
Dr. Koushik Bagchi

Dr. Koushik Bagchi linkedin

Assistant Professor

call Phone Number :
drafts Email Id : koushik.bagchi@nusrlranchi.ac.in


Dr. Kaushik Bagchi is an assistant professor. He did his LL.B. and LL.M from University of Burdwan, and qualified National Eligibility Test (NET) in 2011. He has been working at National University of Study And Research in Law, Ranchi since 26th June 2013. He had been the Chairman of Moot Court Committee at NUSRL, Newsletter Committee, Editor in chief, Member of Academic Council, Chief Warden of Halls of Residences and the Assistant Controller of Examinations

Presently, he is the Convenor of Centre for Legal- Aid Programme, Convenor of Mess Committee and the Attendance Committee of NUSRL He is also the member of the Executive Committee and Finance Committee of the University.. He teaches Company Law, Civil Procedure Code, Health Law, Administrative Law at UG and PG level. Previously, he was working at Law College, Durgapur from 1st February 2008 to 25th June 2013, and at Bimal Chandra College of Law from June2005 to 31st Jan 2008.


Received Best Faculty Coordinator Award for 2nd Edition of V S Mallar Memorial Legal- Aid Competition 2023



Areas of Interest/Research

Civil and corporate laws

Teaching / Research Experience

19 years

Conference / Seminar / Workshop

Sr. No. Title of the Conference Date Venue Title of Paper Presented Proceedings Published
1 A workshop on Mediation as an effective tool of ADR Mechanism 18th. January 2020 The University of Burdwan Mediation in Tribal Society  
2. A 2 Day International Seminar on Emerging Scenario of Rural Indian Society. Education and Literature 15th. & 16th. November, 2019 Tripura University Rural Mental Health in India in the prespective of the Mental Healthcare Act 2017;: A critical Analysis  
3 Workshop on Elimination of Bonded Labor/ Child Labor and Human Trafficking by National Human Rights Commission & Dept. of Labor Govt. of Jharkhand 9th. September 2016 Judicial Academy Jharkhand Participation  
4 2 Day National Conference on creating awareness for woman 11 and 12th. February 2017 Jamshedpur Women’s College’ NCW, Bar Council of Jharkhand Right of Women not to be arrested at night Conference Publication by Jamshedpur Women’s College


5. National Workshop on Clinical Legal Pedagogy 13th. November 2016 Bengal Law College Clinical Legal Education and its impact upon society Resource Person
6. Population, Health and Sustainable Development Goals : Performance and Prioritizing Policies 13th. To 15th. February 2020 IIPS Rehabilitating the Mentally Ill- A Critical Analysis under the backdrop of legislative initiatives, government policies and societal demand  
7 Emerging Trends, Issues, Challenges and Opportunities Post Corona Crisis” 30th and 31st. May 2020 Mahatma Gandhi Central University Bihar Mental Health- Law and Policy in Covid-19 Pandemic  
8 National Seminar on Role of Law School’s Legal Aid Clinics in facilitating Access to Justice 30.07.2017, at New Delhi. NALSA NUSRL and Legal Aid  
9 3rd. Continuing Nursing Education Programme on Legal & Ethical Issues in Mental Health Nursing 30th. August 2019 CIP Ranchi Good Samaritan Law Resource Person
10 3rd. Continuing Nursing Education Programme on Legal & Ethical Issues in Mental Health Nursing 30th. August 2019 CIP Ranchi Importance of Legal Safeguards Resource Person
11 3rd. Continuing Nursing Education Programme on Legal & Ethical Issues in Mental Health Nursing 26th. August 2019 CIP Ranchi Indian Legal System and Mental Health Resource Person
12 5th. & 17th. January 2020 Bengal Law College CPC & Limitation Resource Person
13 Management skill development Programme for Management Trainees at CIL 24th. December, 2019 IICM Ranchi RTI Act 2005 & RTI Amendment Bill 2019 Resource Person
14 25th September 2016 R N Tagore B Ed College Distance Learning and Higher Education Resource Person
15 UGC sponsored One Day Seminar on Right to Information ad a Special Session on CAS for Govt. aided colleges 26th. March 2017 IQAC Raja Birendro Chandro College of Commerce Right to Information Resource Person
16 20th. March 2020 IICM Ranchi RTI Act 2005 & RTI Amendment Bill 2019 Resource Person
17 Institutional Training for Basic Legal Orientation of Drug Inspectors of Jharkhand December 7th. To 16th. 2020 NUSRL Ranchi Procedure under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940 Resource Person
18 Institutional Training for Basic Legal Orientation of Drug Inspectors of Jharkhand December 7th. To 16th. 2020 NUSRL Ranchi An Overview of the Clinical Establishments Act Resource Person
19 Institutional Training for Basic Legal Orientation of Drug Inspectors of Jharkhand December 7th. To 16th. 2020 NUSRL Ranchi Relation between the Essential Commodities Act and the Drugs Price Control Order Resource Person
20 One Day Seminar on Right to Information- A step towards transparency in Administration 15th. August 2016 Burdwan Raj College Right to Information  
21 Two days National Conference on Creating

Legal Awareness for Empowerment of Women;

11th. February 2017 Jamshedpur Women’s Co;;ege Right of Women not to be arrested at night Resource Person
22  orientation program on education administration for our Assistant Registrars 9th. April 2019 BIT Mesra, Ranchi Reservation Policy in India” Resource Person
23 orientation program on education administration for our Assistant Registrars 12th. April 2019 BIT Mesra, Ranchi An Overview of RTI Act 2005 Resource Person
24 orientation program on education administration for our Assistant Registrars 14th. March 2019 BIT Mesra, Ranchi Land Laws Resource Person
25 E-3 and E-7

Training Programme

28th July 2021 IICM Ranchi New Land Acquisition Laws and Coal Bearing Act Resource Person
26  Program on Legal Issues” 17th. December 2018 IICM Ranchi Legal issues related to termination of services and labor issues Resource Person
27 Programme on Apprentice Training 12th. March 2018 IICM Ranchi Apprentices Act 2015 Resource Person
28 Programme on Legal Issues for E-3 to E-5 employees of CIL 15th. November 2017 IICM Ranchi Preparing of Legal Drafts Resource Person
29 One Day seminar on Abuse & Torture of Girl Child 27th July 2012 Bimal Chandro College of Law Abuse of Girl Child with special reference to Neglect of Girl Child Resource Person
30 Functional skill development programe for Management and HR Trainees 9th. March 2019 IICM Ranchi Mechanism for handling grievance under different forums Resource Person
31 Program on  Apprenticship Training  14th. March 2019 IICM Ranchi Industrial Disputes Act 1947 Resource Person
32 Training Programme 27th. June 2019 IICM Ranchi Land Acquisition Act and RR Resource Person
33 Training Programme 21st. June 2019 IICM Ranchi Land Acquisition Act and RR Resource Person
34 Program on  Apprenticship Training  25.02.2019 IICM Ranchi Apprentice Act 2015 & 1961 Resource Person
35 Training Programme July 26, 2021 IICM Ranchi Land Acquisition and RR Online mode Resource Person
36 Training Programme   Income Tax Department Jharkhand CPC Resource Person
37 Training Programme   Rabindro Sikha Sammeloni Law College Mental Health and Law Resource Person

