservation Bill – Increasing the role of women in democratization of the country
20. Journal Published by NUSRL, Ranchi Women’s Right to Property- India, Bangladesh & Nepal
21. Book published by CNLU, Patna. Role Of Tribal Women At Grassroots Level – A Study In Reference To Panchayati Raj   In The State Of Jharkhand’


  1. A wake up call – will India deal with its migrant labourers”.Published on 25/04/2020, http://tehelka.com/from-chalkboards-to-google-meet-to-cisco-webex-covid-19-gives-momentum-to-classroom-teaching/,Tehelka magazine, Hindustan Times, Digital Services, New Delhi.
  1. Community Kitchens are leading – the need of the hour”. Published on 29/04/2020, Tehelka,http://tehelka.com/community-kitchens-are-leading-the-need-of-hour/,Hindusthan Times, Digital Services, New Delhi.
  1. From Chalkboards to Google Meet to Cisco Webex-Covid 19 gives momentum to Classroom teaching”. Published on 30/05/2020, Tehelka, http://tehelka.com/from-chalkboards-to-google-meet-to-cisco-webex-covid-19-gives-momentum-to-classroom-teaching/Hindus than Times, Digital Services, New Delhi.
  1. ‘Netting Knowledge via online’.Pg 58, Tehelka Magazine(English and Hindi), New Delhi. June 2020.
  1. Pampering the taste buds without cooking”,Published on 17th July2020, Tehelka;com/pampering-the-taste-buds-without-cooking.
  1. “The New education policy brings changes after 34 years, Published on 30thJuly2020,Tehelka.com; http://tehelka.com/the-new-education-policy-brings-changes-after-34-years/
  1. Ruling on divinity and dynasty” ,   Published on 15th  August 2020, Tehelka; com/ruling-on-divinity-and-dynasty.
  1. Uncertainty compounds for Indians in the US” Published on 15thAugust 2020,Tehelka ;com/uncertainty-compounds-for-indians-in-the-us.
  1. “Daughters have equal right in ancestral property: SC” ,Published on 30thAugust,2020,Tehelka; http://tehelka.com/daughters-have-equal-right-in-ancestral-property-sc/
  1. ‘Jamtara – A new cybercrimes hub’,http://tehelka.com/jamtara-a-new-cybercrimes-hub/
  1. ‘Speak up — the only way to fight stalking’http://tehelka.com/speak-up-the-only-way-to-fight-stalking/
  2. A cup full of woes for the valley’s ‘half widows’  , http://tehelka.com/a-cup-full-of-woes-for-the-valleys-half-widows/


Chapters in Books

Religious Freedom: The long decade Struggle for equal voice in India in Religious Rights of women and human rights, 2021. ISBN 978-81-952237-6-3.

Sr. No. Client/Organization’s Name Nature of Project
1. Pan India Research Project on ‘Revisiting the Law and Policy of Prison Administration in India by MNLU Mumbai Research Project
2. 3rd Law Review (Eastern) Consultation on the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 and the 2017 Amendment, National Commission for Women, New Delhi Consultation as a Panelist
3. Eastern Regional Consultation on “Rights of Muslim Women: Reviewing Muslim Personal Law” Consultation


Research guidance

PhD Scholars :Awarded

  1. Mr Arun Sasi “Critical analysis of existing legal framework, in efficiency and industrial climate of large manufacturing units”,
  2. “Vandana Singh- Autonomy of Central Bureau of Investigation: Law & Policy Perspectives”.
  3. Archita MishraMigrant Labourers in the State of Jharkhand: a Socio Legal Study.


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Books: (with full citation: Publisher, year)

1. Biotechnology & Genomics vis-à-vis IPR view point: Legal, Ethical, Moral, Social and Environmental Issues Satyam Law International 978-93- 82823-46-9 2018
2. Patenting of Biotechnological Inventions: A Comparative Study of EU, USA and India Satyam Law International 978-93- 82823-46-9 2016
3. Judicial Review of Legislative, Executive and Administrative Action: Need for Equilibrium Scholar’s Press, Germany 978-3-639- 70726-7 2014
4. Child & Law: Legal & Social Reflections Satyam International 978-93- 91345-13-6 2021
5. Constitutional Governance and Contemporary Issues Satyam International Satyam International 2019


Articles in Journals

1. Political Terrorism and Political Crime vis-à-vis Criminalization of Politics: A Critical Analysis of the Efforts of Indian Judiciary in preserving the Democratic  values Shimla Law Review, Volume IV (April 2021 – March 2022) ISSN No. 2582-1903
2. Issues and Challenges regarding Right to Education of Persons with Disability in India: Segregation, Integration & Inclusion Current Journal Vol.6, No.24, Oct-December 2021 ISSN No.2348-6228
3. Institutionalization or De-Institutionalization (I or DI): Need for a strategy and plan to choose the Best Interest of the Child in Indeed of Care and Protection to handle the Covid 19 crisis NUSRL Journal of Law & Policy, 2021 ISSN 2349-9982
4. Environmental Issues and Corporate Governance Amity International Journal of Legal and Multidisciplinary Studies, Vol 5, Issue 9, June 2021 2581-5350
5. Issues and Challenges regarding Right to Education of Person with Disability in India: Segregation, Integration and Inclusion Current Journal, Vol.6, No.24, Oct-December 2021, ISSN No.2348-6228
6. How Long is Too Long – Issues and Challenges in Fixation of Outer Time Limit for Disposal of Criminal Cases in India: Comparative Study of India and Canada International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, Vol.8, Issue 7, July 2020, 2320-2882


7. National Green Tribunal (NGT) in Vizag Gas leak case: Strict liability versus absolute liability – Aritstotle’s distributive justice and corrective justice vis-à-vis fairness conception in tort law International Journal of Law, Vol.6, Issue 4, 2020 ISSN: 2455-2194
8. Gender Rights, Reflection, Commitment and Action Yojana, Vol.64 No.4, April 2020 ISSN: 0971- 8400
9. Doctrine of Independence of Judiciary vis-à-vis Judicial Standards and Accountability Bill, 2010: A Critical Analysis International Journal of Research and Review, Vol.7, Issue 6, June 2020 ISSN: 2349-9788
10. Imparting Quality Legal Education in India: Issues & Challenges International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary field, Vol.6, Issue 2, Feb- 2020 ISSN2455-0620
11. Trial in Absentia – A solution to expedite criminal trial delayed due to deliberate non-appearance of accused International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, Vol.9, Issue I(4), January 2020 ISSN: 2271-7811
12. Role of Teacher in shaping the quality legal education in NLUs in India: A Study of Issues and Challenges International Journal of Law, Education, Social and Sports Studies, Vol.7, Issue 1, 2020 (Jan-Mar) ISSN 2455- 0418
13. Economy & Environment: Single use Plastic (Sup) ban in India HPNLU Journal of Environment and Disaster Management, Vol. 1, 2020 ISSN: 2583-1429 (2020)
14. A Critical analyse on the performance of the NGT with respect to its mandate Current Journal, Vol.5, No.17, (Jan to March 2018), ISSN: 2348-6228
15. Do Dying Lips Always Speak Truth? – Admissibility of Dying Declaration in case of Suicide SCC (Criminal)

(2018) 2 SCC (Cri) J – 22

16. Is India Gearing up to face Cloud Technologies? – Data Privacy & Security Issues and Regulatory Framework in India Madras Law Journal (Civil) MLJ 01-12, 2016, (2016) 8 MLJ
17. Refinement of University Education: An Executive and Judicial Approach in India International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Science, Vol.4, Issue 6, June 2015, ISSN: 2278- 6236
18. Climate Change vis-à-vis Coal Mining in India & Jharkhand Conference proceedings on Environmental & Climate Change, Judicial Academy of Jharkhand, 2015
19. The Remix of Technological Advancement, Secularism, Religious issues and IPR IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), Vol.19, Issue I, Ver.IV (Jan 2014), e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845
20. Clouting of Black Clouds on Public Interest Litigation in India & Judicial Check Madras Law Journal (Civil), Issue No.7 (2014) 1 MLJ Vol.280 Part 7
21. Genomics and Patent Law: A Comparative Study NUSRL Occasional Paper, NUSRL, Ranchi ISSN No.2278-4144, 2013
22. Bumpy application of Utility Code for Genomic Inventions with Special Reference to Express Sequence Tags Vol.1, No.4, International Journal of applied Science and Biotechnology (IJASBT) ISSN NO. 2091-2609, 2013
23. Role of Utility in Genomic Patenting: A Comparative Study NUSRL Occasional Papers on IPR, NUSRL Ranchi, 2012, Vol.II. No.2, June 2012, ISSN No. 2278-4144
24. Corruption – Prevention & Regulation: An Analysis of Legal Scenario in India NUSRL Occasional Papers on Corruption at High Places, NUSRL, Ranchi, 2011, ISSN No.2278-4144
25. The Legend of IPRs in the Global Era IPR Chronicle, Vol.IV May 2007, Symbiosis society’s Law College
26. Free Trade Agreements and Traditional Knowledge MDU Law Journal, Vol.IX, Part I (2006)

