Books: Women and Legal Profession: in reference to Indian Context, ISBN-10 : 9382823077
Publisher : Satyam Law International; First Edition (1 January 2014)
Articles in Journals
Journal | Title |
1. NIDA Law for Development, Graduate School of Law, National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA) Bangkok, Thailand, ISBN (e-book): 978-974-231-948-9, | Role of Women and Sustainable Development in India – A Comparative Study with ‘South Asian Countries |
2. Book of Abstract published by the National Unity of Reconciliation
3. ONUR, Sri Lanka. |
‘Women and Armed Conflict: With reference to North Eastern States of India’ |
4. An Analysis, Law Review, Vol. 37, no.1 | Women’s participation in Panchayti Raj |
5. International Peer Reviewed, Open Access Journal, Vol.7. | Sustainability and water resources system- A critical study of the state of Jharkhand |
6. IJRAR,June-V,2019, ISSN2348-1269,P-ISSN 2349-5138, | Children and the law-Emerging Issues |
7. Ram Manohar Lohia National Law University Journal,
8. Volume-XI |
The Journey from Marginal to
Mainstream-the woes of Transgender in India |
9. Ram Manohar Lohia National Law University Journal,
10. Volume-XII |
From Dream to Broken relationship – Fraudulent Non Resident (NRI) Marriages in India –A critical Study |
11. Journal of Law and Policy, Vol.V, 2018, ISSN 2349-9982, NUSRL, Ranchi. | Rise of Crimes against Children in India: Are Children safe today? |
12. Remarking an Analisation ISSN NO.: 2394-0344, VOL-2, ISSUE-6, September- 2017, | How safe are Women today? Crimes against Women in India |
13. International Journal of Arts, Humanities and Management studies.
14. ISSN NO2395-0692, Volume 02, No.06, June 2016 , |
Live-In Relationship-An Analysis through cases |
15. Ever greening of Patents, CNLU,
16. Patna. |
Judicial activism and Patent Laws In India – n analysis of cases |
17. International Journal of Arts , Humanities and Management | Substance Use and Abuse in India-
A comparative studies with other countries |
18. Legal Express:
19. International Journal of Law,Vol.3,Issue-6, ISSN 2394-465X |
Women’s Reservation Bill – Increasing the role of women in democratization of the country |
20. Journal Published by NUSRL, Ranchi | Women’s Right to Property- India, Bangladesh & Nepal |
21. Book published by CNLU, Patna. | Role Of Tribal Women At Grassroots Level – A Study In Reference To Panchayati Raj In The State Of Jharkhand’ |
Chapters in Books
Religious Freedom: The long decade Struggle for equal voice in India in Religious Rights of women and human rights, 2021. ISBN 978-81-952237-6-3.
Sr. No. | Client/Organization’s Name | Nature of Project |
1. | Pan India Research Project on ‘Revisiting the Law and Policy of Prison Administration in India by MNLU Mumbai | Research Project |
2. | 3rd Law Review (Eastern) Consultation on the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 and the 2017 Amendment, National Commission for Women, New Delhi | Consultation as a Panelist |
3. | Eastern Regional Consultation on “Rights of Muslim Women: Reviewing Muslim Personal Law” | Consultation |
Research guidance
PhD Scholars :Awarded
Books: (with full citation: Publisher, year)
1. | Biotechnology & Genomics vis-à-vis IPR view point: Legal, Ethical, Moral, Social and Environmental Issues | Satyam Law International | 978-93- 82823-46-9 | 2018 |
2. | Patenting of Biotechnological Inventions: A Comparative Study of EU, USA and India | Satyam Law International | 978-93- 82823-46-9 | 2016 |
3. | Judicial Review of Legislative, Executive and Administrative Action: Need for Equilibrium | Scholar’s Press, Germany | 978-3-639- 70726-7 | 2014 |
4. | Child & Law: Legal & Social Reflections | Satyam International | 978-93- 91345-13-6 | 2021 |
5. | Constitutional Governance and Contemporary Issues | Satyam International | Satyam International | 2019 |
Articles in Journals