Visiting Faculty/Guest Lectures

No Data


Sr. No. Title Journal UGC Care Listed/ Referred/ Peer – Reviewed Impact Factor, if any
1 Mental Healthcare Act 2017-Budgetary and Social Constraints in Implementation-A Critical Study Global Journal of Juridical Sciences

Volume-VIII, Issue -1, September 2020

Peer Reviewed

ISSN 2347-5668

2 Telepsychiatry and its Limitations- A Critical Appraisals in the backdrop of the Legislative Framework in India Rostrum Law Review

Volume VII, Issue 2

UGC Care List

ISSN 2321-3787

3. Mental Health- Law and policy in Covid-19 pandemic International Journal of Academic Research ISBN-2348-7666

Peer Reviewed


4. Clinical Trials in India: Issues and challenges under the Human Rights Framework Jharkhand Bar Council Journal Vol-4, issue-3, September 2017  
5. Right of Women not to be arrested at night Conference Publication by Jamshedpur Women’s College ISBN-978-81-924278-4-3



Articles in Journals:

Sr. No. Title Journal UGC Care Listed/ Referred/ Peer – Reviewed Impact Factor, if any
1. Mental Health- Law and policy in Covid-19 pandemic International Journal of Academic Research ISBN-2348-7666

Peer Reviewed


2. Clinical Trials in India: Issues and challenges under the Human Rights Framework Jharkhand Bar Council Journal Vol-4, issue-3, September 2017  
3. Right of Women not to be arrested at night Conference Publication by Jamshedpur Women’s College ISBN-978-81-924278-4-3

Chapters in Books

Sr. No. Title of Chapter Title of Book and Publisher ISBN Year
1. Witch Craft, a Correlation Between Tribal Society

and Mental Health: A Critical Socio-legal Study

Tribal Rights in India; Challenges and Achievements in 21st. Century

Best Publishing House

978-81-9382-160-2 2018
2. Mental Health Care Act 2017 and its implementation; A Critical Analysis Justice Dipak Mishra, National Call for papers-2019

Constitutional Law, Edited by- Prof. Dr. N. K .Chakrabarti

978-941524-3-9 2019


Dr M R Sreenivasa Murthy

Dr M R Sreenivasa Murthy linkedin

Associate Professor, Law

call Phone Number :
drafts Email Id : sreenivasa.murthy@nusrlranchi.ac.in

No Data


Graduation B.Com Sri Govinda Raja Swamy Arts College, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesha 1992
Professional Graduation

LL.B. (3 Yrs)

Ambedkar Law College, Tirupati Affiliated to Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati 1999
Post – Graduation P.G. Department of Law, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh 2003

Areas of Interest/Research

IPR, Mercantile Law, Administrative Law

Teaching / Research Experience

Lecturer-in-Law Shri P.Basi Reddi College of Law, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh 4th May 2004 31st September 2005
Teaching Assistant National Law University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan 25th May 2006 17th January 2008
Assistant Professor (Lecturer Scale) National Law University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan 18th January 2008 30th May 2009
Assistant Professor (Senior Scale) University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun 1st June, 2009 24th December 2011
Assistant Professor (Selection Grade) National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi 26th December 2011 25th January 2018
Associate Professor National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi 26th January 2018 Till date


Conference / Seminar / Workshop

1. Cyber Crime and Data Localization: A Study [paper presented]


National Conference on Data Privacy & Cyber Security Laws in India on 15th February 2020 ICFAI University, Jharkhand
1. Insolvency & Bankruptcy [Paper presented] National Seminar on Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code 2016 29th September 2018 CNLU Patna
1. Judicial Review of Legislative Actions [paper presented] One-day National Seminar on Judicial Review of Legislative, Executive and Administrative Action: Need for Equilibrium 3rd March 2013 NUSRL Ranchi
1. Contextualizing the foundation and ramification of familial bloodshed [paper presented] National Seminar on Gender Based violence against Women: Challenges and Strategies 25th and 26th March 2013 Sri Padmavati Mahila Viswavidyalayam, Tirupati
1. Judicial Review on Pardoning Power of the President [paper presented] Two-day National Seminar on Judicial Review of Legislative Powers and Privileges – A Constitutional Quandary 8th – 9th September 2012 NUSRL Ranchi
1. Corruption in High Places: It’s Social, Political and Legal Implications on Economic Growth of the Country [paper presented] National Seminar on Corruption and Its Implications 15th March 2011 NUSRL, Ranchi
1. Role of Criminal Prosecution in Patent Infringement: A Critique [paper presented] Indian Criminology Congress 2007 23rd – 25th February 2007 Department of Law, University of Calcutta
2. Biological Diversity Act & Its Implications – A Study [paper presented] National Conference on Forest Biodiversity Resources: Exploitation, Conservation & Management 21-22 March 2006 Madhurai Kamraj University, Madhurai

Visiting Faculty/Guest Lectures

1. IP Crimes: Issues and Challenges [lecture delivered] Lecture Series by Center for Research in Criminal Justice in collaboration with Center for Research in IPR on 24th April 2021 MNLU Mumbai
2. IPR growth in the past two decades in India [lecture delivered] National Level Awareness Programme on IP (NLAP-IP) 25th February 2020 CSRIPR& Business Lab & MSME Development institute, Ranchi
3. Innovation Management and IPR Workshop on ‘Innovation Management and IPR’ sponsored by NRDC – Amity IFC on 25th February 2019 Amity University, Jharkhand
4. Introduction to ‘IPR’ [lecture delivered] One-day Awareness programme on IPRs 6th March, 2019 MSME – DI with Adityapur Auto Cluster.
5. Introduction to ‘IPR’ [lecture delivered] One-day Awareness programme on IPRs 25th August 2019 MSME – DI with Hazaribagh Cluster.
6. Introduction to ‘IPR’ [lecture delivered] One-day Awareness programme on IPRs 15th September, 2019 MSME – DI with Hazaribagh Cluster.
7. Introduction to ‘IPR’ -Patents [lecture delivered] One-day Awareness programme on IPRs 28th September 2019 MSME – DI with Bokaro Cluster.
8. Introduction to ‘IPR’ -Patents [lecture delivered] One-day Awareness programme on IPRs 19th October 2019 MSME – DI with Bokaro Cluster.
9. Feminist Jurisprudence and Gender Based laws in India [Resource person] National Seminar on Feminist Jurisprudence and Gender Based laws in India 2018 CNLU Patna
10. Introduction to ‘IPR’ [lecture delivered] One-day Awareness programme on IPRs 9th November, 2018 Jharkhand Government MSME tool Room   Ranchi
11. IPRs [lecture delivered] One Day Conference on IPR 16th July 2017 Judicial Academy Jharkhand
12. Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights – Overview [lecture delivered] One-day Awareness programme on IPRs 5th August 2017  

