
Dr Sangita Laha

Dr Sangita Laha linkedin

Associate Professor, Law

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drafts Email Id : sangita.laha@nusrlranchi.ac.in

About Dr Sangita Laha

Dr Sangita Laha has passed Senior Cambridge from St. Joseph’s Convent High School, Patna. She did her graduation securing First Class in Political Science (honours) and further completed Master of Arts in Political Science from Patna University, MBA (Marketing), LLB (Labour Laws), LLM (Hindu Law), PhD (Law) from the University of Calcutta .Recently she has been awarded LLD (the Post Doctoral programme) on the topic” Democratic Decentralization and Woman’s Participation: A critical study with reference to Panchayati Raj System in India” from CNLU, Patna. Before joining Academia, she was a practising lawyer in Patna High Court, Patna for few years.

She joined WBNUJS, Kolkata as Assistant Lecturer and has served CNLU, Patna. Prior to joining NUSRL, Ranchi, she served as Professor & Deputy Director, Amity Law School, Amity University, Lucknow. Currently, she is Associate Professor (Law)  in National University of Study & Research in Law, Ranchi.


Awards and Accomplishments

Sl. No. Name of Award Year of Award Awarded by
1. Innovative Legal Teaching Award 5th September, 2021 LEDX Legal Education


No Data

 Areas of Interest/Research

Constitutional Law, Women & Gender Justice

Teaching / Research Experience

Around 22 years.

Conference / Seminar / Workshop/FDP:



Title of the Conference Date Place / Institution Title of Paper Presented
1. Law, Economics and Politics in the context of Digitalization Lecture

Winter Online School of Foreign Law

2023 Kutafin Law University, Moscow, Russia The role of Legislative Bodies in the Process of Lawmaking: A study on the example of India and Russia”


2. Ecolaw as a new reality of legal science in the context of global climate change March 15, 2022 Kutafin Law University, Moscow, Russia Moderating the Session
3. ‘Eurasian and Russia studies in the Post pandemic world conferference Perspective on society, policy and economy 2021 State Academic University for Humanities with Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia ‘Covid-19, India’s Greatest Crisis – Its Impact on Migration’
4. First Annual Conference 2021 Office of National Unity and Reconciliation          ( ONUR), Colombo, Sri Lanka ‘Women and Armed Conflict: with reference to North Eastern States of India’
5. Eurasian and Russia studies in the Post pandemic world conference:

Perspective on society, policy and economy.

30th June 2021 Online Conference Organized by State Academic University for Humanities with Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow,Russia. Covid-19, India’s Greatest Crisis – Its Impact on Migration.
6. Resolving Differences through Understanding:

Sustainable Peace, Security and Reconciliation in Modern Society

30th October,2021 First Annual Conference, Office of National Unity and Reconciliation,

Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Women and Armed Conflict: with reference to North Eastern States of India
7. Sustainability – A Global Challenge and Opportunity from Legal and Interdisciplinary Perspectives. December,2017 Graduate School of Law, National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA),Bangkok, Thailand, Role of Women and Sustainable Development in India – A Comparative Study with ‘South Asian Countries
1. 8th National Conference for Women in Police, organized by IPS officers. 2018 National Judicial Academy, Ranchi. Sexual harassment in workforce
2. 10 ‘Patterns and Trends of Trafficking in Person in the State’ (Stakeholders Consultation 2ndApril 2019 Office of

Lucknow, UNODP

Modern Slavery in Digital India
3. Voices of the Unheard :Putting the last first,


8-9th November, 2019, Xavier’s Institute of Social Service, Ranchi in collaboration with Pan India and Save the children. Beyond 377- Is Corporate India L GBT Inclusive
4. Multi- Stakeholder Training to counter trafficking in persons. 19-20 September 2019 UNODC in collaboration with Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India. Modern Slavery in India.
5. Women Issues and Everyday Life, Power, Resistance,


10th-11th January2020. St Xavier’s College,


Journey from Marginal from Mainstream-the woes of Transgender

in India

6. Empowering Educators, Organized by 7th October,2019 Institute of Company Secretaries, Ranchi Chapter (ICSE),


Role of teachers in imparting education.
7. National Seminar on Feminist Jurisprudence and Gender Biased Laws in India 29th Sep.2018 CNLU, Patna. Role Of Tribal Women At Grassroots Level – A Study In Reference To Panchayati Raj   In The State Of Jharkhand.
8. National Seminar on Environmental Justice through Sustainable Water Resource Management, Issues, Challenges and Solutions 28th -29th December 2019 Dept of Law, University of North Bengal. Sustainability and Water Resource System – A critical Study in the State of Jharkhand.
9. National Seminar on working of Panchayati Raj System in India. 18th-19th August,2017 WBNUJS, Kolkata. Participation of Women in PRI: A myth or a reality
10. National Conference of ‘Violence against Children in North Eastern States and Sikkim 22nd– 23rd August 2017 National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam Trafficking of persons in North eastern states and Sikkim.
11. National Seminar on Juvenile Justice. 2013 TPS Law College, Magadh University

Patna. Bihar

Live-In Relationship & conflict with Law


12. National Seminar on



Banking Law.

