
Dr. Jisu Ketan Pattanaik

Dr. Jisu Ketan Pattanaik linkedin

Assistant Professor

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drafts Email Id : jisuketan@rediffmail.com

About Dr.Jisu Ketan Pattanaik

Dr Jisu Ketan Pattanaik completed post-graduation and MPhil in Sociology from Sambalpur University, Odisha. Received Ministry of Home Affairs scholarship for pursuing Doctorate from L.N.J.N. National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science, New Delhi. Worked as a Research Officer in the project Rights of Women Prisoners in Indian Jails, sponsored by National Human Rights Commission Delhi. Worked with Orissa Primary Education Programme Authority as a Zonal Coordinator and involved in Implementation of National Flagship Programme of Girls Education in Odisha, Government of India (KGBV and NPEGEL). Engaged as Project Specialist (Gener) in strengthening UNDP Human Development Project and worked with Poverty Human Development Monitoring Agency, Depptt of Planning and Coordination, Govt of Odisha. Trained in Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methodology from Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai. Received Young Scholarship training on Human Development from Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR), Mumbai.



Indian Society of Criminology


  • 2004Doctorate in Sociology, L.N.J.N NICFS, New Delhi.
  • 1996- Master of Philosophy in Sociology, Sambalpur University, Orissa.
  • 1995- Master of Arts (Sociology), Sambalpur University, Orissa.
  • 1993- Bachelor of Arts, Rajdhani College, Bhubaneswar.

Areas of Interest/Research

  1. Sociology of Crime and Deviance, Tribal Education, Gender and Development

Teaching / Research Experience

12 Years

  1. Teaching sociology at National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi, Jharkhand from 2ndJanuary, 2012.

Project Work Assignment and Research Experience

  1. Completed a Research Project on the Menace of Dayan Pratha in the State of Jharkhand: A Socio-Legal Study as Principal Investigator in 2023 sponsored by National Commission for Women, Govt of India, New Delhi
  2. Worked as a Research and Training Coordinator, Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI), Hyderabad in JNNURM Project in the Urban Governance Area, from 8.8.2011 to 31.12.2011.
  • Worked as a Technical Support Officer, United Nations Development Programme, in GOI-UNDP “Capacity Development for Local Governance (CDLG) Project”, State Institute of Rural Development (SIRD), Department of Panchayati Raj, Odisha from 3.3.11 to 3.8.2011.
  1. Worked as Senior Consultant, (Social Sector Policy, Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation), District Planning and Monitoring Unit (DPMU), Koraput, UNICEF, Orissa from 16.8.2010 to 3.2.2011.
  • Worked as Project Specialist (Gender), United Nations Development Programme, in GOI-UNDP “Project Strengthening of State Plans for Human Development in Orissa”, Poverty and Human Development Monitoring Agency (PHDMA), Deptt of Planning & Coordination, Orissa Secretariat, Bhubaneswar from 1.10.2007 to 15.08.2011.
  1. Research Officer in the project Rights of Women Prisoners in Indian jails (Sponsored by National Human Rights Commission) at L.N.J.N National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science, Delhi fromNovember 2001 to November 2002.

Research Fellow for pursuing PhD in Sociology at L.N.J.N.National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science, Ministry of Home Affairs, Delhi. Duration: 3 years (February 1998 to February 2001)