MSME -DI Ranchi

13. Introduction to IPR [lecture delivered] Awareness programme on IPRs 15th September 2017 MSME-DI Ranchi & Jharkhand Small Industries Association
14. IT Act and Case Study [lecture delivered] Four-day Training Programme on Cyber Forensics for Jharkhand Police Officers 24th May 2016 Cyber Crime Police Station, Ranchi
15. Introduction to ‘IPR’ -Trademarks [lecture delivered] One-day Awareness programme on IPRs 3rd June, 2016 MSME – DI with Small Industries Association, Kokar Industrial Area, Ranchi


16. Mining & Environmental pollution in Jharkhand [lecture delivered] National Seminar on Environmental Laws: issues and challenges in India

5th June 2016

Yugantar Bharati, Ranchi
17. IPRs in contemporary era [lecture delivered] State Level Seminar on IPR 22nd August 2015 NIFFT Ranchi
18. IPRs [lecture delivered] Training Programme for District Judges 23rd August 2015 Judicial Academy Jharkhand
19. IPRs [lecture delivered] Training Programme for Judicial Officers 1st October 2015 Judicial Academy Jharkhand
20. Trademarks and IPRs [lecture delivered] Training Programme for District Judges 3rd February 2013 Judicial Academy Jharkhand
21. Cyber Law/IT Act Programme on Cyber Crime & Security 19th to 20th May 2015 IICM, Ranchi
22. IPRs: Substantive and Procedural Aspects Seminar on IPR on 18th September 2015 Indian Council of Small Industries and Jharkhand Small Industries Association
23. Teaching Learning Methodology: Relevance of Class Presentation [lecture delivered] Faculty Workshop on Teaching-Learning Methodology

27th to 29th June 2013

NUSRL Ranchi
24. Trademarks, Copyrights & Industrial Designs [lecture delivered] One day workshop on IPRs 12th December 2013 JGMTRTC, Government Tool Room & Training Center, Ranchi
25. Indian Patent System and International Standard of Patent Protection [lecture delivered] Seminar on IP and Innovation Management in Knowledge Era 21st February 2012 National Research and Development Corporation (NRDC)
26. IPRs: An Overview [lecture delivered] One-day Awareness programme on IPRs 19th March 2012 MSME-DI Ranchi
27. Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights – Overview [lecture delivered] One-day Awareness programme on IPRs

21st March 2012

MSME -DI Ranchi
28. Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights – Overview [lecture delivered] Two-day Awareness programme on IPRs 24th & 25th March, 2012 MSME -DI Ranchi
29. Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights – Overview [lecture delivered] One-day Awareness programme on IPRs 25th July 2012 MSME -DI Ranchi
30. Patents, Trademarks & Copyrights – Overview [lecture delivered] One-day Awareness programme on IPRs 16th July 2013 MSME -DI Ranchi
31. IPR: An Overview One-day Awareness programme on IPRs 5th August 2015 MSME -DI Ranchi
32. IPR One day seminar on IPRs Awareness on 20th September 2013 SN Sinha Institute of Business Management, Ranchi
33. Salient Features of Patent, Trademark, Service Marks and its relevance to MSME [Lecture delivered] Awareness Programme on IPR at Jameshedpur on 25th July 2012 MSME-DI Ranchi
34. Salient Features of Industrial Designs & Copyright, its relevance to MSME Awareness Programme on IPR at Jameshedpur on 25th July 2012 MSME-DI Ranchi
35. Indian Patent System and International Standard of Patent Protection Seminar on IP and Innovation Management in Knowledge Era, 21st February 2012 BIT Mesra, Ranchi
36. Biotechnology – Patents and Legal Implications [Lecture delivered] Workshop on Biotechnology related issues 8th March 2008 Department of Zoology, SV University Tirupati
37. Three steps for grant of patents [lecture delivered] National workshop on Bioinformatics 25th February 2007 Department of Zoology, SV University Tirupati


Interpretation of Inventive Step: Private Monopoly vs. Public Interest Lambert Academic Publishing 978-3-659- 50771-7
Laws relating to Sound Trademarks: A Cross-jurisdictional Study Lambert Academic Publishing 978-3-8454-3371-2
Biotechnology & Genomics vis-à-vis IPR view point: Legal, Ethical, Moral, Social and Environmental Issues Satyam Law International 978-93- 82823-46-9
Patenting of Biotechnological Inventions: A Comparative Study of EU, USA and India Satyam Law International 978-93- 82823-46-9
Judicial Review of Legislative, Executive and Administrative Action: Need for Equilibrium Scholar’s Press, Germany 978-3-639- 70726-7
Child & Law: Legal & Social Reflections Satyam International 978-93- 91345-13-6
Constitutional Governance and Contemporary Issues Satyam International