1. | Political Terrorism and Political Crime vis-à-vis Criminalization of Politics: A Critical Analysis of the Efforts of Indian Judiciary in preserving the Democratic values | Shimla Law Review, Volume IV (April 2021 – March 2022) | ISSN No. 2582-1903 |
2. | Issues and Challenges regarding Right to Education of Persons with Disability in India: Segregation, Integration & Inclusion | Current Journal Vol.6, No.24, Oct-December 2021 | ISSN No.2348-6228 |
3. | Institutionalization or De-Institutionalization (I or DI): Need for a strategy and plan to choose the Best Interest of the Child in Indeed of Care and Protection to handle the Covid 19 crisis | NUSRL Journal of Law & Policy, 2021 | ISSN 2349-9982 |
4. | Environmental Issues and Corporate Governance | Amity International Journal of Legal and Multidisciplinary Studies, Vol 5, Issue 9, June 2021 | 2581-5350 |
5. | Issues and Challenges regarding Right to Education of Person with Disability in India: Segregation, Integration and Inclusion | Current Journal, Vol.6, No.24, Oct-December 2021, | ISSN No.2348-6228 |
6. | How Long is Too Long – Issues and Challenges in Fixation of Outer Time Limit for Disposal of Criminal Cases in India: Comparative Study of India and Canada | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, Vol.8, Issue 7, July 2020, | 2320-2882
7. | National Green Tribunal (NGT) in Vizag Gas leak case: Strict liability versus absolute liability – Aritstotle’s distributive justice and corrective justice vis-à-vis fairness conception in tort law | International Journal of Law, Vol.6, Issue 4, 2020 | ISSN: 2455-2194 |
8. | Gender Rights, Reflection, Commitment and Action | Yojana, Vol.64 No.4, April 2020 | ISSN: 0971- 8400 |
9. | Doctrine of Independence of Judiciary vis-à-vis Judicial Standards and Accountability Bill, 2010: A Critical Analysis | International Journal of Research and Review, Vol.7, Issue 6, June 2020 | ISSN: 2349-9788 |
10. | Imparting Quality Legal Education in India: Issues & Challenges | International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary field, Vol.6, Issue 2, Feb- 2020 | ISSN2455-0620 |
11. | Trial in Absentia – A solution to expedite criminal trial delayed due to deliberate non-appearance of accused | International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, Vol.9, Issue I(4), January 2020 | ISSN: 2271-7811 |
12. | Role of Teacher in shaping the quality legal education in NLUs in India: A Study of Issues and Challenges | International Journal of Law, Education, Social and Sports Studies, Vol.7, Issue 1, 2020 (Jan-Mar) | ISSN 2455- 0418 |
13. | Economy & Environment: Single use Plastic (Sup) ban in India | HPNLU Journal of Environment and Disaster Management, Vol. 1, 2020 | ISSN: 2583-1429 (2020) |
14. | A Critical analyse on the performance of the NGT with respect to its mandate | Current Journal, Vol.5, No.17, (Jan to March 2018), | ISSN: 2348-6228 |
15. | Do Dying Lips Always Speak Truth? – Admissibility of Dying Declaration in case of Suicide | SCC (Criminal)
(2018) 2 SCC (Cri) J – 22 |
0253-6544 |
16. | Is India Gearing up to face Cloud Technologies? – Data Privacy & Security Issues and Regulatory Framework in India | Madras Law Journal (Civil) MLJ 01-12, 2016, (2016) 8 MLJ | |
17. | Refinement of University Education: An Executive and Judicial Approach in India | International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Science, Vol.4, Issue 6, June 2015, | ISSN: 2278- 6236 |
18. | Climate Change vis-à-vis Coal Mining in India & Jharkhand | Conference proceedings on Environmental & Climate Change, Judicial Academy of Jharkhand, 2015 | |
19. | The Remix of Technological Advancement, Secularism, Religious issues and IPR | IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), Vol.19, Issue I, Ver.IV (Jan 2014), | e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845 |
20. | Clouting of Black Clouds on Public Interest Litigation in India & Judicial Check | Madras Law Journal (Civil), Issue No.7 (2014) 1 MLJ Vol.280 Part 7 | |