Conference / Seminar / Workshop


  • 2023-Participated and Presented paper on Witchcraft as a form of Gender Violence in Rural India: A Socio- Jurisprudential analysis of Gender Justice and Punishment at the Third International Conference on ‘Punishment in Global Peripheries’ jointly organised by Centre for Criminology and Justice, School of Social Work, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, Global Criminal Justice Hub, Oxford Centre for Criminology (United Kingdom). the Programa Delito y Sociedad, Universidad Nacional del Litoral (Argentina) from 17thto 19th July,2023.
  • 2021-Presented a paper onWitchcraft as a form of Gender Violence in Indian Society: A Socio-Jurisprudential Exploration of Gender Justice, 30, April, International conference on Law in the transforming World, School of Law, Lancaster University, UK,
  • 2019-Presented a paper on Quality of Education in Ashram Schools of Koraput District of Odisha, International Seminar on Emerging Scenario of Rural India: Society, education and Literature, 15-16, November,2019, Tripura University, Agartala.
  • 2019-Presented paper on Women, Law Enforcement and deconstruction of Patriarchy: A Sociological Analysis of the Supreme Court verdict on Sabrimala, International Seminar on Protection of Women and Children Rights: Issues and Challenges, 12thJanuary,2019, Indian law Institute, New Delhi.
  • 2016-Presented paper on ‘Issues of food security and implementation of MGNREGA: A Study of Jharkhand, International Conference on Marginalization, Poverty and Decentralization, 19-22 November,2016, Kerala Institute of Local Administration, Kerala.
  • 2014- Presented paper on ‘Gender Disparity in Rural Society: A sociological study in Puggu village, Gumla, Jharkhand, International Conference on Gandhiji, Gram Swaraj and Democratic Decentralization, 27-29 November, KILA, Thrissur, Kerala.
  • 2009– Presented paper on ‘Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya in India: its effectiveness for girls’ education in cultural context’, International Seminar on Quality School Education for All, 5-7thMarch, 2009, NUEPA, New Delhi.


  • 2024-Presented a Paper on Community Participation for Sustainable Tribal Development: A Case Study of Ara-Keram Model Village of the State of Jharkhand, National Seminar on Anthropology of Development and Sustainability organized by the Department of Anthropology, University of Hyderabad from 9-10, February.
  • 2022-Participated and presented paper on Covid-19, its impact on Society and Public Health care System in India: Emerging Challenges and Responses, in the National Conference on the theme of “Many Facets of Covid-19 pandemic” organized-(online mode) by Council for Social Development, Hyderabad during 1-2 March.
  • 2020-Presented paper Urbanization in Bhubaneswar: A Sociological study of Urban governance and Urban Development, National Seminar on Population, Health and Sustainable Development Goals: Performance and Prioritizing Policies, International Institute for population Sciences, Mumbai, 13-15, February,2020
  • 2015-Presented a Paper onUrbanization: Challenges and Opportunities-A Case Study of Bhubaneswar City, Two-day national conference on Sustainable Urbanization in India: Challenges and Opportunities, Institute of Development Studies, Kolkata, January 15-16.
  • 2014– Participated and presented a paper on Gender Budgeting and its impact on Womenin the National Seminar on Gender and Development: Anthropological Perspectives, organized at Utkal University, Bhubaneswar from 26th to 27th
  • 2012-Presented paper on ‘Educational Status among Tribal children: Study of Ashram Schools in Koraput District of Odisha, India, National Seminar on Governance, Socio-Economic Disparity and Social Unrest in the Scheduled Areas of India, organized by the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Guwahati Campus, Assam from November 22 to 24, 2012.
  • 2005-National Seminar on “Sociology in Orissa” and presented paper on Job-expectation, Adjustment and coping strategy: A comparative study of women police in Delhi and Orissa, Dept of Sociology, Sambalpur University, 22-23rd 
  • Seminar on Development, Crime and Criminal Justice Administrationand presented a paper on social change and female criminality in India.Feb2-3, Dr. Hari Singh Gaur university, Sagar, MP.
  • 2000– 26thAll India sociological conference and presented a paper on Suicide in India: prevention & control strategies, Dec 29th –31st, Kerala University, Trivandrum, Kerala.
  • Seminar on sociology for the 21stcentury in India and presented paper on crisis in Indian sociology: Methodological and theoretical analysis, Feb 11-12, Sambalpur University, JyotiVihar, Burla, Orissa.
  • 1997– Seminar on Tribal Development. Presented paper on problems and prospects of Panchayat Raj Institution in India, 21-23 Feb, Deptt. Of Sociology, Rani Durgavati University, Jabalpur, MP.
  • 1996– Seminar on Human Factor, Resource Managementand Development, Deptt of Anthropology, Delhi University, 3-5thOct, Organized by the Indian society for Ecology (ISHE).Delhi.
  • 3rdAll India Conference of medical service Centre and presented paper on women’s Health, Environment and Development: A sociological Analysis, 28-29th Sept, organized by Medical Service Centre, Chandigarh state committee, Chandigarh.
  • Seminar on Tribal Development:Presented paper on elected women’s representatives to the village Panchayat and their role in rural development Programmes: A critical appraisal, May 22nd –24th, G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development, Kosi, Almora (U.P), 263643.