Articles in Journals

1. Political Terrorism and Political Crime vis-à-vis Criminalization of Politics: A Critical Analysis of the Efforts of Indian Judiciary in preserving the Democratic  values Shimla Law Review, Volume IV (April 2021 – March 2022) ISSN No. 2582-1903
2. Child Labour and International Trade: Challenges in Adopting Humanistic Approach under WTO Chota Nagpur Journal of Law 2022 0973-5858
3. . If I am Killed, the Whole Criminal Justice System will die because I am the witness of the Criminal Trial’ – A Critical Analysis of the Witness Protection Regime in India Madras Law Journal (Criminal) 2022 2581-5350
4. IP Backed Financing: Challenges in Implementation – A Comparative Study of China, South Korea, Singapore, and India. National Law University Assam Law & Policy Review (NLUALPR) Volume IV, 2021
5. Endorsement vis-à-vis Patent & Trademarks: Issues & Challenges – A Critical Analysis NUSRL Journal of Law & Policy, 2021
6. How Long is Too Long – Issues and Challenges in Fixation of Outer Time Limit for Disposal of Criminal Cases in India: Comparative Study of India and Canada International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, Vol.8, Issue 7, July 2020, 2320-2882
7. Public Administration for Social Change Yojana, August 2021 0971-8400
8. Doctrine of Independence of Judiciary vis-à-vis Judicial Standards and Accountability Bill, 2010, A Critical Analysis International Journal of Research and Review, Vol.7, Issue 6, June 2020, 2349-9788
9. National Green Tribunal (NGT) in Vizag Gas leak case: Strict liability versus absolute liability – Aritstotle’s distributive justice and corrective justice vis-à-vis fairness conception in tort law International Journal of Law, Vol.6, Issue 4, 2020 ISSN: 2455-2194
10. Imparting Quality Legal Education in India: Issues & Challenges International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary field, Vol.6, Issue 2, Feb- 2020 ISSN2455-0620
11. Trial in Absentia – A solution to expedite criminal trial delayed due to deliberate non-appearance of accused International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, Vol.9, Issue I(4), January 2020 ISSN: 2271-7811
12. Role of Teacher in shaping the quality legal education in NLUs in India: A Study of Issues and Challenges International Journal of Law, Education, Social and Sports Studies, Vol.7, Issue 1, 2020 (Jan-Mar) ISSN 2455- 0418
13. Economy & Environment: Single use Plastic (Sup) ban in India HPNLU Journal of Environment and Disaster Management, Vol. 1, 2020 ISSN: 2583-1429 (2020)
14. Panchayat System Yojana, Vol.64 No.4, April 2020, ISSN: 0971-8400
15. ‘Human Rights’ vis-à-vis ‘Economic Rights’: An Analysis of TRIPs Agreement Shodh Pravah, A Multidisciplinary Quarterly Referred International Research Journal, Vol.8.4, No.4, April- June 2019
16. Do Dying Lips Always Speak Truth? – Admissibility of Dying Declaration in case of Suicide SCC (Criminal)

(2018) 2 SCC (Cri) J – 22

17. Is India Gearing up to face Cloud Technologies? – Data Privacy & Security Issues and Regulatory Framework in India Madras Law Journal (Civil) MLJ 01-12, 2016, (2016) 8 MLJ
18. Climate Change vis-à-vis Coal Mining in India & Jharkhand Conference proceedings on Environmental & Climate Change, Judicial Academy of Jharkhand, 2015
19. Refinement of University Education: An Executive and Judicial Approach in India International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Science, Vol.4, Issue 6, June 2015, ISSN: 2278- 6236
20. Understanding ‘Patenting of Nano-technology’ in India Indian Journal of Diplomacy, Vol.16, Issue 6, New Delhi, November-December 2015, ISSN 2347-1913
21. The Remix of Technological Advancement, Secularism, Religious issues and IPR IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), Vol.19, Issue I, Ver.IV (Jan 2014), e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845
22. Clouting of Black Clouds on Public Interest Litigation in India & Judicial Check Madras Law Journal (Civil), Issue No.7 (2014) 1 MLJ Vol.280 Part 7
23. Genomics and Patent Law: A Comparative Study NUSRL Occasional Paper, NUSRL, Ranchi ISSN No.2278-4144, 2013
24. Bumpy application of Utility Code for Genomic Inventions with Special Reference to Express Sequence Tags Vol.1, No.4, International Journal of applied Science and Biotechnology (IJASBT) ISSN NO. 2091-2609, 2013
25. Modern Technology and Globalization in the Light of Gandhian Thought NUSRL Occasional Papers on IPR, NUSRL Ranchi, 2012, Vol.II. No.2, June 2012, ISSN No. 2278-4144
26. Corruption – Prevention & Regulation: An Analysis of Legal Scenario in India NUSRL Occasional Papers on Corruption at High Places, NUSRL, Ranchi, 2011, ISSN No.2278-4144
27. The Legend of IPRs in the Global Era IPR Chronicle, Vol.IV May 2007, Symbiosis society’s Law College
28. 22. Free Trade Agreements and Traditional Knowledge MDU Law Journal, Vol.IX, Part I (2006)

Chapters in Books

1. Biosafety vis-à-vis Intellectual Property Rights in India: With reference to Pharmaceuticals 2015 Edited book, Mewar University Press, New Delhi National 978-93-85212-23-9
2. ‘US-India Trade (Innovation, Technology & IP) War: A Looser’s Game 2021 International Law: Contemporary Developments (Essays in the Honor of Prof. A.K.Koul), Satyam International National 978-93-91345-11-2
3. ‘Standard Essential Patents on Fair, Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory (FRAND) Terms – Check and balance on exercise of exclusive rights by patent holder in a monopolistic & anti-competitive way 2020 Intellectual Property Rights: Contemporary Developments, Thomson & Reuters Publications National 978-938989150-8
3. Is Your Data Safe in Cloud Era? – Data Privacy v. Intrusion 2017 Information Security: Law and Governance National 9789382823926
4. The Royal Bhutan’s IPR Regime: Unfolding Triple Secrets 2014 Intellectual Property Rights – A Prismatic View, Radha Publications, New Delhi National 81-7487-924-2
Equality, Merit and Affirmative Action: A Comparative Study of USA and India 2023 Comparative Approaches in Law & Policy, Springer International 978-981-99-4459-0
Artificial Intelligence Divide & Persons with Disabilities’ right to work: Employment Eco System in India 2024 Disability A Journey from Welfare to Right National 978-81-19119-69-1


Dr. Mausam

Dr. Mausam linkedin

Assistant Professor

call Phone Number :
drafts Email Id : dr.mausam@nusrlranchi.ac.in

About Dr. Mausam

Taught at Jagmohan College of Law, Meerut for more than three years. Has done Doctoral Work on Anti-Competitive Agreements Regulation in India. Had been JRF and SRF during research period. Area of interest is competition law and corporate law. Presented paper in National Conferences. Participated in various National and International Conferences and Training Programmes. Had been Visiting Faculty at Indian Law Institute, New Delhi. Published articles in various journals listed in UGC CARE LIST and peered reviewed.


Awards and Accomplishments

Memberships: –

  • Anti-Ragging Committee
  • Disciplinary Committee
  • Cultural Committee
  • Hostel Inspection Committee
  • System Committee


LL.B – School of Law, B.H.U

LL.M – Faculty of Law University of Delhi

Ph.D – University of Delhi, New Delhi


Areas of Interest/Research

Competition Law and Corporate Law

Teaching / Research Experience

Have more than 5 years of teaching experience.


Conference / Seminar / Workshop

GIAN Course on European Competition Law at NLUD under auspices of MHRD.