21. | Genomics and Patent Law: A Comparative Study | NUSRL Occasional Paper, NUSRL, Ranchi | ISSN No.2278-4144, 2013 |
22. | Bumpy application of Utility Code for Genomic Inventions with Special Reference to Express Sequence Tags | Vol.1, No.4, International Journal of applied Science and Biotechnology (IJASBT) | ISSN NO. 2091-2609, 2013 |
23. | Role of Utility in Genomic Patenting: A Comparative Study | NUSRL Occasional Papers on IPR, NUSRL Ranchi, 2012, Vol.II. No.2, June 2012, ISSN No. 2278-4144 | |
24. | Corruption – Prevention & Regulation: An Analysis of Legal Scenario in India | NUSRL Occasional Papers on Corruption at High Places, NUSRL, Ranchi, 2011, ISSN No.2278-4144 | |
25. | The Legend of IPRs in the Global Era | IPR Chronicle, Vol.IV May 2007, Symbiosis society’s Law College | |
26. | Free Trade Agreements and Traditional Knowledge | MDU Law Journal, Vol.IX, Part I (2006) |
Chapters in Books
1. | Biosafety vis-à-vis Intellectual Property Rights in India: With reference to Pharmaceuticals | 2015 | Edited book, Mewar University Press, New Delhi | 978-93-85212-23-9 |
2. | Innovation & IPR – Status of India at the Global Platform: A Study | 2021 | International Law: Contemporary Developments (Essays in the Honor of Prof. A.K.Koul), Satyam International | 978-93-91345-11-2 |
3. | Inventive concept inquiry of patent eligibility subject matter (Old Wine in New Bottle), IPRs: Contemporary Developments | 2020 | Intellectual Property Rights: Contemporary Developments, Thomson & Reuters Publications | 978-938989150-8 |
4. | Legal Positioning of a Common Man v. A Social Media Platform: A Case Study of Facebook related Litigation in India | 2017 | Information Security: Law and Governance | 9789382823926 |
5. | Is your data safe in Cloud Era – Data Privacy & Intrustion | 2017 | Information Security: Law and Governance | 9789382823926 |
6. | Trademark: A Historical and Modern Epoch | 2014 | Intellectual Property Rights – A Prismatic View, Radha Publications, New Delhi | 81-7487-924-2 |
7. | Equality, Merit and Affirmative Action: A Comparative Study of USA and India | 2023 | Comparative Approaches in Law & Policy, Springer | 978-981-99-4459-0 |
8. | Forced Sterilization in the Women and Girls with disabilities – Eugenics, Best Interest Theories etc., – A Critical Review | 2024 | Disability A Journey from Welfare to Right | 978-81-19119-69-1 |
Interpretation of Inventive Step: Private Monopoly vs. Public Interest | Lambert Academic Publishing | 978-3-659- 50771-7 |
Laws relating to Sound Trademarks: A Cross-jurisdictional Study | Lambert Academic Publishing | 978-3-8454-3371-2 |
Biotechnology & Genomics vis-à-vis IPR view point: Legal, Ethical, Moral, Social and Environmental Issues | Satyam Law International | 978-93- 82823-46-9 |
Patenting of Biotechnological Inventions: A Comparative Study of EU, USA and India | Satyam Law International | 978-93- 82823-46-9 |
Judicial Review of Legislative, Executive and Administrative Action: Need for Equilibrium | Scholar’s Press, Germany | 978-3-639- 70726-7 |
Child & Law: Legal & Social Reflections | Satyam International | 978-93- 91345-13-6 |
Constitutional Governance and Contemporary Issues | Satyam International |
Articles in Journals
1. | Political Terrorism and Political Crime vis-à-vis Criminalization of Politics: A Critical Analysis of the Efforts of Indian Judiciary in preserving the Democratic values | Shimla Law Review, Volume IV (April 2021 – March 2022) | ISSN No. 2582-1903 |
2. | Child Labour and International Trade: Challenges in Adopting Humanistic Approach under WTO | Chota Nagpur Journal of Law 2022 | 0973-5858 |
3. . | If I am Killed, the Whole Criminal Justice System will die because I am the witness of the Criminal Trial’ – A Critical Analysis of the Witness Protection Regime in India | Madras Law Journal (Criminal) 2022 | 2581-5350 |