Visiting Faculty/Guest Lecture

Guest Faculty in Sociology, Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ranchi from April24th to June 29th,2023.



  1. Women Police in India: A Socio-Psychological study of Delhi and Orissa, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, German

Edited Books- International and National

  1. Job Expectation, adjustment and coping mechanism among women in two police forces in India (a Joint paper by (Jisu Ketan Pattanaik and Vidisha Barua Worley) in De Guzman and Das(ed) The Evolution of Policing: World Wide Innovations and Insights (Ch-12), 2013, CRC Press, USA.
  2. Women, Law Enforcement and Deconstruction of Patriarchy: A Sociological Analysis of the Supreme Court verdict on Sabarimala, Women, Law and Society, Victorious Publishers India, New Delhi, 2019.
  3. Problems and Prospects of women police in Odisha and Delhi: A sociological study in Panda, Uttam Kumar(ed) Gender issues and Challenges in Twenty First Century, Satyam Law International, 2015.
  4. Elected women’s representatives to the village Panchayat: their role in rural development programmes and environmental protection: A critical appraisal (A joint paper by S. Mohanty, J.K. Pattanaik and N. Mohanty) in Samal, Prasana. K(ed) TribalDevelopment: options, Gyanodaya Publication, Nainital, U.P, 1996.
  5. Social change and female criminality in India in Bajpai, G.S(ed) Development withoutDisorder, Vishwavidyalaya Prakashan, Sagar (M.P)

International Journals

  1. Tribal Children in Odisha and their right to education in the home language, South Asia Research (Scopus) Vol.40(2):163-180,2020

National Journals

  1. MGNREGA and its impact on Livelihood and Rural Development: A Sociological study in Barwadag Village of Ranchi District of the State of Jharkhand, Man in Society, Vol-27,2020.
  2. Challenges in Education of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Children: Case study of an Ashram School (A joint paper by Nityananda Pradhan and Jisu Ketan Pattanaik), The Ravenshaw Journal of Educational Studies, Vol.1, No.1, 2012.
  3. Language Barrier in Educational Attainment among Tribal Children: A Study of Ashram Schools in Koraput District of Odisha, India, Adivasi, Journal of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, Vol.52, No. 1& 2, 2012.
  4. Sociology of Health and Environment: its relevance in the contemporary society (A joint paper by J.K.Pattanaik and N.k.Mahakud), Swosth Hind, January, 1998.
  5. Professional Orientation and Career Aspiration of women police in Orissa-some reflection on role conflict: A sociological Analysis (A joint paper by J.K. Pattanaik and S. Mohanty), Kerala Sociologist, Vol. XXIV, No.2, 1996.
  6. Violence against women in India and its associated problems (A joint paper by J.K.Pattanaik and B.N.Chattoraj) Indian Journal of Criminology and Criminalistics, Vol.XX, No.2, 1999.
  7. Rape in India: A Multidimensional perspective, Indian journal of Criminology, Vol.29, No.1&2, 2001.
  8. Eve-Teasing among college girls: A study in urban city of Bhubaneswar, The Indian Journal of Criminology and Criminalistics, Vol.XXVII, No.1, 2006.
  9. Retirees in the Indian Family (A joint Paper by S. Mohanty, J.K. Pattanaik and N. Mohanty), Loyola Journal of Social Sciences, Vol.XII, No.2, 1998.
  10. Suicide in India: Prevention & Control strategies (A joint paper by J.K. Pattanaik, S. Mohanty and B.N. Chottoraj) Indian Journal of Criminology and Criminalistics, Vol.XX, No.3, 1999.
  11. Care of the Elderly-Onus on the Family, Social Welfare, Vol 45, No.10, 1999.