Winter School in collaboration of University of University of Campania, Italy and

NLUD on Comparative Law.

Certificate Course on Law & Practice of Insolvency and Bankruptcy, NLUD & IBBI, 20022/2023

Certificate Course on Legal Aid & Allied Laws, GNLU, 2023

Visiting Faculty/Guest Lectures

 Had delivered lectures at Indian Law Institute, New Delhi as visiting faculty.


Books: (with full citation: Publisher, year)

Articles in Journals: (with complete citation & web

link, if available)


Articles in UGC CARE list Journals

“Facebook’s Monopoly in Social Networking Market:  A Critical Test for Antitrust Laws”, pp. 245-69, Journal of Indian Law Institute, ISSN 0017-5731 (2021).

“Deterring Cartel in India: A Half UN (done) Job?”, pp 167-179, Indian Journal of Law

and Justice, ISSN: 0976-3570. (2016)

Articles in Journal which were in UGC list at the time of Publication

“Cement Cartelization Case: (Re) Defining Moment for Competition Jurisprudence in

India”, pp 132-140, JOLTI, ISSN: 2231-1580. (2015)

“Corporate Governance Regime in India”, pp. 145-158, National Capital Law Journal,

ISSN: 0972-0936 (2017)

Articles in Peer-reviewed Journal

Covid-19’s Fatal Blow to Free Market Theorem: Fault lines are Visible in ‘Invisible Hand’, pp. 60-75, Indraprastha Technology Law Journal, ISSN 2394-1839.

Whither Corporate Speech: Neverland of Democracy and Moral Obligation? , Indraprastha Technology Journal, ISSN 2394-1839, Jan -Feb 2023



Dr. Narendra Narottam

Dr. Narendra Narottam linkedin

Assistant Professor

call Phone Number :
drafts Email Id : narendra.narottam@nusrlranchi.ac.in

About Dr. Narendra Narottam

Dr. Narendra Narottam is an Assistant Professor in Political Science, National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India since 4th August, 2012. He has over two decades of teaching and research experience in the fields of both Political Science and Management. He has completed his Graduation and Post-Graduation in Political Science from the University of
Allahabad. He also completed his doctorate (Ph.D.) programme from Banaras Hindu University in the year 2001. The area of his research pertains to the study and functioning of Local Self Government in Uttar Pradesh. He had been a recipient of various research fellowships including Junior Research Fellowship
(UGC) along with UGC-NET in the subject of Political Science. He also possesses post graduate degree in Management programme (M. B. A. with specialization in Human Resource Management) from IGNOU, New Delhi.Apart from academics Dr. Narottam has also performed a number of administrative duties in various  capacities during his past services since 2003 which includes the positions of Controller Of Examinations as well as Registrar in Charge at National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi, Head of Department, BBA progamme at Rajarshi School of Management Technology, Udai Pratap Autonomous College, Varanasi etc. Several Orientation and Faculty Development Programs, Workshops, Symposiums at many Universities of repute has been attended by Dr. Narottam in the past. He has also delivered multiple lecture series on various topics of both polity and management in several organizations of repute. He has attended over two dozen National and International Seminars and FDP along with the paper presentation on various themes and issues. He has also published book review, chapters and articles in different Books and Magazines.


Awards and Accomplishments


Fellowship& Scholarship

Awarded Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) after qualifying NET-UGC exam conducted by University Grants Commission, New Delhi [December 1997]

Awarded Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) by University Grants Commission, New Delhi 2000

Awarded Departmental Research Scholarship after qualifying through a competitive test conducted by Banaras Hindu University in the year 1996.


Ph.D. in the area of functioning of Local Self Government from the Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. (2003) [Title of the Thesis “Panchayati Raj In Uttar Pradesh with special reference to Varanasi district”]

M.A. in Political Science with 56.6% marks along with specialization in western political thought from University of Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh (1990-1992).

B.A. in Political Science with 51.1% marks along with subjects including Political Science, English Literature and Ancient History from University of Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh (1987-1990).

Professional qualification:

Master in Business administration from IGNOU, New Delhi in year 2002.

Areas of Interest/Research

Ph.D. research area:

  • Local Self Government


M.B.A. research area:

  • Human Resource Management

Teaching / Research Experience

  • Teaching to the UG and PG students in the capacity ofAssistant Professor of Political Science, National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India since 4th August, 2012.
  • (Earlier) Work Experience

17th July 2003 to 3rd August 2012. Taught the papers of Management and Public Administration to Under Graduate and Post Graduate students at Rajarshi School of Management Technology, Udai Pratap Autonomous College, Varanasi in the capacity of regular Lecturer/Assistant Professor, in the UGC scale of 8000-275-13500

2000-2003. Engaged in the research project in the areas of local Self Government at Varanasi and adjoining districts under the supervision of R B S Tomar, Former Professor and Head, Department of Political Science, Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapeeth, Varanasi 1998 – 2000.

Taught the papers of Principles of Political science for two consecutive years to the Under Graduate students of Political Science at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi

Conference / Seminar / Workshop

  1. Four-week Orientation Programme (A UGC-sponsored programme) from December 3-30, 2013 conducted by UGC-Academic Staff College, Banaras HinduUniversity, Varanasi. Term paper submitted therein as part of the course and obtained Grade A.
  2. Two-week Faculty Development Program and Workshop on Mahatma Gandhi conducted by Malviya Peace and Research Centre, Banaras HinduUniversity, Varanasi from 14th to 27th December 2015 on the topic of “Non-Violent approaches for peace”.
  3. One-week Faculty Orientation Program and Workshop on research methodology conducted by Institute of Science and Management, Ranchi and approved by AICTE, New, Delhi from October 29- November 3, 2012.
  4. One-week Faculty Development Program and Workshop on Human Values and Professional Ethics conducted by G B technical University, Lucknow from December 15 – December 21, 2010.
  5. One-week Faculty Orientation Program and Workshop (in-house academic event) on course curriculum, teaching-learning methodology, research method, evaluation system, etc. conducted by National University of Study and research in Law, Ranchi on December 26-30, 2012.
  6. Three day Faculty Orientation Program and Workshop (in-house academic event) on course curriculum, teaching-learning methodology, research method, evaluation system, etc. conducted by National University of Study and research in Law, Ranchi on June 27- June 29, 2013.
  7. UGC Sponsored Workshop On Mooc’s Content Development And Open Educational Resources organized by UGC Human Resource Development centre , Ranchi University, Ranchi from 24thjuly 2018-30thJuly 2018.
  8. Online one week Faculty development program on the topic of “Law and Social Sciences” organized by National Law University, Bhopal from 14thDec 2020 -20th Dec 2020.
  9. Online National level Annual Refresher Programme in Pedagogical Innovations and Research Methodology (Interdisciplinary) organized by SWAYAM, MHRD, New Delhi from Dec’ 2020-April 2021.
  10. Online National level one week Refresher course on implementation of “National Education Policy 2020 in Higher education” organized by Bundelkhand University, Jhansi from 17thMarch 2021-23rd March 2021.
  11. One week Faculty development program on the topic of “Strategic resilience and organisational agility” organized by Valluvar College of Science and Management, Karur, Tamil Nadu from 26thMay 2021-31st May 2021.
  12. Ten days Interdisciplinary Virtual Faculty development program on the topic of “Contemporary Teaching Pedagogy for Innovative and Experiential learning” organized by Sunbeam Women’s College, Varuna, Varanasi from 14thJuly 2021 -24th July 2021.
  13. Online National level Annual Refresher Programme in “Democracy, Governance And Public Policy In India” (Interdisciplinary) organized by ASC,  UGC-HRDC, Jai Naraian Vyas University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan from 15 January 2022 –29 January 2022 (Two weeks, 72 hours).
  14. Online 4thEdition of short term course on Legal Aid and Allied Law organized by Pro Bono nIndia in collaboration with Centre for Legal Aid Programme National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi supported by Department og Justice, Ministry of Law from 16 November 2023 to 2 December 2023.