4. | IP Backed Financing: Challenges in Implementation – A Comparative Study of China, South Korea, Singapore, and India. | National Law University Assam Law & Policy Review (NLUALPR) Volume IV, 2021 | |
5. | Endorsement vis-à-vis Patent & Trademarks: Issues & Challenges – A Critical Analysis | NUSRL Journal of Law & Policy, 2021 | |
6. | How Long is Too Long – Issues and Challenges in Fixation of Outer Time Limit for Disposal of Criminal Cases in India: Comparative Study of India and Canada | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, Vol.8, Issue 7, July 2020, | 2320-2882 |
7. | Public Administration for Social Change | Yojana, August 2021 | 0971-8400 |
8. | Doctrine of Independence of Judiciary vis-à-vis Judicial Standards and Accountability Bill, 2010, A Critical Analysis | International Journal of Research and Review, Vol.7, Issue 6, June 2020, | 2349-9788 |
9. | National Green Tribunal (NGT) in Vizag Gas leak case: Strict liability versus absolute liability – Aritstotle’s distributive justice and corrective justice vis-à-vis fairness conception in tort law | International Journal of Law, Vol.6, Issue 4, 2020 | ISSN: 2455-2194 |
10. | Imparting Quality Legal Education in India: Issues & Challenges | International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary field, Vol.6, Issue 2, Feb- 2020 | ISSN2455-0620 |
11. | Trial in Absentia – A solution to expedite criminal trial delayed due to deliberate non-appearance of accused | International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, Vol.9, Issue I(4), January 2020 | ISSN: 2271-7811 |
12. | Role of Teacher in shaping the quality legal education in NLUs in India: A Study of Issues and Challenges | International Journal of Law, Education, Social and Sports Studies, Vol.7, Issue 1, 2020 (Jan-Mar) | ISSN 2455- 0418 |
13. | Economy & Environment: Single use Plastic (Sup) ban in India | HPNLU Journal of Environment and Disaster Management, Vol. 1, 2020 | ISSN: 2583-1429 (2020) |
14. | Panchayat System | Yojana, Vol.64 No.4, April 2020, ISSN: 0971-8400 | |
15. | ‘Human Rights’ vis-à-vis ‘Economic Rights’: An Analysis of TRIPs Agreement | Shodh Pravah, A Multidisciplinary Quarterly Referred International Research Journal, Vol.8.4, No.4, April- June 2019 | |
16. | Do Dying Lips Always Speak Truth? – Admissibility of Dying Declaration in case of Suicide | SCC (Criminal)
(2018) 2 SCC (Cri) J – 22 |
0253-6544 |
17. | Is India Gearing up to face Cloud Technologies? – Data Privacy & Security Issues and Regulatory Framework in India | Madras Law Journal (Civil) MLJ 01-12, 2016, (2016) 8 MLJ | |
18. | Climate Change vis-à-vis Coal Mining in India & Jharkhand | Conference proceedings on Environmental & Climate Change, Judicial Academy of Jharkhand, 2015 | |
19. | Refinement of University Education: An Executive and Judicial Approach in India | International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Science, Vol.4, Issue 6, June 2015, | ISSN: 2278- 6236 |
20. | Understanding ‘Patenting of Nano-technology’ in India | Indian Journal of Diplomacy, Vol.16, Issue 6, New Delhi, November-December 2015, | ISSN 2347-1913 |
21. | The Remix of Technological Advancement, Secularism, Religious issues and IPR | IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), Vol.19, Issue I, Ver.IV (Jan 2014), | e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845 |
22. | Clouting of Black Clouds on Public Interest Litigation in India & Judicial Check | Madras Law Journal (Civil), Issue No.7 (2014) 1 MLJ Vol.280 Part 7 | |
23. | Genomics and Patent Law: A Comparative Study | NUSRL Occasional Paper, NUSRL, Ranchi | ISSN No.2278-4144, 2013 |
24. | Bumpy application of Utility Code for Genomic Inventions with Special Reference to Express Sequence Tags | Vol.1, No.4, International Journal of applied Science and Biotechnology (IJASBT) | ISSN NO. 2091-2609, 2013 |
25. | Modern Technology and Globalization in the Light of Gandhian Thought | NUSRL Occasional Papers on IPR, NUSRL Ranchi, 2012, Vol.II. No.2, June 2012, ISSN No. 2278-4144 | |