Chapters in Books

1. Biosafety vis-à-vis Intellectual Property Rights in India: With reference to Pharmaceuticals 2015 Edited book, Mewar University Press, New Delhi 978-93-85212-23-9
2. Innovation & IPR – Status of India at the Global Platform: A Study 2021 International Law: Contemporary Developments (Essays in the Honor of Prof. A.K.Koul), Satyam International 978-93-91345-11-2
3. Inventive concept inquiry of patent eligibility subject matter (Old Wine in New Bottle), IPRs: Contemporary Developments 2020 Intellectual Property Rights: Contemporary Developments, Thomson & Reuters Publications 978-938989150-8
4. Legal Positioning of a Common Man v. A Social Media Platform: A Case Study of Facebook related Litigation in India 2017 Information Security: Law and Governance 9789382823926
5. Is your data safe in Cloud Era – Data Privacy & Intrustion 2017 Information Security: Law and Governance 9789382823926
6. Trademark: A Historical and Modern Epoch 2014 Intellectual Property Rights – A Prismatic View, Radha Publications, New Delhi 81-7487-924-2
7. Equality, Merit and Affirmative Action: A Comparative Study of USA and India 2023 Comparative Approaches in Law & Policy, Springer 978-981-99-4459-0
8. Forced Sterilization in the Women and Girls with disabilities – Eugenics, Best Interest Theories etc., – A Critical Review 2024 Disability A Journey from Welfare to Right 978-81-19119-69-1


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Interpretation of Inventive Step: Private Monopoly vs. Public Interest Lambert Academic Publishing 978-3-659- 50771-7
Laws relating to Sound Trademarks: A Cross-jurisdictional Study Lambert Academic Publishing 978-3-8454-3371-2
Biotechnology & Genomics vis-à-vis IPR view point: Legal, Ethical, Moral, Social and Environmental Issues Satyam Law International 978-93- 82823-46-9
Patenting of Biotechnological Inventions: A Comparative Study of EU, USA and India Satyam Law International 978-93- 82823-46-9
Judicial Review of Legislative, Executive and Administrative Action: Need for Equilibrium Scholar’s Press, Germany 978-3-639- 70726-7
Child & Law: Legal & Social Reflections Satyam International 978-93- 91345-13-6
Constitutional Governance and Contemporary Issues Satyam International

Articles in Journals

1. Political Terrorism and Political Crime vis-à-vis Criminalization of Politics: A Critical Analysis of the Efforts of Indian Judiciary in preserving the Democratic  values Shimla Law Review, Volume IV (April 2021 – March 2022) ISSN No. 2582-1903
2. Child Labour and International Trade: Challenges in Adopting Humanistic Approach under WTO Chota Nagpur Journal of Law 2022 0973-5858
3. . If I am Killed, the Whole Criminal Justice System will die because I am the witness of the Criminal Trial’ – A Critical Analysis of the Witness Protection Regime in India Madras Law Journal (Criminal) 2022 2581-5350
4. IP Backed Financing: Challenges in Implementation – A Comparative Study of China, South Korea, Singapore, and India. National Law University Assam Law & Policy Review (NLUALPR) Volume IV, 2021
5. Endorsement vis-à-vis Patent & Trademarks: Issues & Challenges – A Critical Analysis NUSRL Journal of Law & Policy, 2021
6. How Long is Too Long – Issues and Challenges in Fixation of Outer Time Limit for Disposal of Criminal Cases in India: Comparative Study of India and Canada International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, Vol.8, Issue 7, July 2020, 2320-2882
7. Public Administration for Social Change Yojana, August 2021 0971-8400
8. Doctrine of Independence of Judiciary vis-à-vis Judicial Standards and Accountability Bill, 2010, A Critical Analysis International Journal of Research and Review, Vol.7, Issue 6, June 2020, 2349-9788
9. National Green Tribunal (NGT) in Vizag Gas leak case: Strict liability versus absolute liability – Aritstotle’s distributive justice and corrective justice vis-à-vis fairness conception in tort law International Journal of Law, Vol.6, Issue 4, 2020 ISSN: 2455-2194
10. Imparting Quality Legal Education in India: Issues & Challenges International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary field, Vol.6, Issue 2, Feb- 2020 ISSN2455-0620
11. Trial in Absentia – A solution to expedite criminal trial delayed due to deliberate non-appearance of accused International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, Vol.9, Issue I(4), January 2020 ISSN: 2271-7811
12. Role of Teacher in shaping the quality legal education in NLUs in India: A Study of Issues and Challenges International Journal of Law, Education, Social and Sports Studies, Vol.7, Issue 1, 2020 (Jan-Mar) ISSN 2455- 0418
13. Economy & Environment: Single use Plastic (Sup) ban in India HPNLU Journal of Environment and Disaster Management, Vol. 1, 2020 ISSN: 2583-1429 (2020)
14. Panchayat System Yojana, Vol.64 No.4, April 2020, ISSN: 0971-8400
15. ‘Human Rights’ vis-à-vis ‘Economic Rights’: An Analysis of TRIPs Agreement Shodh Pravah, A Multidisciplinary Quarterly Referred International Research Journal, Vol.8.4, No.4, April- June 2019
16. Do Dying Lips Always Speak Truth? – Admissibility of Dying Declaration in case of Suicide SCC (Criminal)

(2018) 2 SCC (Cri) J – 22

17. Is India Gearing up to face Cloud Technologies? – Data Privacy & Security Issues and Regulatory Framework in India Madras Law Journal (Civil) MLJ 01-12, 2016, (2016) 8 MLJ
18. Climate Change vis-à-vis Coal Mining in India & Jharkhand Conference proceedings on Environmental & Climate Change, Judicial Academy of Jharkhand, 2015
19. Refinement of University Education: An Executive and Judicial Approach in India International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Science, Vol.4, Issue 6, June 2015, ISSN: 2278- 6236
20. Understanding ‘Patenting of Nano-technology’ in India Indian Journal of Diplomacy, Vol.16, Issue 6, New Delhi, November-December 2015, ISSN 2347-1913
21. The Remix of Technological Advancement, Secularism, Religious issues and IPR IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), Vol.19, Issue I, Ver.IV (Jan 2014), e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845
22. Clouting of Black Clouds on Public Interest Litigation in India & Judicial Check Madras Law Journal (Civil), Issue No.7 (2014) 1 MLJ Vol.280 Part 7
23. Genomics and Patent Law: A Comparative Study NUSRL Occasional Paper, NUSRL, Ranchi ISSN No.2278-4144, 2013
24. Bumpy application of Utility Code for Genomic Inventions with Special Reference to Express Sequence Tags Vol.1, No.4, International Journal of applied Science and Biotechnology (IJASBT) ISSN NO. 2091-2609, 2013
25. Modern Technology and Globalization in the Light of Gandhian Thought NUSRL Occasional Papers on IPR, NUSRL Ranchi, 2012, Vol.II. No.2, June 2012, ISSN No. 2278-4144
26. Corruption – Prevention & Regulation: An Analysis of Legal Scenario in India NUSRL Occasional Papers on Corruption at High Places, NUSRL, Ranchi, 2011, ISSN No.2278-4144
27. The Legend of IPRs in the Global Era IPR Chronicle, Vol.IV May 2007, Symbiosis society’s Law College
28. 22. Free Trade Agreements and Traditional Knowledge MDU Law Journal, Vol.IX, Part I (2006)

Chapters in Books

1. Biosafety vis-à-vis Intellectual Property Rights in India: With reference to Pharmaceuticals 2015 Edited book, Mewar University Press, New Delhi National 978-93-85212-23-9
2. ‘US-India Trade (Innovation, Technology & IP) War: A Looser’s Game 2021 International Law: Contemporary Developments (Essays in the Honor of Prof. A.K.Koul), Satyam International National 978-93-91345-11-2
3. ‘Standard Essential Patents on Fair, Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory (FRAND) Terms – Check and balance on exercise of exclusive rights by patent holder in a monopolistic & anti-competitive way 2020 Intellectual Property Rights: Contemporary Developments, Thomson & Reuters Publications National 978-938989150-8
3. Is Your Data Safe in Cloud Era? – Data Privacy v. Intrusion 2017 Information Security: Law and Governance National 9789382823926
4. The Royal Bhutan’s IPR Regime: Unfolding Triple Secrets 2014 Intellectual Property Rights – A Prismatic View, Radha Publications, New Delhi National 81-7487-924-2
Equality, Merit and Affirmative Action: A Comparative Study of USA and India 2023 Comparative Approaches in Law & Policy, Springer International 978-981-99-4459-0
Artificial Intelligence Divide & Persons with Disabilities’ right to work: Employment Eco System in India 2024 Disability A Journey from Welfare to Right National 978-81-19119-69-1


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  1. Women Police in India: A Socio-Psychological study of Delhi and Orissa, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, German