  • Participation and Contribution in International and National Events


Paper presented at International Conference on the topic “MINORITY ISSUES: REALITY OR MYTH”, organized by the Canadian Studies Development Programme, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi on February 25, 2012.

Paper presented at International Conference on the topic “NEED FOR EQUITABLE HEALTH CARE: AN INTROSPECTION”, organized by the Canadian Studies Development Programme, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi on February 05, 2011

Paper presented at UGC Sponsored National Conference on the topic “INDIAN FOREIGN POLICY VIS A VIS INDO- CHINA PERSPECTIVE”, organized by the Department of Political Science, D A V College, Varanasi on March 05, 2011.

Paper presented at UGC Sponsored National Conference on the topic “STRUCTURAL FUNCTIONAL APPROACH: AN OVERVIEW”, organized by the Department of Political Science, D A V College, Varanasi on January 08, 2011

Paper presented at UGC Sponsored National Conference on the topic “DYNAMICS OF SOCIAL NORMS”, organized by the Department of Sociology, D A V College, Varanasi on February 22, 2011

Paper presented at National Conference on the topic “FDI IN RETAIL: BOON OR BANE”, organized by the National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi on February 09 2012.

Paper presented at National Conference on the topic “CONTEMPORARY HRM STRATEGIES”, organized by the School of Management Studies, Varanasi on January 21, 2006.

Paper presented at UGC Sponsored National Conference on the topic “NAXA;ISM Vs.HUMAN RIGHTS: A RETROSPECTION”, organized by the Department of Political Science, D A V College, Ballia on March 24, 2012.

Paper presented at National Conference on the topic “JUDICIAL ACTIVISM: A CRITICAL REVIEW”, organized by the National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi on September 09, 2012.

Paper presented at National Conference on the topic “CONTRIBUTION OF MAHAMANA TO THE INDIAN SOCIETY: A TRIBUTE”, organized by the Faculty of Management Studies, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi on December23, 2015.

Participated in International Conference on the topic “Academic Interaction between India and Canada: Retrospect & Prospect” organized by Canadian Studies Development Programme, Department. of Political Science, at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi on Nov. 19-20, 1995.

Participated in International Conference on the topic “Ethnic Harmony in a Multicultural Society: Lessons from Canada & India” organized by Canadian Studies Development Programme, Department. of Political Science, at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi on February 21-22, 1996

Participated in International Conference on the topic “Challenges of Multiculturalism: India and Canada” organized by Canadian Studies Development Programme, Department. of Political Science, at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi on February 19-20, 1997

Participated in International Conference on the topic “Regionalism: Canadian and Indian Perspectives” organized by Canadian Studies Development Programme, Department. of Political Science, at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi on February 3-4, 1998

Participated in International Conference on the topic “Academic Interaction between India and Canada: Retrospect & Prospect” organized by Canadian Studies Development Programme, Department. of Political Science, at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi on January 20-21, 1999

Participated in International Conference on the topic “Academic Interaction between India and Canada: Retrospect & Prospect” organized by Canadian Studies Development Programme, Department. of Political Science, at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi on February 5-6, 2000

Participated in International Conference on the topic “Academic Interaction between India and Canada: Retrospect & Prospect” organized by Canadian Studies Development Programme, Department. of Political Science, at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi on January 27-28, 2001

Participated in International Conference on the topic “Academic Interaction between India and Canada: Retrospect & Prospect” organized by Canadian Studies Development Programme, Department. of Political Science, at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi on February 10-11, 2002

Participated in International Conference on the topic “Higher Education in India and Canada” organized by Canadian Studies Development Programme, Department. of Political Science, at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi on January 24-25, 2003

Participated in Two day National Conference on the topic “Tribal Conclave in Jharkhand”, organized by the National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi on September 09 2015.

Participated in Two day National Conference on the topic “Tribal Conclave”, organized by the National Institute of Technology, Rourkela on April 21-April 22 2017.

Visiting Faculty/Guest Lectures

  • Visiting faculty at Amity University Ranchi from 2019 to 2022
  • Guest lecture as a resource person in Bengal Law college


Chapters in Books:

  • Jai Kishan Mishra (edited) book “21vi sadi me Mahatma Gandhi ki Prasangikata”, Relevance of Mahatma Gandhi in present era; Pratyush Publications, Loni, Ghaziabad; ISBN: 978-81-922227-5-2.
  • Pawnesh Kumar (edited) book Contemporary issues in ethics and management “Role of ethics and values in Human Resource Development”;Himalaya Publications, Girgaon, Mumbai.-ISBN: 978-93-5142-647-9.
  • Corruption and black money in India:  Economic assumptions and threats: Satyam Law International, New Delhi, India, 2018,  ISBN: 978-93-82823-89-6
  • Rape culture and sexual violence against women: A cross-cultural overview:Annapurna press & process, Main Road, Ranchi, 2020, ISBN: 978-93-5396-977-6

Dr. Rabindra Kumar Pathak

Dr. Rabindra Kumar Pathak linkedin

Assistant Professor (Law)

call Phone Number :
drafts Email Id : rabindra.pathak@nusrlranchi.ac.in

About Rabindra Kumar Pathak

Rabindra Kumar Pathak is an Assistant Professor and Assistant Director (Research & Training) at National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi. He has also served as Assistant Professor at Department of Law, University of Burdwan. He is a law graduate from Campus Law Centre, University of Delhi (2007). He did his LL.M. with P P Rao Gold Medal in Jurisprudence from Indian Law Institute, New Delhi (2009), and Ph.D. from the University of Burdwan (2014). He qualified for Junior Research Fellowship in 2012. He has authored a number of books besides publishing papers in journals and law reviews of repute. He has worked on two projects with the Indian law Institute, New Delhi. He is one of the editors of NUSRL Journal of Law and Policy. His area of interest is Legal Theory. His research supervision includes 6 Ph.D.s and 40 LL.M. dissertations.