26. | Corruption – Prevention & Regulation: An Analysis of Legal Scenario in India | NUSRL Occasional Papers on Corruption at High Places, NUSRL, Ranchi, 2011, ISSN No.2278-4144 | |
27. | The Legend of IPRs in the Global Era | IPR Chronicle, Vol.IV May 2007, Symbiosis society’s Law College | |
28. 22. | Free Trade Agreements and Traditional Knowledge | MDU Law Journal, Vol.IX, Part I (2006) |
Chapters in Books
1. | Biosafety vis-à-vis Intellectual Property Rights in India: With reference to Pharmaceuticals | 2015 | Edited book, Mewar University Press, New Delhi | National | 978-93-85212-23-9 |
2. | ‘US-India Trade (Innovation, Technology & IP) War: A Looser’s Game | 2021 | International Law: Contemporary Developments (Essays in the Honor of Prof. A.K.Koul), Satyam International | National | 978-93-91345-11-2 |
3. | ‘Standard Essential Patents on Fair, Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory (FRAND) Terms – Check and balance on exercise of exclusive rights by patent holder in a monopolistic & anti-competitive way | 2020 | Intellectual Property Rights: Contemporary Developments, Thomson & Reuters Publications | National | 978-938989150-8 |
3. | Is Your Data Safe in Cloud Era? – Data Privacy v. Intrusion | 2017 | Information Security: Law and Governance | National | 9789382823926 |
4. | The Royal Bhutan’s IPR Regime: Unfolding Triple Secrets | 2014 | Intellectual Property Rights – A Prismatic View, Radha Publications, New Delhi | National | 81-7487-924-2 |
Equality, Merit and Affirmative Action: A Comparative Study of USA and India | 2023 | Comparative Approaches in Law & Policy, Springer | International | 978-981-99-4459-0 | |
Artificial Intelligence Divide & Persons with Disabilities’ right to work: Employment Eco System in India | 2024 | Disability A Journey from Welfare to Right | National | 978-81-19119-69-1 |
Edited Books- International and National
International Journals
National Journals
Articles in Journals:
“Untangling the Constitutional Labyrinth”, Bond Law Review (2010)
“Historical Approach to Legal Research”, Soochow Law Journal (2020)
“Text, Context, and Human Rights-Based Interpretations by Domestic Courts”, Shimla Law Review (2021)
“Conceptualising Right to Property”, Banaras Law Journal (2022)
“Dworkin’s Theory of Adjudication: Revisiting the Law’s Empire, Banaras Law Journal (2016)
“Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005: A Procedural Overview”, Banaras Law Journal (2020)
“Conceptualizing and Contextualizing Natural Law”, RMLNLU Law Review (2023)
“The Virtue of Rule of Law”, 7 RMLNLUJ 121 (2015)
“Can a Jurist be a Judge?: A Tale of a Failed Constitutional Experiment”, Rostrum’s Law Review (2013)
“The Holy Fast to Death and Conflicting Constitutional Moralities”, Rostrum’s Law Review (2020)
“Development of Muslim Law in India: A Retrospect”, Journal of Islamic Law Review (2018)
“Reading Jurisprudence”, NUSRL Journal of Law and Policy (2017)
“Ragging: The Problem and the Possibility”, Indian Bar Review (2009)
“Poverty as a Human Rights Problem”, Indian Human Rights Law Review, (2010)
“Concept of Law: A Jurisprudential Exploration”, MDU Law Journal (2010)
“The Crisis in Human Rights: Universalism and Culturalism Debate Revisited”
Indian Human Rights Law Review (2012)
“Social Justice under Post-Colonial Constitution of India: A Cinematic Sojourn”, Journal of Law and Social Sciences (2012)
“Natural Law and Indian Jurisprudence”, Burdwan University Law Review (2014)
“Adjudication vis-à-vis Separation of Powers: A Jurisprudential Analysis”, Madras Law Journal (2009)
“Some Reflections on Witchcraft in India”. NUSRL Journal of Law and Policy (2022).
Contributed three modules (four quadrants) in Epg-pathsala Project (A Ministry of HRD Project, Government of India, 2017) on Meaning of Punishment, Retributive and Deterrence Theories of Punishment, Sentencing, Public Opinion and Media Reporting.