Edited Books- International and National

  1. Job Expectation, adjustment and coping mechanism among women in two police forces in India (a Joint paper by (Jisu Ketan Pattanaik and Vidisha Barua Worley) in De Guzman and Das(ed) The Evolution of Policing: World Wide Innovations and Insights (Ch-12), 2013, CRC Press, USA.
  2. Women, Law Enforcement and Deconstruction of Patriarchy: A Sociological Analysis of the Supreme Court verdict on Sabarimala, Women, Law and Society, Victorious Publishers India, New Delhi, 2019.
  3. Problems and Prospects of women police in Odisha and Delhi: A sociological study in Panda, Uttam Kumar(ed) Gender issues and Challenges in Twenty First Century, Satyam Law International, 2015.
  4. Elected women’s representatives to the village Panchayat: their role in rural development programmes and environmental protection: A critical appraisal (A joint paper by S. Mohanty, J.K. Pattanaik and N. Mohanty) in Samal, Prasana. K(ed) TribalDevelopment: options, Gyanodaya Publication, Nainital, U.P, 1996.
  5. Social change and female criminality in India in Bajpai, G.S(ed) Development withoutDisorder, Vishwavidyalaya Prakashan, Sagar (M.P)

International Journals

  1. Tribal Children in Odisha and their right to education in the home language, South Asia Research (Scopus) Vol.40(2):163-180,2020

National Journals

  1. MGNREGA and its impact on Livelihood and Rural Development: A Sociological study in Barwadag Village of Ranchi District of the State of Jharkhand, Man in Society, Vol-27,2020.
  2. Challenges in Education of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Children: Case study of an Ashram School (A joint paper by Nityananda Pradhan and Jisu Ketan Pattanaik), The Ravenshaw Journal of Educational Studies, Vol.1, No.1, 2012.
  3. Language Barrier in Educational Attainment among Tribal Children: A Study of Ashram Schools in Koraput District of Odisha, India, Adivasi, Journal of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, Vol.52, No. 1& 2, 2012.
  4. Sociology of Health and Environment: its relevance in the contemporary society (A joint paper by J.K.Pattanaik and N.k.Mahakud), Swosth Hind, January, 1998.
  5. Professional Orientation and Career Aspiration of women police in Orissa-some reflection on role conflict: A sociological Analysis (A joint paper by J.K. Pattanaik and S. Mohanty), Kerala Sociologist, Vol. XXIV, No.2, 1996.
  6. Violence against women in India and its associated problems (A joint paper by J.K.Pattanaik and B.N.Chattoraj) Indian Journal of Criminology and Criminalistics, Vol.XX, No.2, 1999.
  7. Rape in India: A Multidimensional perspective, Indian journal of Criminology, Vol.29, No.1&2, 2001.
  8. Eve-Teasing among college girls: A study in urban city of Bhubaneswar, The Indian Journal of Criminology and Criminalistics, Vol.XXVII, No.1, 2006.
  9. Retirees in the Indian Family (A joint Paper by S. Mohanty, J.K. Pattanaik and N. Mohanty), Loyola Journal of Social Sciences, Vol.XII, No.2, 1998.
  10. Suicide in India: Prevention & Control strategies (A joint paper by J.K. Pattanaik, S. Mohanty and B.N. Chottoraj) Indian Journal of Criminology and Criminalistics, Vol.XX, No.3, 1999.
  11. Care of the Elderly-Onus on the Family, Social Welfare, Vol 45, No.10, 1999.

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  1. Judicial Process(Thomson Reuters, 2019)
  2. Protection of Women from Domestic Violence(Thomson Reuters, 2019)
  3. Economic Analysis of Law(Edited) (Thomson Reuters, 2021)
  4. D D Basu’s Law of Tort(Revising Author), (Kamal Law House, 2023)
  5. Indian Constitution: Essays in Honour of Prof. S S Singh(Edited) (ABS Books, 2018)
  6. Rethinking Law (Edited), (Authorspress, 2013)
  7. A Handbook on Animal Rights(Edited)(NUSRL, 2021)
  8. Environmental Law (Edited), (Book Corporation, 2019)


Articles in Journals:

“Untangling the Constitutional Labyrinth”, Bond Law Review (2010)

“Historical Approach to Legal Research”, Soochow Law Journal (2020)

“Text, Context, and Human Rights-Based Interpretations by Domestic Courts”, Shimla Law Review (2021)

“Conceptualising Right to Property”, Banaras Law Journal (2022)

“Dworkin’s Theory of Adjudication: Revisiting the Law’s Empire,  Banaras Law Journal (2016)

“Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005: A Procedural Overview”, Banaras Law Journal (2020)

“Conceptualizing and Contextualizing Natural Law”, RMLNLU Law Review (2023)

“The Virtue of Rule of Law”, 7 RMLNLUJ 121 (2015)

“Can a Jurist be a Judge?: A Tale of a Failed Constitutional Experiment”, Rostrum’s Law Review (2013)

“The Holy Fast to Death and Conflicting Constitutional Moralities”,  Rostrum’s Law Review (2020)

“Development of Muslim Law in India: A Retrospect”, Journal of Islamic Law Review (2018)

“Reading Jurisprudence”, NUSRL Journal of Law and Policy (2017)

“Ragging: The Problem and the Possibility”, Indian Bar Review (2009)

“Poverty as a Human Rights Problem”, Indian Human Rights Law Review, (2010)

“Concept of Law: A Jurisprudential Exploration”, MDU Law Journal (2010)

“The Crisis in Human Rights: Universalism and Culturalism Debate Revisited”
Indian Human Rights Law Review (2012)

“Social Justice under Post-Colonial Constitution of India: A Cinematic Sojourn”, Journal of Law and Social Sciences (2012)

“Natural Law and Indian Jurisprudence”, Burdwan University Law Review (2014)

“Adjudication vis-à-vis Separation of Powers: A Jurisprudential Analysis”, Madras Law Journal (2009)

“Some Reflections on Witchcraft in India”. NUSRL Journal of Law and Policy (2022).

Contributed three modules (four quadrants) in Epg-pathsala Project (A Ministry of HRD Project, Government of India, 2017) on Meaning of Punishment, Retributive and Deterrence Theories of Punishment, Sentencing, Public Opinion and Media Reporting.


Chapters in Books:

  1. “Climate Change and Tortious Liability”, in Subhram Rajkhowa (Ed), Climate Change and Climate Justice (Satyam Law International, 2024).
  2. “Dynamics of Judicial Process” in Uday Shankar al(Ed) The Journey of Seven Decades: Constitutional Discourse at Crossroads, HNLU (2022).
  3. Justice, Liberty and Equality: The Preambular Promise” in Deepa Kansra (Ed),
    The Preamble, Universal Law Publishing Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi (2013)
  4. “Constitutional Adjudication” in Deepa Kansra, Rabindra Pathak al (Ed), Rethinking Law, Authorspress, New Delhi (2012)
  5. “Corruption in India: A Threat to Rule of India”, in Prof. B C Nirmal al. (ed), Combating, Corruption Black Money and Money Laundering: Issues and Challenges Ahead(Satyam Law International, New Delhi, India, 2017)

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Sr. No. Title Journal UGC Care Listed/ Referred/ Peer – Reviewed Impact Factor, if any
1 Mental Healthcare Act 2017-Budgetary and Social Constraints in Implementation-A Critical Study Global Journal of Juridical Sciences

Volume-VIII, Issue -1, September 2020

Peer Reviewed

ISSN 2347-5668

2 Telepsychiatry and its Limitations- A Critical Appraisals in the backdrop of the Legislative Framework in India Rostrum Law Review

Volume VII, Issue 2

UGC Care List

ISSN 2321-3787

3. Mental Health- Law and policy in Covid-19 pandemic International Journal of Academic Research ISBN-2348-7666

Peer Reviewed


4. Clinical Trials in India: Issues and challenges under the Human Rights Framework Jharkhand Bar Council Journal Vol-4, issue-3, September 2017  
5. Right of Women not to be arrested at night Conference Publication by Jamshedpur Women’s College ISBN-978-81-924278-4-3



Articles in Journals:

Sr. No. Title Journal UGC Care Listed/ Referred/ Peer – Reviewed Impact Factor, if any
1. Mental Health- Law and policy in Covid-19 pandemic International Journal of Academic Research ISBN-2348-7666

Peer Reviewed


2. Clinical Trials in India: Issues and challenges under the Human Rights Framework Jharkhand Bar Council Journal Vol-4, issue-3, September 2017  
3. Right of Women not to be arrested at night Conference Publication by Jamshedpur Women’s College ISBN-978-81-924278-4-3

Chapters in Books

Sr. No. Title of Chapter Title of Book and Publisher ISBN Year
1. Witch Craft, a Correlation Between Tribal Society

and Mental Health: A Critical Socio-legal Study

Tribal Rights in India; Challenges and Achievements in 21st. Century

Best Publishing House

978-81-9382-160-2 2018
2. Mental Health Care Act 2017 and its implementation; A Critical Analysis Justice Dipak Mishra, National Call for papers-2019