7th– 8th December





National Law University, Patna

Corporate Social

responsibility – an analysis of public and private sector.

13. National Seminar Faculty of Law, University of Lucknow. Constitutional and Legal Protection of schedule cast and schedule tribe in India – An analysis of different States.
14. Seminar on IPR. Amity Law School, Amity University Madhya Pradesh, Gwalior Protection and Importance of pharmaceutical industry an analysis .
15. FDP PROGRAMME 22nd June 2021 Directorate of legal Studies,

Tamil Nadu& Dr Ambedkar Government Law College, Pudupakaam

Gender Equality and Women Empowerment- a ground reality


Invited as Key Speaker/Speaker in International/National Webinars
International Webinar
Key Speaker


Title of the Conference Date Place / Institution
1. ‘Practical Application of Marriage Laws 31st May 2020 &7th June2020. Into- Legal World, Lucknow
2. Silent Voices: Legal Journey of Surrogacy in India’ 18th May2020 Adhrit Foundation, Lucknow
3. Criminalizing Triple Talaq 11th May2020 Vinoba Bhave University, Hazaribagh.
4. International Webinar on ‘COVID- 19 LOCKDOWN: Increase in Cyber Crimes in India and Worldwide: Issues and Challenge’ 17th June 2020 NUSRL, Ranchi.
5. ‘Journey from Marginalised to Mainstream: the woes of Transgender in India 30th June 2020. Knowledge Streez, New Delhi
6. Gender discrimination in the workplace 29th June 2020.


IIT, Patna
7. Stay Home, Stay Safe? Domestic Violence during Covid-19″ o 19th June 2020. Marwadi University
8. Equal Rights for all 25th July 2020 Savitha School of Law (SIMATS)
9. Gender Bias and Stereotyping, Gender Equality and Women’s Right’ 13th July 2020 Central University of Jharkhand (CUJ), Ranchi in collaboration with UGC, New Delhi.
10. Duty of the Indian judiciary to protect the liberties of the people and freedom of the media 10th July, 2020 Rama University, Kanpur.


11. Triple Talaq – Beyond Political Bickering’ organised by Royal School of Law 4th July 2020. Royal School of Law, Royal University, Assam on 4th July 2020.
12. International Webinar  on Covid 19 Pandemic Environmental hazards and Challenges –Role of Civil Society in India” 12th July2020 Marigoan College, IQAC,

Assam in association with Indian Economic Association and SIPA, The Root Foundation, Assam.


13. Overview Intellectual Property Right in India 4th September 2020. Government Degree College, Dooru, affiliated  to the University of Kashmir
14. New Education Policy 1st September 2020 Nari  Skilsha Niketan Post Graduate College,Lucknow
15. The Changing Dynamics of Women’s Role in local self governance in
Bangladesh & India
31th Jan, 2021 Centre of Law & social Studies, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh.
16. Invited as resource person in the 11th International E-conference for the Academicians, Researchers and Policy makers. 9-10th Jan, 2021 Gitarattan International Business School, affiliated to Indraprashta University, New Delhi
17. Women’s Right to Property 8th Mar, 2021 SGT University, Noida
18. The Changing Dimensions of Gender Equality in Succession Laws” 10th May, 2021 Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata



Visiting Faculty/Guest Lectures


1. Legal Provisions of Law-latest amendment and important judicial pronouncement on 12/03/2019 for Assistant Public Prosecutors at Judicial Academy, Ranch, Jharkhand
2. Research Methodology for Doctoral Scholars in Social Sciences on 10th April,2021 at Department of Contemporary and Tribal Customary Law at Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi.
3. Hindu Women’s right to Property. A comparative Study with Muslim Law for Advocates on 3/03/2019 at District Legal Service authorities (DLSA) Ranchi
District Legal Service authorities (DLSA) Ranchi
4. On Investigation of 498A and Dowry deaths on 26th Feb.2019 for Police Personnel at Cyber Crime cell, Ranchi
5. Legal Provisions of Law latest Amendment and Important Judicial Pronouncement for Training of Public Prosecutors on the subject “Women safety”.
Women’s Right to Property- Pre and Post 2005, Lucknow {Unity Law and Degree College, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh}
6. Young Women in an Urban Social Construct: The Real Picture, {Lady Babourne College, University of Calcutta, Kolkata}


Books: Women and Legal Profession: in reference to Indian Context, ISBN-10 ‏: ‎9382823077

Publisher ‏:  Satyam Law International; First Edition (1 January 2014)

Articles in Journals

Journal Title
1. NIDA Law for Development, Graduate School of Law, National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA) Bangkok, Thailand, ISBN (e-book): 978-974-231-948-9, Role of Women and Sustainable Development in India – A Comparative Study with ‘South Asian Countries
2. Book of Abstract published by the National Unity of Reconciliation