Chapters in Books:
Sr. No. | Title | Journal | UGC Care Listed/ Referred/ Peer – Reviewed | Impact Factor, if any |
1 | Mental Healthcare Act 2017-Budgetary and Social Constraints in Implementation-A Critical Study | Global Journal of Juridical Sciences
Volume-VIII, Issue -1, September 2020 |
Peer Reviewed
ISSN 2347-5668 |
2 | Telepsychiatry and its Limitations- A Critical Appraisals in the backdrop of the Legislative Framework in India | Rostrum Law Review
Volume VII, Issue 2 |
UGC Care List
ISSN 2321-3787 |
3. | Mental Health- Law and policy in Covid-19 pandemic | International Journal of Academic Research | ISBN-2348-7666
Peer Reviewed
6.023 |
4. | Clinical Trials in India: Issues and challenges under the Human Rights Framework | Jharkhand Bar Council Journal | Vol-4, issue-3, September 2017 | |
5. | Right of Women not to be arrested at night | Conference Publication by Jamshedpur Women’s College | ISBN-978-81-924278-4-3 |
Articles in Journals:
Sr. No. | Title | Journal | UGC Care Listed/ Referred/ Peer – Reviewed | Impact Factor, if any |
1. | Mental Health- Law and policy in Covid-19 pandemic | International Journal of Academic Research | ISBN-2348-7666
Peer Reviewed
6.023 |
2. | Clinical Trials in India: Issues and challenges under the Human Rights Framework | Jharkhand Bar Council Journal | Vol-4, issue-3, September 2017 | |
3. | Right of Women not to be arrested at night | Conference Publication by Jamshedpur Women’s College | ISBN-978-81-924278-4-3 |
Chapters in Books
Sr. No. | Title of Chapter | Title of Book and Publisher | ISBN | Year |
1. | Witch Craft, a Correlation Between Tribal Society
and Mental Health: A Critical Socio-legal Study |
Tribal Rights in India; Challenges and Achievements in 21st. Century
Best Publishing House |
978-81-9382-160-2 | 2018 |
2. | Mental Health Care Act 2017 and its implementation; A Critical Analysis | Justice Dipak Mishra, National Call for papers-2019
Constitutional Law, Edited by- Prof. Dr. N. K .Chakrabarti |
978-941524-3-9 | 2019 |
Referred & Peer Reviewed Journals
Articles in Journals:
Chapters in Books
Development of E-content
Contributed a module, titled ‘Forms of different punishment and statutory limitation on choice of punishment’ under the paper ‘Penology and Sentencing’, as a content writer with UGC- e-PG Pathshala Project on Criminology. available at
Articles in Journals
Title | Name of Journal & ISSN | Author/Co-Author |
Child Labour and International Trade: Challenges in Adopting Humanistic Approach under World Trade Regime | Chotanagpur Law Journal
ISSN-0973-5858 |
Co-Author |
“Globalization And Children’s Rights: Toward A Re-Vision Of Human Rights” | IJRAR Journal
ISSN 2349-5138, |
Author |
“The New Lawyer and a New Approach to Ethics” | (Volume 1 Issue 2) of International Journal For Legal Research And Analysis | Author |
“Linkage between Trade and Child Labour standards” | AD VALOREM – Journal of Law : Volume 6:Issue I: Part II: January- March 2019 :ISSN:2348-5485 | Author |
Chapters in Books
Articles in Journals
Chapters in Books
Chapters in Books:
Articles in Journals:
Chapters in Books:
Articles in Journals:
Articles in Journals
in the Souvenir published by the Bar Council of Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim and Mizoram on the completion of Silver Jubilee. [2022]
Chapters in Books
Articles in Journals
Books: (with full citation: Publisher, year)
Articles in Journals: (with complete citation & web
link, if available)
Articles in UGC CARE list Journals
“Facebook’s Monopoly in Social Networking Market: A Critical Test for Antitrust Laws”, pp. 245-69, Journal of Indian Law Institute, ISSN 0017-5731 (2021).
“Deterring Cartel in India: A Half UN (done) Job?”, pp 167-179, Indian Journal of Law
and Justice, ISSN: 0976-3570. (2016)
Articles in Journal which were in UGC list at the time of Publication
“Cement Cartelization Case: (Re) Defining Moment for Competition Jurisprudence in
India”, pp 132-140, JOLTI, ISSN: 2231-1580. (2015)
“Corporate Governance Regime in India”, pp. 145-158, National Capital Law Journal,
ISSN: 0972-0936 (2017)
Articles in Peer-reviewed Journal
Covid-19’s Fatal Blow to Free Market Theorem: Fault lines are Visible in ‘Invisible Hand’, pp. 60-75, Indraprastha Technology Law Journal, ISSN 2394-1839.
Whither Corporate Speech: Neverland of Democracy and Moral Obligation? , Indraprastha Technology Journal, ISSN 2394-1839, Jan -Feb 2023
SURROGACY Legal, Ethical, and Social Perspectives Adhyyan Books New Delhi 2023 1st Edition 978-93-5847-049-9.