Constitutional Law, Edited by- Prof. Dr. N. K .Chakrabarti

978-941524-3-9 2019


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  1. Published article “In re Tempnology: Revisiting Trade Mark Licensing in Bankruptcy” in Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice (Oxford University Press, UK) Vol. 15, Issue 9, September 2020, pp. 749 – 760. (SCOPUS)
  2. Published “Trade Protectionism in Times of Pandemic: Assessing the Legitimacy of India’s Export Ban over Essential Drugs” in Rostrum Law Review (UGC – Care Listed) (ISSN 2321 – 3787)
  3. Solution to Corporate Resolution under Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code in COVID – 19 Era: Ordinance 2020 as a Rescuer of the Indian Economy? UPES Law Review, Contemporary Issues in Law, Vol. VI (UGC Care Listed) ISSN 2347-9620
  4. Published SEBI’s Consultative Paper on Independent Directors: A Review (p.244) Ram Manohar Lohia National Law University Journal Vol. 13 (2021) ISSN: 0975 – 9549 UGC Care List No. 83
  5. Published Contemporary Issues in False and Misleading Advertisements in India: As a Legacy of Unfair Trade Practice (p. 302) Ram Manohar Lohia National Law University Journal Vol. 14 (2022) ISSN: 0975 – 9549 UGC Care List No. 83

Referred & Peer Reviewed Journals

  1. Published article “Masquerading or Genuine Brand Extension: Exploring Surrogate Advertising in Liquor Industry” International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (UGC – Referred) December 2020, Vol. 7, Issue 4 E – ISSN 2348 – 1269.
  2. Published article “Financial Institutions and IBC, 2016” at NUSRL Journal of Law and Policy (Peer Reviewed) ISSN 2349 – 9982 Vol. Vi, 2019.
  3. Published article “Displacement, Rehabilitation & Resettlement in Tribal Areas due to Mining Operations in the State of Jharkhand: Laws and Policies” in International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (UGC – Referred) May 2019 Vol. 6, Issue 2 E – ISSN 2348 – 1269.
  4. Published article ‘Sustainable Development in India: The case of Jharkhand’as Co – Author in Book Titled ‘Sustainable Development: Response to Global Warming and Climate Change’ by Prof. Dr. Saligram Bhatt, Prof. Dr. G. S. Sachdeva, Prof. Dr. B. C. Nirmal and Capt. J. S. Gill, Published by S. B. Nangia A.P.H. Publishing Corporation, New Delhi 2017.
  5. Published paper titled ‘Unhealthy Mining and the Law’ in International Journal for Development Studies (UGC – Referred) ISSN 0975 – 5799 Vol. IX Issue II July 2017.
  6. Published paper titled ‘Public Trust Doctrine and Equitable Distribution’ in International Review and Research (UGC – Referred) ISSN 2319 – 3204, Issue: Jan – March 2017.
  7. Published paper titled “Legal Framework & Issues in Protection of Flora and Fauna in Mining Projects with Special Reference to the Mineral – Rich State of Jharkhand” UGC Referred and SJIF Indexed; SJIF Impact Factor 7.237 The Biobrio, Vol 8, Issue 1&2, March – June 2021



  1. Editor of book titled” Expanding Horizons of Consumer Protection Laws” ISBN 978-81-952237-5-6; Publisher NUSRL, Ranchi (2021)
  2. Authored book titled “UN Convention on Contracts for International Sale of Goods, 1980: Need for India” Srijan Samiti Publications, Varanasi U.P ISBN 978– 93 –83583 – 60– 7
  3. Published Chapter titled “Economic Analysis of Corporations” (p.115) Economic Analysis of Law, Thompson Reuters (2021) ISBN: 978 – 93 – 91340 – 17 – 9
  4. Published Chapter titled “Sustainable Development in India: The Case of Jharkhand” in book titled Sustainable Development: Response to Global Warmingand Climate Change, Edited by Prof. Dr. Saligram Bhatt, Prof. Dr. G. S. Sachdeva, Prof. Dr. B. C. Nirmal and Capt. J. S. Gill; Published by S. B. Nangia A.P.H. Publishing Corporation, New Delhi (2017) ISBN: 978– 93 – 313 –2974
  5. Published paper titled “200 Reported Cases of Santhara and the Legal Conflict Surrounding It” Pp. 551 in Religious Rights of Women and Human Rights; NUSRL Publications (2021) ISBN: 978 – 81- 952237 – 63
  6. Published “Land Pollution and Allied Problems Arising out of Mining: Legal Dimensions” in book titled “2030 Agenda For Sustainable Development Issues” ; OJR Publishing Co. (2021)
  7. ISBN: 93-85571-46-X
  8. Published Chapter “The Costs of Mining: Environment and Socio – Economic Resources” in book titled “Globalization & Society” Publisher: ISDR Ranchi ISBN: 978-93-84686-64-2



  1. Presented Paper titled “Navigating the Labyrinth: Reviewing the Dynamics of Delay in the WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism” at International Seminar on Exploring the Role of International Institutions in Resolving Contemporary Conflicts held at BHU, Varanasi on 1- 3 March, 2024
  2. Presented Paper Titled “Judicial Perspective of Group of Companies Doctrine in Arbitration: Challenges Ahead” at 1stInternational Conference on Alternative Dispute Resolution: The Way Forward by South Ural State University, Russia held on 22nd November, 2020.
  3. Present Paper Titled “Financial Institutions and IBC” in Two Day Seminar on Recent Trends in Corporate Laws: Their Impact on Socio – Economic Development in India.” At PG College of Law, Osmania University, Hyderabad held between 23rd– 24th November, 2019.
  4. Presented Paper titled “Displacement, Rehabilitation and Resettlement in Mining Operations: Violation of Human Rights” at National Seminar on Human Rights Social Int. and Challenges by Centre for Human Rights and Subaltern Studies, National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi held on June 8, 2019.
  5. Presented Paper titled “Investor Protection in Corporate Law & Governance” at International Seminar on Latest Developments in Corporate Legal Affairs, UPES Dehradun held between 1st– 2nd November, 2018.
  6. Presented Paper titled “Environment Decision Making: A Failure” at National Seminar on Environmental Adjudication: A New Dimension in Environmental Jurisprudence in India” at Chhotanagpur Law College, Ranchi University, Ranchi held on 11thNovember, 2017.
  7. Presented Paper titled ‘The Costs of Mining: Environment and Socio – Economic Resources’ at 11thInternational Seminar on Globalization and Society held from 8th – 10th April, 2017 at Institute for Social Development and Research, Ranchi.
  8. Resource Person on Sexual Harrassment at Workplace at Sri Krishna Institute of Public Administration, Ranchi on 21.3.2024
  9. Resource Person Refresher Course in Womens’ Studies on 27.09.2023 at UGC HRDC, Ranchi University Ranchi held between 22.09.2023 – 5.10.2
  10. Resource Person for Guru Dakshta 17th FIP on 21.08.2023 at UGC HRDC, Ranchi University Ranchi
  11. Resource Person for 98th Orientation Programme at UGC HRDC, Ranchi University Ranchi held between 04.12.2019 – 24.12.2019
  12. Resource Person for 94th Orientation Programme at UGC HRDC, Ranchi University Ranchi held between 03.03.2019 – 01.04.2019
  13. Resource Person for Refresher Course in Environmental Science & Disaster Management at UGC HRDC, Ranchi University Ranchi on 9.12.2020
  14. Resource Person for Guru Dakshta 1st FIP on 18.12.2020 at UGC HRDC, Ranchi University Ranchi
  15. Resource Person for Refresher Course in Women’s Studies and Gender Sensitization at UGC HRDC, Ranchi University Ranchi on 24.09.2020
  16. Resource Person for Refresher Course in Commerce and Management at UGC HRDC, Ranchi University Ranchi on 21.09.2020
  17. Resource Person for Refresher Course in Research Methodology at UGC HRDC, Ranchi University Ranchi on 05.09.2020
  18. Resource Person for Refresher Course in Environment and Disaster Management at UGC HRDC, Ranchi University Ranchi held between 08.06.2018 – 28.06.2018
  19. Resource Person for 89th Orientation Programme at UGC HRDC, Ranchi University Ranchi held between 04.01.2018 – 31.01.2018
  20. Resource Person for 82nd Orientation Programme at UGC HRDC, Ranchi University Ranchi held between 12.03.2015 – 08.04.2015
  21. Resource Person for Guru Dakshta 3rd FIP at UGC HRDC, Ranchi University Ranchi on 05.02.2021
  22. Resource Person for Refresher Course in Research Methodology at UGC HRDC, Ranchi University Ranchi on 09.08.2021
  23. Resource Person for Guru Dakshta 4th FIP at UGC HRDC, Ranchi University Ranchi on 16.08.2021
  24. Resource Person for Refresher Course in Human Rights & Constitution at UGC HRDC, Ranchi University Ranchi on 25.08.2021
  25. Resource Person for Refresher Course in Environmental Studies & Disaster Management at UGC HRDC, Ranchi University Ranchi on 23.11.2021
  26. Resource Person for Guru Dakshta 10th FIP at UGC HRDC, Ranchi University Ranchi on 09.03.2021
  27. Resource Person in NCW Seminar on “Women and Reproductive Health Rights” NUSRL, Ranchi
  28. Presented paper titled ‘Legal Empowerment of Women’ at National Seminar on Women Empowerment: Obstacles and Remedies as Resource Person, held on 28th– 29th September, 2016 at Ramgarh College, Ramgarh.
  29. Participated in the Faculty Development Programme 2016 held from 26th– 31st January, 2016 at National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi.
  30. Participated in UGC – Sponsored Short Term Course in ‘Research Methodology’ held from 27thJuly, 2015 to 1st August, 2015 at UGC – Human Resource Development Centre, Ranchi University, Ranchi.
  31. Participated in Faculty Workshop on Teaching Learning Methodology and presented paper titled ‘Moot Court as a Teaching – Learning Method’ held from 27th– 29th June, 2013 at National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi.
  32. Participated in National Seminar on Economic Reforms, Economic Liberalisation and FDI held on 9th& 10th February, 2013 at National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi.
  33. Participated in Symposium of ‘Difficulties in Prosecuting Corrupt Officials’ organized by Symbiosis Law School, Pune – ILSA Chapter & Legal Aid Cell in collaboration with Anti – Corruption Cell, PCGT, Pune on 16thDecember, 2009.