LL.B. (Campus Law Centre, Delhi University), LL.M. (Indian Law Institute, New Delhi), Ph.D. (University of Burdwan)

Area of Interest/Research

Legal Theory

Teaching / Research Experience

12 years

Conference / Seminar / Workshop

  1. Resource Person  in a National Conference on “Centre-State Relations” organized by Jharkhand Legislative Assembly in collaboration with NUSRL, Ranchi (23rdNovember, 2022)
  2. Resource Person in Centennial National Conference on “Legal Education in India: Retrospect and Prospect”, organized by Faculty of Law, Banaras Hindu University (3rd-4thFebruary, 2024)
  3. Resource person on “Law Relating to Public Servants” at Institutional Training for Basic Legal Orientation of Drugs Inspectors of the State of Jharkhand, 2020.
  4. Resource person on “Principles of Criminal Law” at Institutional Training for Basic Legal Orientation of Drugs Inspectors of the State of Jharkhand, 2020.
  5. Resource person on “Elements of Crime” at Institutional Training for Basic Legal Orientation of Drugs Inspectors of the State of Jharkhand, 2020.
  6. Resource Person in a Refresher Course in Human Rights and Constitution of India organized by Human Resource Development Centre, Ranchi University(21.08.2021).
  7. Resource Person in a Refresher Course during the Guru Dakshta 5thFaculty Induction Programme organized by Human Resource Development Centre, Ranchi University (27.08.2021)
  8. Presented paper on“A Tale of a Failed Local Governance and Role of Civil Society in Jharkhand: A Critical Appraisal”, International Conference on Transparency and Accountability, National Law University, New Delhi, 13-14thOctober, 2012.
  9. Presented paper on “Rights of the Tribal in India with Special Reference to Forest Rights Act, 2006”, National Seminar on Tribal Rights: Issues & Challenges in Jharkhand National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi, (23-24 May 2015)
  10. Presented paper on “A Socio Legal Perspective of Eunuchs in India”, UGC Sponsored International Seminar on Society, Law and Humanity, Jogesh Chandra Chaudhuri Law College, Calcutta University (15thMay, 2015)
  11. Participated in a National Seminar on “Delay in Administration of Criminal Justice System” Indian Law Institute, 2007.
  12. Presented paper on “Supreme Court and Gandhi” at a national Seminar organised by by Gandhi Smriti and Drashan Samiti, New Delhi at National University of Study and Research In Law, Ranchi on 10thDecember, 2019
  13. Presented paper on “ Mob Lynching and Vigilantism: A human Rights Perspective” at a national Seminar organised by by Gandhi Smriti and Drashan Samiti, New Delhi at National University of Study and Research In Law, Ranchi on 10thDecember, 2019
  14. Participated and presented paper in a workshop organized by NUSRL on the topic “Research Methodology: How to Approach Project Writing and Viva” (2013).
  15. Participated in a workshop on “MOOCS, e-content Development and Open Educational Resources” 24-30thJuly 2018 organized by NUSRL, Ranchi.
  16. Participated in aweek long workshop on Sex and Death in Criminal law organized by Indian Law Institute, New Delhi (October, 2016)

Visiting Faculty/Guest Lectures

  1. Lecture delivered on “Punishment and Sentencing”, organized by National Law University Delhi and Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA), 2021.
  2. Guest Lecture on “Human Rights as Constitutional Rights” on 26th November 2020, for the students of the MA Programme (MA Course:Globalization of Human Rights), SIS, JNU.
  3. Delivered a lecture on “Mental Healthcare Act, 2017” in a Workshop by Central Institute of Psychiatry, Kanke, Ranchi (2022)
  4. Delivered a lecture on “Constitutional Law” in a Training Programme by National Academy of Direct Taxes, Regional Campus, Ranchi (2024)
  5. Delivered a lecture on “ Preamble—The Soul of Indian Constitution”, Shahadra District Legal Services Authority, Karkadooma Courts, Delhi (2020)
  6. Delivered a Lecture in a Training Programme “On Prison Administration, Prison Reforms and Rights and Entitlements of Prisoners”, organized by Centre for Criminal Law, NUSRL in collaboration with Bureau of Police Research and Development (29th-31st October, 2018)
  7. Delivered a lecture on “Journey of the Indian Constitution” Amity University Jharkhand(2019)
  8. Delivered a lecture on “Historical Approach to Legal Research”, at G D Goenka University (2022).
  9. “Nature of Law”, Bimal Chandra Law College, Murshidabad, West Bengal, (2023).
  10. Delivered a lecture on “Interpreting the Constitution”, at Maharishi University (2023).
  11. Delivered a lecture on “Conceptualising Human Rights”, Galgotias University (2022).
  12. Delivered a lecture in “Right to Property” at Jamshedpur Women’s College (2017).
  13. Delivered a lecture on “Bharat: Loktantra ki Janani” at Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi (2022)
  14. Delivered a Lecture on “Interpretation of Statute: General Clauses Act, 1897” at Bengal Law College, Shantiniketan, West Bengal (2021).
  15. Delivered a lecture on “Law and Justice” at Durgapur Institute of Legal Studies (2023).