Articles in Journals:
Rights and obligations of parties involved in Surrogacy | THE MASS | 2016 | VII (No. 4) | 37- 41 | 0975198X |
Plea Bargaining in Indian Criminal Jurisprudence: An Overview | UNIVERSAL REVIEW | 2016 | VII (No.-2) | 135-144 | 22772723 |
Women Discrimination in India | IJMALE | 2016 | 2(No.-2) | 83-93 | 2394661X |
Dishonour of Cheques: A Critical Analysis of Civil and Criminal Liability in the light of Case Laws | IJESD | 2016 | 2 (No.-4) | 79-89 | 23494549 |
Conflict between Developed and Developing Countries in WTO- Dispute Settlement Process | Global Journal for Legal Studies | 2016 | 5 (No.-2) | 34-46 | 22777296 |
NJAC vis- a- vis Collegium System: A
New Beginning |
HUMAN RIGHTS INITIATIVE | 2015 | 7 (No. 12-13) | 66-72 | 09750541 |
Capital of a Company | IJMALE | 2015 | 1(No.-2) | 80-90 | 2394661X |
Anti- Terrorism laws in India | IJESD | 2015 | 2(No.-1) | 76-82 | 23494549 |
Non- Recognition of Marital Rape as an offence in India is incongruous with the Evolving Human Rights Jurisprudence |
Law Quest |
2018 |
1 |
89-112 |
2249-9881 |
Procedure established by Law: A case study | JIGYASA | 2018 | VOL XI (No. 5) | 260-266 | 0974-7648 |
Freedom of Religion- A Judicial Interpretation | IJMALE | 2018 | Vol. 4 (No. 2) | 19-29 | 2394-661X |
Examining the Juvenile Justice System in India: A Critical Analysis with Emphasis on Juvenile Delinquency | Jus Corpus Law Journal | 2023 | Vol. 3
Issue 3 |
534-546 | 2582-7820 |
Medical Care and Health Issues of Females in India: Legal Scenario | Annals of R.S.C.B. | 2021 | 25 | 4237-4241 | Scopus |
AFSA: A Belligerent Act Causing tyranny in the name of Natural Justice | NUSRL Journal of Law & Policy | 2023 | X | 2349-9982 |
Chapters in Books
Role of Forensic Science Techniques and their utility in the Criminal Investigation along with the recent development in that respective field | Sesquicentennial Commemorative Volume of Indian Evidence Act
NUSRL, Ranchi |
2022 | 1st Edition | 215-234 | 978-81-952237-1-8 |
A critical Study on the law of Cruelty under section 498A of IPC,1860 | SHREE RAM LAW HOUSE CHANDIGARH | 2021 | 1st Edition | 123-138 | 9788195211609 |
“Surrogacy” A need to understand ethical, legal & socio Economic issues | Satyam Law International, New Delhi | 2020 | 1st Edition | 77-97 | 978-93-87839-57-1 |
Constitutional Morality and Democracy in the time of Emergency | Morality and Politics: The Perspective of Jayaprakash Narayan | 2019 | 1st Edition | 561-570 | 978-93-86995-50-0 |
The policy of Sustainable Development in International Environmental Law | Conference Proceedings on Exploring Policy Making | 2018 | 559-569 | 978-81-938497-0-5 | |
Is Surrogacy Law socially beneficial? | Deccan Herald | 2019 | 20th September | 10 | Newspaper |
Research India Press, New Delhi, 2021
Chapters in Books:
Articles in Journals
Arnold’s The Study of Poetry A Critique. Motilal Banarasidass Publishers Private Limited: New Delhi, 2012. ISBN 978-81-208-3554-2.
15-07-2019 Organized by UGC- HRDC, Ranchi University, Ranchi with Grade A.
Articles in Journals:
Articles in Journals: I have written 10 articles which have been published in reputed national and international journal.
Books: (with full citation: Publisher, year)
Articles in Journals: (with complete citation & web
link, if available)
Chapters in Books: (with complete citation & web
link, if available)
published by NUSRL, Centre of Business Laws, NUSRL, Ranchi.
Books: (with full citation: Publisher, year)
Articles in Journals
Chapters in Books
Contributed a chapter, WRIT JURISDICTION IN INDIA, in an edited book, DEMOCRATIC AWARNESS WITH LEGAL LITERACY, published by J. PUBLICATION, KOLKATA, and ISBN 978-93-94723-04-7
Articles in Journals:
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