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Articles in Journals:

  1. Published a paper titled ‘Synerging  IPR and Human Rights In A Globalised World: Who Gets What?’ in The Banaras Law Journal, Faculty of Law, B.H.U, Varanasi.  Vol. 42, No.1, Ban.L.J. (2013) 104-117.
  2. Published a paper titled ‘Right to Access Internet In India’ in NUSRL Journal of Law and Policy, NUSRL,Ranchi. Vol.X,2023, 70-89.


Chapters in Books

  1. Economic Analysis Of Crime And Punishment in Economic Analysis Of Law, Thomson Reuters, 2021 (ISBN-978-93-91340-17-9)


Development of E-content

Contributed a module, titled  ‘Forms of different punishment and statutory limitation on choice of punishment’ under the paper ‘Penology and Sentencing’, as a content writer with UGC- e-PG Pathshala Project on Criminology. available at https://epgp.inflibnet.ac.in/Home/ViewSubject?catid=MVs9IY38j6bxSw+ryrjUow==



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Articles in Journals

Title Name of Journal & ISSN Author/Co-Author
Child Labour and International Trade: Challenges in Adopting Humanistic Approach under World Trade Regime Chotanagpur Law Journal


“Globalization And Children’s Rights: Toward A Re-Vision Of Human Rights” IJRAR Journal

ISSN 2349-5138,

“The New Lawyer and a New Approach to Ethics (Volume 1 Issue 2) of   International Journal For Legal Research And Analysis Author
 “Linkage between Trade and Child Labour standards” AD VALOREM – Journal of Law : Volume 6:Issue I: Part II: January- March 2019 :ISSN:2348-5485 Author

Chapters in Books

  1. Book Chapter titled ‘Can Suspension Of Concessions Replace Full Compliance At The WTO Dispute Settlement’ has been published in theBook, Dynamics of Corporate and Commercial Laws with ISBN 978-93-91145-48-4
  2. Chapter titled “Trafficking of Children: The Child Trade Paradigm” has been published in a book named Dynamics of Socio-Economic Offences, Satyam Law International with ISBN 978-93-91345-12-9


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  1. ‘Mental Health  and Legal Rights’publication by Satyam Law International Book Publication    ISBN;  978-81-19121-08-3, 2024New Delhi,2024
  2. “Economic Analysis of Law”publication by Thomson Reuters ISBN 978-93-91340-17-9,2021
  3. “Recent Trends in Law and Economics,” publication by Satyam Law International Book Publication    ISBN;  978-81-949509-9-8, 2021 New Delhi,2021
  4. “Legal Regulation of Agricultural Procurement and Processing in India,” publication by Satyam Law International Book Publication    ISBN; 978-81-921204-9-2, 2013 New Delhi


Articles in Journals

  1. “Economic Approach to Law with Special Reference to India ‘s Policy Intervention during Covid Crisis” in Soochow Law Journal, Volume19(1) January 2022, 1052109 pp 105 -119
  2. “India’s Trade Law and Policy: Issues and Challenge” in Law Review of Sri Jai Narain Mishra     Post Graduate College Lucknow ISSN:2349-946X, Volume 42, No I Dec 2021, pp 24-2( https://portal.issn.org/resource/ISSN/2349-946X)
  3. “The Future of Legal Education in India” in Indian Bar” Review Vol 49 (1) 2022  pp 227-231  ISSN 978-81931981-0-0(
  4. “Law and Economics: Its Relevance in Reality”in Chotanagpur Law Journal ISSN – 0973-5858 Voi 12 , No: XII 2020-2021 pp 141-147(https;//cnlawcollege.ac.in/publications/journals)
  5. Published paper on “ Right to Health :Law and Policy in India’ in Law Reviewof Sri Jai Narain Mishra Post Graduate College Lucknow ISSN:2349-946X,Volume 41,No I Dec 2021,pp 24-28
  6. “The Exodus of Labours During Pandemic: An Overview” in Jharkhand  Journal of Development and Management Studies XISS, Ranchi,ISSN0973-8444, Vol,19No .1 & 2, Jan –March 2021, pp 8447-8485. (https://www.xiss.ac.in/JJDMS/)
  • “Economic Analysis of Code on Labor Wages 2019”in Jharkhand  Journal of Development and Management Studies XISS, Ranchi, ISSN0973-8444, Vol,18,No .1 & 2, Jan –June 2020, pp 8447-8454 9 . (https://www.xiss.ac.in/JJDMS/)
  • “ Economic Implications of White  Collar Crimes in India” in Indian Bar Review Vol .47 (1)  Jan –March  2020, pp 131-149. ISSN 978-81931981-0-0  ( (https://www.barcouncilofindia.org/info/bci-trust)
  1. “Relevance of Health Economics, Law & Policy for Economic Growth”in CNLU Law Journal, ISSN 0976-805X volume IX 2020-2021.pp-132 145  ( cnlu.ac.in/journal )
  2. “Development in Bihar with Special Reference to Agriculture” in International Journal of Developlpment Studies ( IJSD) ( July –Dec 2017) Vol .IX Issue – II ISSN 0975-5799.184-188(pp) ( http://www.rsmeena.com/ijds-journal.htm)
  3. “Agriculture Price Policy And Regulation In India” in Resonance National Journal of value Education Vol 5.2 ( july 2017) ISSN  -2320-7116 ,87-92 (pp)
  • Black Money Act, 2015 and the Menace of Parallel Economy in India: An Assessment” in  International Journal The NUSRL Journal of Law And Policy(  Jan  -June 2015)  Vol . 2 No 1 ISSN 2349-9982.110-118(pp)


Chapters in Books

  1. “Welfare Economics in Taking the Edge off Inequality During Pandemic in India’ISBN – 9788119868087 published by EBC 2024
  2. Role of Fourth estate in economic growth and Development’ ISBN 978-93-5741-551-4, Blue Rose One Publication.2023
  3. “Right to Food Issues and Challenges in India, 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Issues & Challenges”ISBN  938557146  ,OJR, Publishing Company ,Orrisa.2020
  4. “Forest Rights of Tribal’s in Jharkhand, Tribal Rights in India Challenges and Achievement in 21st Century,”ISBN -978-81-9375-344-1, Best Publishing House New Delhi,2018
  5. “Honor Killing & legal provision in India”Honor Killing True Care Research and Development, ISBN- 978-81-93-2808-8-1, 2017Areas of


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Chapters in Books:

  • Jai Kishan Mishra (edited) book “21vi sadi me Mahatma Gandhi ki Prasangikata”, Relevance of Mahatma Gandhi in present era; Pratyush Publications, Loni, Ghaziabad; ISBN: 978-81-922227-5-2.
  • Pawnesh Kumar (edited) book Contemporary issues in ethics and management “Role of ethics and values in Human Resource Development”;Himalaya Publications, Girgaon, Mumbai.-ISBN: 978-93-5142-647-9.
  • Corruption and black money in India:  Economic assumptions and threats: Satyam Law International, New Delhi, India, 2018,  ISBN: 978-93-82823-89-6
  • Rape culture and sexual violence against women: A cross-cultural overview:Annapurna press & process, Main Road, Ranchi, 2020, ISBN: 978-93-5396-977-6

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Articles in Journals:

  • Sahoo, A., Moral Luck: The Case Against Kantian Freedom,in NUSRL Journal of Law and Policy, Vol.IX, 2022, Pp. 180-195. (ISSN: 2349-9982)
  • Sahoo, A., & Panda, R.K., The Enigma Called Freedom,in Special Issue of Sandhan on “Responsibility and Freedom” Vol. XV, No. 1& 2, January-December 2015, Pp-265-288. (ISSN NO: 0972-3609)


