
Dr. Koushik Bagchi

Dr. Koushik Bagchi linkedin

Assistant Professor

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drafts Email Id : koushik.bagchi@nusrlranchi.ac.in


Dr. Kaushik Bagchi is an assistant professor. He did his LL.B. and LL.M from University of Burdwan, and qualified National Eligibility Test (NET) in 2011. He has been working at National University of Study And Research in Law, Ranchi since 26th June 2013. He had been the Chairman of Moot Court Committee at NUSRL, Newsletter Committee, Editor in chief, Member of Academic Council, Chief Warden of Halls of Residences and the Assistant Controller of Examinations

Presently, he is the Convenor of Centre for Legal- Aid Programme, Convenor of Mess Committee and the Attendance Committee of NUSRL He is also the member of the Executive Committee and Finance Committee of the University.. He teaches Company Law, Civil Procedure Code, Health Law, Administrative Law at UG and PG level. Previously, he was working at Law College, Durgapur from 1st February 2008 to 25th June 2013, and at Bimal Chandra College of Law from June2005 to 31st Jan 2008.


Received Best Faculty Coordinator Award for 2nd Edition of V S Mallar Memorial Legal- Aid Competition 2023



Areas of Interest/Research

Civil and corporate laws

Teaching / Research Experience

19 years

Conference / Seminar / Workshop

Sr. No. Title of the Conference Date Venue Title of Paper Presented Proceedings Published
1 A workshop on Mediation as an effective tool of ADR Mechanism 18th. January 2020 The University of Burdwan Mediation in Tribal Society  
2. A 2 Day International Seminar on Emerging Scenario of Rural Indian Society. Education and Literature 15th. & 16th. November, 2019 Tripura University Rural Mental Health in India in the prespective of the Mental Healthcare Act 2017;: A critical Analysis  
3 Workshop on Elimination of Bonded Labor/ Child Labor and Human Trafficking by National Human Rights Commission & Dept. of Labor Govt. of Jharkhand 9th. September 2016 Judicial Academy Jharkhand Participation  
4 2 Day National Conference on creating awareness for woman 11 and 12th. February 2017 Jamshedpur Women’s College’ NCW, Bar Council of Jharkhand Right of Women not to be arrested at night Conference Publication by Jamshedpur Women’s College


5. National Workshop on Clinical Legal Pedagogy 13th. November 2016 Bengal Law College Clinical Legal Education and its impact upon society Resource Person
6. Population, Health and Sustainable Development Goals : Performance and Prioritizing Policies 13th. To 15th. February 2020 IIPS Rehabilitating the Mentally Ill- A Critical Analysis under the backdrop of legislative initiatives, government policies and societal demand  
7 Emerging Trends, Issues, Challenges and Opportunities Post Corona Crisis” 30th and 31st. May 2020 Mahatma Gandhi Central University Bihar Mental Health- Law and Policy in Covid-19 Pandemic  
8 National Seminar on Role of Law School’s Legal Aid Clinics in facilitating Access to Justice 30.07.2017, at New Delhi. NALSA NUSRL and Legal Aid  
9 3rd. Continuing Nursing Education Programme on Legal & Ethical Issues in Mental Health Nursing 30th. August 2019 CIP Ranchi Good Samaritan Law Resource Person
10 3rd. Continuing Nursing Education Programme on Legal & Ethical Issues in Mental Health Nursing 30th. August 2019 CIP Ranchi Importance of Legal Safeguards Resource Person
11 3rd. Continuing Nursing Education Programme on Legal & Ethical Issues in Mental Health Nursing 26th. August 2019 CIP Ranchi Indian Legal System and Mental Health Resource Person
12 5th. & 17th. January 2020 Bengal Law College CPC & Limitation Resource Person
13 Management skill development Programme for Management Trainees at CIL 24th. December, 2019 IICM Ranchi RTI Act 2005 & RTI Amendment Bill 2019 Resource Person
14 25th September 2016 R N Tagore B Ed College Distance Learning and Higher Education Resource Person
15 UGC sponsored One Day Seminar on Right to Information ad a Special Session on CAS for Govt. aided colleges 26th. March 2017 IQAC Raja Birendro Chandro College of Commerce Right to Information Resource Person
16 20th. March 2020 IICM Ranchi RTI Act 2005 & RTI Amendment Bill 2019 Resource Person
17 Institutional Training for Basic Legal Orientation of Drug Inspectors of Jharkhand December 7th. To 16th. 2020 NUSRL Ranchi Procedure under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940 Resource Person
18 Institutional Training for Basic Legal Orientation of Drug Inspectors of Jharkhand December 7th. To 16th. 2020 NUSRL Ranchi An Overview of the Clinical Establishments Act Resource Person
19 Institutional Training for Basic Legal Orientation of Drug Inspectors of Jharkhand December 7th. To 16th. 2020 NUSRL Ranchi Relation between the Essential Commodities Act and the Drugs Price Control Order Resource Person
20 One Day Seminar on Right to Information- A step towards transparency in Administration 15th. August 2016 Burdwan Raj College Right to Information  
21 Two days National Conference on Creating