3. ONUR, Sri Lanka.

‘Women and Armed Conflict: With reference to North Eastern States of India’
4. An Analysis, Law Review, Vol. 37, no.1 Women’s participation in Panchayti Raj
5. International Peer Reviewed, Open Access Journal, Vol.7. Sustainability and water resources system- A critical study of the state of Jharkhand
6. IJRAR,June-V,2019, ISSN2348-1269,P-ISSN 2349-5138, Children and the law-Emerging Issues
7. Ram Manohar Lohia National Law University Journal,

8. Volume-XI

The Journey from Marginal to

Mainstream-the woes of Transgender

in India

9. Ram Manohar Lohia National Law University Journal,

10. Volume-XII

From Dream to Broken relationship – Fraudulent Non Resident (NRI) Marriages in India –A critical Study
11. Journal of Law and Policy, Vol.V, 2018, ISSN 2349-9982, NUSRL, Ranchi. Rise of Crimes against Children in India: Are Children safe today?
12. Remarking an Analisation ISSN NO.: 2394-0344, VOL-2, ISSUE-6, September- 2017, How safe are Women today? Crimes against Women in India
13. International Journal of Arts, Humanities and Management studies.

14. ISSN NO2395-0692, Volume 02, No.06, June 2016 ,

Live-In Relationship-An Analysis through cases
15. Ever greening of Patents, CNLU,

16. Patna.

Judicial activism and Patent Laws In India – n analysis of cases
17. International Journal of Arts , Humanities and Management Substance Use and Abuse in India-

A comparative studies with other countries

18. Legal Express:

19. International Journal of Law,Vol.3,Issue-6, ISSN 2394-465X

Women’s Reservation Bill – Increasing the role of women in democratization of the country
20. Journal Published by NUSRL, Ranchi Women’s Right to Property- India, Bangladesh & Nepal
21. Book published by CNLU, Patna. Role Of Tribal Women At Grassroots Level – A Study In Reference To Panchayati Raj   In The State Of Jharkhand’


  1. A wake up call – will India deal with its migrant labourers”.Published on 25/04/2020, http://tehelka.com/from-chalkboards-to-google-meet-to-cisco-webex-covid-19-gives-momentum-to-classroom-teaching/,Tehelka magazine, Hindustan Times, Digital Services, New Delhi.
  1. Community Kitchens are leading – the need of the hour”. Published on 29/04/2020, Tehelka,http://tehelka.com/community-kitchens-are-leading-the-need-of-hour/,Hindusthan Times, Digital Services, New Delhi.
  1. From Chalkboards to Google Meet to Cisco Webex-Covid 19 gives momentum to Classroom teaching”. Published on 30/05/2020, Tehelka, http://tehelka.com/from-chalkboards-to-google-meet-to-cisco-webex-covid-19-gives-momentum-to-classroom-teaching/Hindus than Times, Digital Services, New Delhi.
  1. ‘Netting Knowledge via online’.Pg 58, Tehelka Magazine(English and Hindi), New Delhi. June 2020.
  1. Pampering the taste buds without cooking”,Published on 17th July2020, Tehelka;com/pampering-the-taste-buds-without-cooking.
  1. “The New education policy brings changes after 34 years, Published on 30thJuly2020,Tehelka.com; http://tehelka.com/the-new-education-policy-brings-changes-after-34-years/
  1. Ruling on divinity and dynasty” ,   Published on 15th  August 2020, Tehelka; com/ruling-on-divinity-and-dynasty.
  1. Uncertainty compounds for Indians in the US” Published on 15thAugust 2020,Tehelka ;com/uncertainty-compounds-for-indians-in-the-us.
  1. “Daughters have equal right in ancestral property: SC” ,Published on 30thAugust,2020,Tehelka; http://tehelka.com/daughters-have-equal-right-in-ancestral-property-sc/
  1. ‘Jamtara – A new cybercrimes hub’,http://tehelka.com/jamtara-a-new-cybercrimes-hub/
  1. ‘Speak up — the only way to fight stalking’http://tehelka.com/speak-up-the-only-way-to-fight-stalking/
  2. A cup full of woes for the valley’s ‘half widows’  , http://tehelka.com/a-cup-full-of-woes-for-the-valleys-half-widows/


Chapters in Books

Religious Freedom: The long decade Struggle for equal voice in India in Religious Rights of women and human rights, 2021. ISBN 978-81-952237-6-3.

Sr. No. Client/Organization’s Name Nature of Project
1. Pan India Research Project on ‘Revisiting the Law and Policy of Prison Administration in India by MNLU Mumbai Research Project
2. 3rd Law Review (Eastern) Consultation on the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 and the 2017 Amendment, National Commission for Women, New Delhi Consultation as a Panelist
3. Eastern Regional Consultation on “Rights of Muslim Women: Reviewing Muslim Personal Law” Consultation


Research guidance

PhD Scholars :Awarded

  1. Mr Arun Sasi “Critical analysis of existing legal framework, in efficiency and industrial climate of large manufacturing units”,
  2. “Vandana Singh- Autonomy of Central Bureau of Investigation: Law & Policy Perspectives”.
  3. Archita MishraMigrant Labourers in the State of Jharkhand: a Socio Legal Study.