Chapters in Books:

  • Sahoo, A., “Ethics and Economics: An Orientation towards Good Life”, in Economic Analysis of Law, (Eds.) Rabindra K. Pathak and Shweta Mohan, Thomson and Reuters, 2021, Pp. 16-35 (ISBN-978-93-91340-17-9)
  • Panda, R. K, & Sahoo, A., “The Normative Significance of Intentional Action,” Praxiology and Reason for Action: Broadening the Borders, (Eds.) P. Makowski, M. Bonecki & K. Nowak-Posadzy,  Transaction Publisher, New Jersey, 2015, Pp. 125-134.  (ISBN: 9781412857048)
  • Sahoo, A., “Corruption as a Curative Institution: An Ethical (Pro)Position,” Combating Corruption Black Money and Money Laundering: Issues and Challenges Ahead,(Eds.) Prof. (Dr.) B.C. Nirmal and Dr. Sabari Bandyopadhyay, Satyam Law International, New Delhi, 2018, Pp. 171-188. (ISBN: 978-93-82823-89-6)
  • Panda, R. K, & Sahoo, A., “Language and Morality: A Searlian Thesis on Communicative Ethics” Language and Communication: East-West Comparative Study,(Ed.) Professor Kanti Lal Das, Levant Books, Kolkata, 2018, Pp. 170-181. (ISBN: 978-93-84106-57-7)

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Articles in Journals:

  1. Published a paper  titled “Concept of Investment Arbitration and Legal Framework for regulating it in Australia” Volume6 Issue 1 Pg 97-102 of International Journal of Law Management & Humanities [ISSN 2581-5369]
  2. Published a paper titled “Governance framework for Foreign Investments in India” Volume 11, Issue 2, Pg 1304-1307 of International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods [ISSN: 2455-6211]
  3. Published a paper titled, “ A Comparative Analysis of Regulatory Framework relating to foreign investments in India, UK and USA” IN Volume 18 Issue 5, 2023  Pg 1533-1549 in The Seybold Report ISSN 1533-9211.
  4. Published a paper titled, “Different Phases of India’s Involvement with Investment Arbitration” in Vol X, Issue II, 2023 Pg 126-136 of Shodhasamhita, UGC CARE GROUP 1, ISSN: 2277-7067
  5. Presented a paper titled, “Analysis of the ISDS Mechanism with Reference to Indian BIT’s” at the International Seminar on Exploring the Role of International Institutions in Resolving Contemporary Issues, conducted by BHU Faculty of Law, Varanasi, India on 1-3rdMarch, 2024.
  6. Participated and presented a paper titled “BIT’s : A global boomerang Analysis of India’s Model BIT” at National Seminar on International Trade and Investment Law: Emerging Trends at ICFAI Law School, Hyderabad from 10th– 11th January, 2020.
  7. Participated and presented a paper titled “Analysis of Challenges to Enforcement of Arbitral Awards in India” at International Seminar on Challenges and Prospects of ADR at THE INDIAN LAW INSTITUTE, New Delhi, from 14th-15th June, 2019.
  8. Participated and presented a paper titled “India’s Refugee Policy: Need of a Refugee Law” at International Seminar on Global Refugee Crisis: A Multidisciplinary Humanitarian Approach organized by University Law College, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, from 27th-28thApril, 2019.

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  1. Sesquicentennial Volume of Indian Evidence Act 1872, published by National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi, Co-Edited with Prof. (Dr.) Kesava Rao, Dr. Nachiketa Mittal, ISBN: 978-81-952237-1-8 [2022]
  2. Mahila Evum Baal Kanoon (Hindi Edition), Published by Central Law Publications, Co-authored with Dr. Anjani Kant, ISBN: 9789390735457 [2022]
  3. Law Relating to Women and Children, Published by Central Law Publications, Co-authored with Dr. Anjani Kant, ISBN: 978-93-88267-65-6 [2020]

Articles in Journals

  1. ‘Impact of Emotions on Judicial Decisions: A Legal Perspective’,

in the Souvenir published by the Bar Council of Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim and Mizoram on the completion of Silver Jubilee. [2022]

  1. ‘Is Competition Commission of India Super Regulator’NUSRL Journal of Law and Policy, ISSN- 2349-9982
  2. Exposing the fault line of the Triple Talaq Bill (Analyzing the criminalization techniques viz. The Muslim women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Bill, 2017AIR Cr.L.J.
  3. ‘Media and Trial: Administration of Criminal Justice System in India’, NUSRL Journal of Law and Policy, Vol. V, pg. 31-42, ISSN 2349-9982
  4. Maintenance to divorcees, Gender Justice and Uniform Civil Code in India: Dangers of Judicial Action and Government Inaction”,Social Sciences International Research Journal, Vol. III (Special Issue), ISSN 2395-0544.
  5. Reproductive Rights of Prisoners: Legal and Institutional Challenges”,National Journal of Comparative Law, Vol. III, Issue I, pg. 97-104, ISSN 2393-9338.
  6. Compromise in Cardinal Principles of Criminal Law: A Threat to Individual Liberty”,ITMU Law Review (A Peer-Reviewed, Bi-annual Academic Publication), Vol. I, Issue II, ISSN 2321–9904.
  7. Judicial Activism and Human Rights In India: Recent Trend”, ISSN 2394-997X, Volume-I, Issue-1, pg. 14-32.

Chapters in Books

  1. The U.P. Prohibition of Unlawful Conversion of Religion Act 2021: Threat to Right to Religion and Human Rights’ Religious Rights of Women: Issues and Challenges, ISBN 978-81-952237-63
  2. ‘Gender Discrimination and the Offence of witch-hunting in India: An analysis’, Prevention and Abolition of the Practice of Witch Hunting, ISBN 978-93-5406-197-4
  3. Is Data Trading & Monetization Infringing Consumer’s Right to Data Protection: A Critical Evaluation, ISBN 978-81-952237-5-6
  4. Participatory and Non-Participatory Criminal Legal Research, Legal Research Methodology, Edited by Dr. Ashish Kumar Srivastava, Satyam Law International.


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Articles in Journals

  • Abril, Choubey, et. al. (2024). Reasonable Accommodation and Disability: A Comparative Analysis. Diritto della Sicurezza sul Lavoro, available at https://journals.uniurb.it/index.php/dsl/article/download/4466/3895/16564.
  • Choubey, S.B. (2023). The Uber Conundrum. National Law School Journal, Vol. 17(1), available at https://repository.nls.ac.in/nlsj/vol17/iss1/5/
  • Choubey, S.B. (2022). Economic Analysis of the Laws Concerning Eminent Domain in India. NUSRL Journal of Law & Policy, Vol IX.
  • Choubey, S.B. & Singh, A.V. (2014). Foreign Portfolio Investors: A Developmental Approach. [2014] Company Law Journal 80(1)
  • Choubey, S.B. & Singh, A.V. (2013). SEBI’s Action Plan for Foreign Portfolio Investors. [2013] 117 Corporate Law Advisor (Mag.) 37

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Books: (with full citation: Publisher, year)

Articles in Journals: (with complete citation & web

link, if available)


Articles in UGC CARE list Journals

“Facebook’s Monopoly in Social Networking Market:  A Critical Test for Antitrust Laws”, pp. 245-69, Journal of Indian Law Institute, ISSN 0017-5731 (2021).

“Deterring Cartel in India: A Half UN (done) Job?”, pp 167-179, Indian Journal of Law

and Justice, ISSN: 0976-3570. (2016)

Articles in Journal which were in UGC list at the time of Publication

“Cement Cartelization Case: (Re) Defining Moment for Competition Jurisprudence in

India”, pp 132-140, JOLTI, ISSN: 2231-1580. (2015)

“Corporate Governance Regime in India”, pp. 145-158, National Capital Law Journal,

ISSN: 0972-0936 (2017)

Articles in Peer-reviewed Journal

Covid-19’s Fatal Blow to Free Market Theorem: Fault lines are Visible in ‘Invisible Hand’, pp. 60-75, Indraprastha Technology Law Journal, ISSN 2394-1839.

Whither Corporate Speech: Neverland of Democracy and Moral Obligation? , Indraprastha Technology Journal, ISSN 2394-1839, Jan -Feb 2023



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SURROGACY Legal, Ethical, and Social Perspectives Adhyyan Books New Delhi 2023 1st Edition 978-93-5847-049-9.