Legal Awareness for Empowerment of Women;

11th. February 2017 Jamshedpur Women’s Co;;ege Right of Women not to be arrested at night Resource Person
22  orientation program on education administration for our Assistant Registrars 9th. April 2019 BIT Mesra, Ranchi Reservation Policy in India” Resource Person
23 orientation program on education administration for our Assistant Registrars 12th. April 2019 BIT Mesra, Ranchi An Overview of RTI Act 2005 Resource Person
24 orientation program on education administration for our Assistant Registrars 14th. March 2019 BIT Mesra, Ranchi Land Laws Resource Person
25 E-3 and E-7

Training Programme

28th July 2021 IICM Ranchi New Land Acquisition Laws and Coal Bearing Act Resource Person
26  Program on Legal Issues” 17th. December 2018 IICM Ranchi Legal issues related to termination of services and labor issues Resource Person
27 Programme on Apprentice Training 12th. March 2018 IICM Ranchi Apprentices Act 2015 Resource Person
28 Programme on Legal Issues for E-3 to E-5 employees of CIL 15th. November 2017 IICM Ranchi Preparing of Legal Drafts Resource Person
29 One Day seminar on Abuse & Torture of Girl Child 27th July 2012 Bimal Chandro College of Law Abuse of Girl Child with special reference to Neglect of Girl Child Resource Person
30 Functional skill development programe for Management and HR Trainees 9th. March 2019 IICM Ranchi Mechanism for handling grievance under different forums Resource Person
31 Program on  Apprenticship Training  14th. March 2019 IICM Ranchi Industrial Disputes Act 1947 Resource Person
32 Training Programme 27th. June 2019 IICM Ranchi Land Acquisition Act and RR Resource Person
33 Training Programme 21st. June 2019 IICM Ranchi Land Acquisition Act and RR Resource Person
34 Program on  Apprenticship Training  25.02.2019 IICM Ranchi Apprentice Act 2015 & 1961 Resource Person
35 Training Programme July 26, 2021 IICM Ranchi Land Acquisition and RR Online mode Resource Person
36 Training Programme   Income Tax Department Jharkhand CPC Resource Person
37 Training Programme   Rabindro Sikha Sammeloni Law College Mental Health and Law Resource Person

Visiting Faculty/Guest Lectures

No Data


Sr. No. Title Journal UGC Care Listed/ Referred/ Peer – Reviewed Impact Factor, if any
1 Mental Healthcare Act 2017-Budgetary and Social Constraints in Implementation-A Critical Study Global Journal of Juridical Sciences

Volume-VIII, Issue -1, September 2020

Peer Reviewed

ISSN 2347-5668

2 Telepsychiatry and its Limitations- A Critical Appraisals in the backdrop of the Legislative Framework in India Rostrum Law Review

Volume VII, Issue 2

UGC Care List

ISSN 2321-3787

3. Mental Health- Law and policy in Covid-19 pandemic International Journal of Academic Research ISBN-2348-7666

Peer Reviewed


4. Clinical Trials in India: Issues and challenges under the Human Rights Framework Jharkhand Bar Council Journal Vol-4, issue-3, September 2017  
5. Right of Women not to be arrested at night Conference Publication by Jamshedpur Women’s College ISBN-978-81-924278-4-3



Articles in Journals:

Sr. No. Title Journal UGC Care Listed/ Referred/ Peer – Reviewed Impact Factor, if any
1. Mental Health- Law and policy in Covid-19 pandemic International Journal of Academic Research ISBN-2348-7666

Peer Reviewed


2. Clinical Trials in India: Issues and challenges under the Human Rights Framework Jharkhand Bar Council Journal Vol-4, issue-3, September 2017  
3. Right of Women not to be arrested at night Conference Publication by Jamshedpur Women’s College ISBN-978-81-924278-4-3

Chapters in Books

Sr. No. Title of Chapter Title of Book and Publisher ISBN Year
1. Witch Craft, a Correlation Between Tribal Society

and Mental Health: A Critical Socio-legal Study

Tribal Rights in India; Challenges and Achievements in 21st. Century

Best Publishing House

978-81-9382-160-2 2018
2. Mental Health Care Act 2017 and its implementation; A Critical Analysis Justice Dipak Mishra, National Call for papers-2019

Constitutional Law, Edited by- Prof. Dr. N. K .Chakrabarti

978-941524-3-9 2019


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