Articles in Journals:

Rights and obligations of parties involved in Surrogacy THE MASS 2016 VII (No. 4) 37- 41 0975198X
Plea Bargaining in Indian Criminal Jurisprudence: An Overview UNIVERSAL REVIEW 2016 VII (No.-2) 135-144 22772723
Women Discrimination in India IJMALE 2016 2(No.-2) 83-93 2394661X
Dishonour of Cheques: A Critical Analysis of Civil and Criminal Liability in the light of Case Laws IJESD 2016 2 (No.-4) 79-89 23494549
Conflict between Developed and Developing Countries in WTO- Dispute Settlement Process Global Journal for Legal Studies 2016 5 (No.-2) 34-46 22777296
NJAC vis- a- vis Collegium System: A

New Beginning

HUMAN RIGHTS INITIATIVE 2015 7 (No. 12-13) 66-72 09750541
Capital of a Company IJMALE 2015 1(No.-2) 80-90 2394661X
Anti- Terrorism laws in India IJESD 2015 2(No.-1) 76-82 23494549
Non- Recognition of Marital Rape as an offence in India is incongruous with the Evolving Human Rights Jurisprudence  


Law Quest













Procedure established by Law: A case study JIGYASA 2018 VOL XI (No. 5) 260-266 0974-7648
Freedom of Religion- A Judicial Interpretation IJMALE 2018 Vol. 4 (No. 2) 19-29 2394-661X
Examining the Juvenile Justice System in India: A Critical Analysis with Emphasis on Juvenile Delinquency Jus Corpus Law Journal 2023 Vol. 3

Issue 3

534-546 2582-7820
Medical Care and Health Issues of Females in India: Legal Scenario Annals of R.S.C.B. 2021 25 4237-4241 Scopus
AFSA: A Belligerent Act Causing tyranny in the name of Natural Justice NUSRL Journal of Law & Policy 2023 X 2349-9982

Chapters in Books

Role of Forensic Science Techniques and their utility in the Criminal Investigation along with the recent development in that respective field Sesquicentennial Commemorative Volume of Indian Evidence Act

NUSRL, Ranchi

2022 1st Edition 215-234 978-81-952237-1-8
A critical Study on the law of Cruelty under section 498A of IPC,1860 SHREE RAM LAW HOUSE CHANDIGARH 2021 1st Edition 123-138 9788195211609
“Surrogacy” A need to understand ethical, legal & socio Economic issues Satyam Law International, New Delhi 2020 1st Edition 77-97 978-93-87839-57-1
Constitutional Morality and Democracy in the time of Emergency Morality and Politics: The Perspective of Jayaprakash Narayan 2019 1st Edition 561-570 978-93-86995-50-0
The policy of Sustainable Development in International Environmental Law Conference Proceedings on Exploring Policy Making 2018 559-569 978-81-938497-0-5
Is Surrogacy Law socially beneficial? Deccan Herald 2019 20th September 10 Newspaper


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  1. Rudiments of Commercial Law, VSRD Academic Publishing (2020)
  2. Continuing Mandamus in India: Commendable or Condemnable,

Research India Press, New Delhi, 2021

Chapters in Books:

  1. “Right to Inheritance: Inherent in Women,” Book- Women, Law and Society, Bharti Publications, New Delhi, (2021)
  2. “Public Interest Litigation: A Step towards Espousing Human Rights,” Souvenir, ImamulHai Khan Law College, Bokaro, Jharkhand (2017)

Articles in Journals

  1. “E-Contract: A Conundrum” VSRD International Journal(2015)
  2. “Criminal Justice Administration” VSRD International Journal(2015)
  3. “Protection of Women from sexual Harassment at Workplace” VSRD International Journal(2015)
  4. “Nuances Underneath Standard Form Contract” VSRD International Journal(2015)
  5. “Criminal Medical Negligence and Legal Assiduity” VSRD International Journal (2015)
  6. “Triple Talak in 21st Century…” Global Journal for Legal Analysis(2016)
  7. “Empowerment of International Court of Justice” International Journal PARIPEX(2016)
  8. “Extradition and Law” International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT, and Management(2016)
  9. “Equity and Law” International Journal PARIPEX(2016)
  10. “Rights of Transgender: A Legal Transcend” Global Journal for Legal Analysis(2016)
  11. “Constitutional Commitment and Present Day Challenges”International Journal PARIPEX(2017)
  12. “Media and Law” International Journal PARIPEX(2017)
  13. “Writ of Continuing Mandamus in matters of PILs: A step towards Development of Environmental Jurisprudence” IOSR-JHSS(2017)
  14. “PIL, Mandamus and Continuing Mandamus: A Bird’s Eye View” International Journal PARIPEX(2018)
  15. “Jurisprudential Dimension of Justice” Mind and Society (2020)
  16. “Neo-Consumerism and Law” International Journal PARIPEX (2021)
  17. “Rights of Elderly Persons in India” International Journal of Advanced Educational Journal (2021)
  18. “The Forth Pillar: A Watchdog of Human Rights” International Journal of Law, Policy and Social Review(2021)
  19. “Right to Information: A Key to Social Transformation” A World Wide Journal- Indian Journal of Applied Research(2021)
  20. “Evolution of Legal Maxims in Criminal Law: An Axiological Evaluation” GIS Science Journal, Humanities(2021)

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Arnold’s The Study of Poetry A Critique. Motilal Banarasidass Publishers Private Limited: New Delhi, 2012. ISBN 978-81-208-3554-2.

Editor (Books)
  • Gandhian Principles and Judiciary, NUSRL, Ranchi, 2019, ISBN 978-93-5396-213-5.
  • Mob Lynching and Vigilantism: A Human Rights Perspective, NUSRL, Ranchi, 2019, ISBN 978-93-5396-106-0.
  • Human Rights: Social Integration and Challenges, NUSRL, Ranchi, 2019, ISBN 978-93-5361-814-8.
  • Literary Waves, A Gedenkschrift for the Literary leviathan Dr. R. C. Prasad., Motilal Banarasidass Publishers Private Limited: New Delhi. 2017. ISBN: 978-81-208-4068-3.
  • NUSRL Journal of Law and Policy, An Annual Peer Reviewed & Refereed Journal, ISSN 2349-9982. Since 2018.
  • Approaches, An Annual Refereed International Journal of English Language and Literature. ISSN 2349-5960. (www.approaches.in) since 2014
  • Literary Pearls, An Annual Refereed International Journal of English Language and Literature. Department of English B. N. College, Patna University, Patna (2013 issue) ISSN 2319-8001.
Chapter in Book
  • Co-author “Mob Lynching and Intolerance: Defeating Rile of Law and Right to Life”, Mob Lynching and Vigilantism: A Human Rights Perspective,NUSRL, Ranchi, 2019, ISBN 978-93-5396-106-0.  
  • Co-author “Journey of Mahatma Gandhi in Legal Arena”, Gandhian Principles and Judiciary, NUSRL, Ranchi, 2019, ISBN 978-93-5396-213-5.
  • Mahesh Dattani and Metatheatre: A Study of New Social Issue; Edited by Nagraj G. Holeyannavar, Manglam Publications: New Delhi, 2015. ISBN 978-93-82983-52-1
  • Emergence of New women in Indian Writing in English. Edited by Dr. A.A.Khan and Dr. Qamar Talat. Adhyayan Publishers & Distributors: New Delhi, 2012. ISBN-978-81- 8435-347-1.
  • A Collection of Indian English Poetry Edited by Radha Mohan Singh, Orient Black Swan: New Delhi, 2011. ISBN-978-81-250-4207-5. 
  1. The Language Policy vis-à-vis the National Education Policy, 2020, NUSRL Journal of law and Policy, A Peer Reviewed & Refereed  Journal of Law, Vol. VIII, 2021, ISSN 2349-9982.
  2. Church Going: The Agnostic Voice in Approaches, A Bi-annual International Refereed Research Journal of English Language and Literature, 2018. ISSN2349-5960(Print) ISSN2394- 9899(Online)
  3. Literature: Portrayal of Life in Approaches, A Bi-annual International Refereed Research Journal of English Language and Literature, 2014. ISSN2349-5960(Print) ISSN2394- 9899(Online)
  4. Post Colonial Poetry in English: Voice of the Disillusioned in ANU Journal of Humanities, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Nagarjunanagar-522510. 2013. ISSN 0975-9557
  5. The Poetry of W. B. Yeats: A Literary Linctus in The Literary Pearls, P.G Department of English B N College, Patna University, Patna. 2013. ISSN 2319-8001
  6. Literature: A Weapon for Social Reformation in LITERARY CHURNING, ISSN- 2320- 494X, Vol.-I, winter, 2013, A Bi-annual Peer reviewed international journal of language, Literature &Culture, p. 14-21.
  7. Weeding Album: A Focus on Indian Culture in Explorer, ISSN- 0974-6757, Vol. – XXXVIII Winter, 2011, A Bi-annual Refereed Journal of Creative And Critical Writing in English, Panchsheel Colony, G.T. Road, Sasaram, p. 35-42.
  8. Indian Culture and Tradition in Raja Rao’s The Serpent and The Rope in Journal of English Studies, ISSN2230-9802, Volume: IX No-1, 2011. Department of English Ranchi University, Ranchi.
  9. Ulysses by Tennyson: A Philosophy of life in Explorer, ISSN- 0974-6757, Vol. – XXXVII Summer, 2011, A Bi-annual Refereed Journal of Creative And Critical Writing in English, Panchsheel Colony, G.T. Road, Sasaram, p. 34-38.
  10. India In The Novels Of Manohar Malgonkar in Explorer, ISSN- 0974-6757, Vol. – XXXVI Winter, 2010, A Bi-annual Refereed Journal of Creative And Critical Writing in English, Panchsheel Colony, G.T. Road, Sasaram, p. 46-53.
  11. Stylistic Analysis of Manohar Malgonkar’s The Combat of Shadows in Explorer, ISSN- 0974-6757, Vol. – XXXV. Summer, 2010, Creative Writers Circle, Panchsheel Colony, G.T. Road, Sasaram, p. 44-47
  12. Struggle For Freedom In The Novels of Bhabani Bhattacharya in Explorer, ISSN- 0974- 6757, Vol. – XXXIV. Winter, 2009, Creative Writers Circle, Panchsheel Colony, G.T. Road, Sasaram, p. 25-40
  13. Quest for Identity in Anita Desai’s Novels in Explorer, – XXXI. No. 1, 2008, Creative Writers Circle, Panchsheel Colony, G.T. Road, Sasaram, p. – 117-123.
Orientation/ Refresher
  • Refresher Course on Humanities from 08-11-2021 to 23-11-2021, organized by UGC-HRDC Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana.
  • Refresher Course on “Women Studies & Gender Sensitization” from 02-07-2019 to

15-07-2019 Organized by UGC- HRDC, Ranchi University, Ranchi with Grade A.

  • UGC-Sponsored Orientation Programme from 06-07-2018 to 26-07-2018  Organized by UGC- HRDC, Patna University, Patna with Grade A
Faculty Development Programme attended:
  • 11thto 17th May 2020: One Week Faculty Development Programme, Organized by IQAC, A N College, Patna in Association with IIT Bombay.
  • 29thMay to 3rd June, 2020: Online Faculty Development Programme on “How to improve Quality in H.E.Is” Organized by I.Q.A.C of Jain Kanya Pathshala (PG) College, Muzaffarnagar.
  • 15th– 21st June, 2020: Participated in Session 2, “Language, Literature, Linguistics: Latest Teaching-Learning Trends and Technologies in English” of One Week Online International Workshop on “English from Theory to Practice to Technology” organized by St. Aloysius Institute of Technology.
  • 23rd June to 29th June 2020: Seven Day Online Faculty Development Program on “ Research Methodology” organized by Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Government Girls P G College, Kucknow.

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Articles in Journals:

  • Criminal Law And Deviant Behavior: An Examination From The Perspective Of Isaiah Berlin’s Notion Of Liberty, ISSN 2277-7067
  • Marital Rape: A Critical Analysis Of Sec. 375, Exception (2), ISSN 2581-5369
  • An Upsurge In The Socio- Economic Offenses: An Analysis Of The Recommendation By Santhanam Committee, ISSN: 0378 – 4568
  • Triple Talaq: An Analysis Of The Law And Recent Developments, ISSN: 2348-5485
  • Uniform Civil Code: A Constitutional Mandate Or A Factional Demand, ISSN 2581-9453
  • The Presidential Power To Pardon Under The Indian Constitution: An Analysis Of The Judicial Trends, ISSN 0976-0822
  • Indian Federalism And The Saga Of President’s Rule In States, ISSN: 2348-5485

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Articles in Journals: I have written 10 articles which have been published in reputed national and international journal.

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Books: (with full citation: Publisher, year)

Articles in Journals: (with complete citation & web

link, if available)

  1. Data Protection and Governance Framework in India: Issues and Challenges” published in KIITJournal of Law and Society, 2018-2020, Volume:8-10(Special Issue) ISSN No. 2231 5144, Page 03-16
  2. Data Monetisation by E-commerce Companies vis-à-Vis Data Protection Regime in India” published in Journal of Law and Policy, 2023, NUSRL, Ranchi, Volume IX, 2023, ISSN: 2349-9982, Page-187-200.
  3. Is the Competition Commission of India a Super Regulator?” Published in Journal of Law and Policy, 2021, NUSRL, Ranchi, Volume IX, 2023, ISSN: 2349-9982, Page-89-97.
  4. Use of Orphan Works in Derivative Works: Towards a Model Framework’, published in Maharishi Journal of Law and Society, Vol. II, Issue – 2, Pgs.162-173 (ISSN 2581-8007) Bi-Annual Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed National Journal

   Chapters in Books: (with complete citation & web

link, if available)

  1. Is Data Trading & monetisation Infringing Consumers Right to Data Protection: A Critical Evaluation”, Published in the Book titled “Expanding Horizons of Consumer Protection Laws”, ISBN- 978-81-952237-5-6, Page –234-245

published by NUSRL, Centre of Business Laws, NUSRL, Ranchi.

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  1. Revisiting the Law on Restraint of Trade under the Indian Contract Act: A critical analysis, Dharmashashtra National Law University Journal of Legal Studies, Vol. 1, (2023), 40-49.
  2. “Human Rights Perspective to Remedying Environment Degradation: A Legal Analysis,” Indian Journal of Integrated Research in Law ISSN: 2583-0538, Vol. 2, Issue 4 (July, 2022), 344-358.
  3. “Provisions Governing Adoption Under Juvenile Justice Act, 2015: A Critical Analysis,” Indian Journal of Integrated Research in Law ISSN: 2583-0538, Vol. 2, Issue 4 (July, 2022), 545-553.
  4. Law on Minor Contracts: Is the time ripe for change?, 150 years of the Indian Contract Act: Some Reflections, Vivekanand Institute of Technical Studies (ISBN: 978-81-951735-6-3), PG 252-259.
  5. Child Rights and the Principle of Best Interest: An analysis of the Juvenile Justice System of India, Vol.14 Scholar’s Paradise, Vidhi Agaz Group, ISBN: 978-81-941519-5-1, https://vidhiaagaz.com/scholars-paradise-volume-14/

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Books: (with full citation: Publisher, year)



Articles in Journals

  1. Published an article, Cyber stalking: Emerging concerns in India, in peer reviewed journal, GLOBAL JOURNAL OF JURIDICAL SCIENCES, ISSN: 2347-5668, VOLUME:V, ISSUE:II, MARCH-2018.
  2. Published an article, Freedom of Expression- A Critical Appraisal in the Backdrop of Indian Legal Framework,  in peer reviewed journal, GLOBAL JOURNAL OF JURIDICAL SCIENCES, ISSN: 2347-5668, VOLUME:VIII, ISSUE:I, SEPTEMBER-2020

Chapters in Books


Contributed a chapter, WRIT JURISDICTION IN INDIA, in an edited book, DEMOCRATIC AWARNESS WITH LEGAL LITERACY, published by J. PUBLICATION, KOLKATA, and ISBN 978-93-94723-04-7


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  1. Book chapter –‘Mindfulness based strategies to deal with stress’ in a book titled ‘Mindfulness and alternative healing: the new normal’

Articles in Journals:

  • Bakhla AK, Prakriti S, Kumar PA. A Case of Body Dysmorphic Disorder by Proxy. The Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders. 2012;14(4)
  • Bakhla AK, Sinha P, Sharan R, Binay Y, Verma V, Chaudhury S. Anxiety in school students: Role of parenting and gender. Industrial Psychiatry Journal. 2013;22(2):131-137.
  • Sinha P, Bakhla AK, Patnaik AK, Chaudhury S. Seasonal obsessive-compulsive disorder. Industrial Psychiatry Journal. 2014;23(2):160-162.
  • Nath K, Bhattacharya A, Sinha P,Praharaj SK. Devaki syndrome: a culture-bound psychological reaction in Indian Hindu women in response to repeated pregnancy loss? Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2015 Feb;13:13-5.
  • Praharaj SK, Goyal N, Sarkar S, Bagati D, Sinha P,Sinha VK. Musical obsession or pseudohallucination: electrophysiological standpoint. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2009 Apr;63(2):230-4.
  • Bakhla Ak, Sinha P, Shailaja Y, Pattojoshi A, Sharan R. A study of anxiety in school students: Role of sibling seniority.Orissa journal of psychiatry. 2013:25-34.
  • Bakhla AK, Sinha P, Sharan R, Binay Y, Verma V, Chaudhary S. Psychological Aspect of Visual Impairment in Children. Rinpas Journal.2011;3(2):393-400.
  • Pratap A, Akhtar S, Sinha P, Bakhla AK. Escitalopram-induced severe akathisia leading to suicide attempt. Industrial psychiatry journal. 2019 Jul;28(2):315.
  • Sinha P, Singh AK, Pratap A, Bakhla AK. Diagnostic efficiency of rorschach perceptual thinking index (pti) in children and adolescent with psychosis. International journal of Scientific Research. 2020 Feb;9(2):1.
  • Sinha P, Parihar A, Pratap A, Bhattacharya A, Bakhla AK, Chaudhury S. Neuropsychological Assessment. Psychiatry and Mental Health. 2016:33.
  • Chakraborty S, Sinha P, Pratap A, Das B, Kumar V. Impact of COVID‐19 on death anxiety in patients with anxiety spectrum disorders: A case–control study. Arch Ment Health 0;0:0.

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