  1. Judicial Process(Thomson Reuters, 2019)
  2. Protection of Women from Domestic Violence(Thomson Reuters, 2019)
  3. Economic Analysis of Law(Edited) (Thomson Reuters, 2021)
  4. D D Basu’s Law of Tort(Revising Author), (Kamal Law House, 2023)
  5. Indian Constitution: Essays in Honour of Prof. S S Singh(Edited) (ABS Books, 2018)
  6. Rethinking Law (Edited), (Authorspress, 2013)
  7. A Handbook on Animal Rights(Edited)(NUSRL, 2021)
  8. Environmental Law (Edited), (Book Corporation, 2019)


Articles in Journals:

“Untangling the Constitutional Labyrinth”, Bond Law Review (2010)

“Historical Approach to Legal Research”, Soochow Law Journal (2020)

“Text, Context, and Human Rights-Based Interpretations by Domestic Courts”, Shimla Law Review (2021)

“Conceptualising Right to Property”, Banaras Law Journal (2022)

“Dworkin’s Theory of Adjudication: Revisiting the Law’s Empire,  Banaras Law Journal (2016)

“Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005: A Procedural Overview”, Banaras Law Journal (2020)

“Conceptualizing and Contextualizing Natural Law”, RMLNLU Law Review (2023)

“The Virtue of Rule of Law”, 7 RMLNLUJ 121 (2015)

“Can a Jurist be a Judge?: A Tale of a Failed Constitutional Experiment”, Rostrum’s Law Review (2013)

“The Holy Fast to Death and Conflicting Constitutional Moralities”,  Rostrum’s Law Review (2020)

“Development of Muslim Law in India: A Retrospect”, Journal of Islamic Law Review (2018)

“Reading Jurisprudence”, NUSRL Journal of Law and Policy (2017)

“Ragging: The Problem and the Possibility”, Indian Bar Review (2009)

“Poverty as a Human Rights Problem”, Indian Human Rights Law Review, (2010)

“Concept of Law: A Jurisprudential Exploration”, MDU Law Journal (2010)

“The Crisis in Human Rights: Universalism and Culturalism Debate Revisited”
Indian Human Rights Law Review (2012)

“Social Justice under Post-Colonial Constitution of India: A Cinematic Sojourn”, Journal of Law and Social Sciences (2012)

“Natural Law and Indian Jurisprudence”, Burdwan University Law Review (2014)

“Adjudication vis-à-vis Separation of Powers: A Jurisprudential Analysis”, Madras Law Journal (2009)

“Some Reflections on Witchcraft in India”. NUSRL Journal of Law and Policy (2022).

Contributed three modules (four quadrants) in Epg-pathsala Project (A Ministry of HRD Project, Government of India, 2017) on Meaning of Punishment, Retributive and Deterrence Theories of Punishment, Sentencing, Public Opinion and Media Reporting.


Chapters in Books:

  1. “Climate Change and Tortious Liability”, in Subhram Rajkhowa (Ed), Climate Change and Climate Justice (Satyam Law International, 2024).
  2. “Dynamics of Judicial Process” in Uday Shankar al(Ed) The Journey of Seven Decades: Constitutional Discourse at Crossroads, HNLU (2022).
  3. Justice, Liberty and Equality: The Preambular Promise” in Deepa Kansra (Ed),
    The Preamble, Universal Law Publishing Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi (2013)
  4. “Constitutional Adjudication” in Deepa Kansra, Rabindra Pathak al (Ed), Rethinking Law, Authorspress, New Delhi (2012)
  5. “Corruption in India: A Threat to Rule of India”, in Prof. B C Nirmal al. (ed), Combating, Corruption Black Money and Money Laundering: Issues and Challenges Ahead(Satyam Law International, New Delhi, India, 2017)

Ram Chandra Oraon

Ram Chandra Oraon linkedin

Assistant Professor

call Phone Number :
drafts Email Id : ram.oraon@nurslranchi.ac.in

About Mr. Ram Chandra Oraon

Mr. Ram Chandra Oraon has obtained a B. A (Hons) in Economics from Ranchi University, Jharkhand in 2001. He obtained an LL. B (3 years) from the Faculty of Law, University of Delhi in 2011. He obtained a Master of Laws (LL.M.) degree from the Indian Law Institute (ILI), New Delhi with specialization in Human Rights & Humanitarian Law in 2014. He earned a Post –Graduate Diploma in Cyberlaw (PGDCL) from the ILI in year 2015. He is pursuing a Ph.D. from the Department of Tribal & Customary Law, Central University of Jharkhand (CUJ).

Before joining the National University of Study and Research in Law (NUSRL), Ranchi, in 2020, he worked as an Assistant Professor (Regular) at Central University of South Bihar (CUSB), Gaya, Bihar.

He has presented and published various research articles in UGC-approved National and International journals and has book chapters to his credit. Besides, attending seminars, workshops, colloquiums, etc. on various social and legal issues, he has been a regular Resource person at UGC-HRD, Forest training Institutes, Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Jharkhand, PESA rules, Tribal Research Institute, and NGOs / civil society organizations. He has had rich exposure to corporate for almost a decade (Legal and Business Outsourcing, 2003-2013), academic, and fieldwork. At present, he is engaged in creating awareness of the various aspects of customary laws in strengthening the traditional tribal institutions in Jharkhand.



UGC-NET- JRF (Law) -2014

UGC-NET- Human Rights & Duties- 2015

Selected for Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship (RGNF) -2015


B.A (Hons.) Economics., LL.M .,  Ph.D. (Pursuing)

Post–Graduate Diploma in Cyber Laws (PGDCL) ILI, New Delhi.


UGC -NET (Human Rights and Duties)

Ph.D. (Pursuing), Department of Contemporary and Tribal Customary Law), Central University of Jharkhand. – 2014 onwards.

LL.M (specialization – Human Rights & Humanitarian law), The Indian Law Institute (ILI), New Delhi. – 2014

  1. B – Faculty of Law, University of Delhi, Delhi. – 2011

B.A, Economics (Hons), St. Xavier’s College, Ranchi University, Ranchi, Jharkhand. – 2001


Areas of Interest/Research

Natural resources law, Tribal and Customary law, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Conflict studies, Cyberlaw, and environmental law.


Human Rights and Humanitarian Law

Teaching / Research Experience

Teaching for the last 4 years and 7 months as a Regular Faculty.

Conference / Seminar / Workshop

  1. Presented paper titled “Rights of Domestic Worker: A Critical Analysis”at the 6th International Seminar on Human Resource, organized by the Institute for Social Development and Research, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India. [01-03 November, 2014]


  1. Presented paper titled “Status of Civil (Life and Liberty) Rights of Tribals in Anti-Naxal Operations: A Case of Jharkhand” at the 1st International Congress on Human Rights and Duties; Venue: Yadam Institute of Research, Berhampur, Odisha, India. [10 December, 2015]


  1. Presented paper titled “Relevance of Tribal Customary Rights – A Global Perspective” at the two-day National Seminar on Tribal Rights in India and Demand for Development with Dignity, organized by the Department of Tribal Studies of Indian Social Institute (ISI), New Delhi, India. [04-05 February, 2017]


  1. Presented paper titled  -“ Indigenous Peoples, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development: A socio-legal study in West Singhbhum, Jharkhand (India)”in  the Fourth International Conference Environmental Law, Governance and Sustainable Development” organized by the “School of Legal Studies K.R Mangalam University, Gurugram, Haryana in collaboration with the International Council of Jurists London, Law Mantra Trust, New Delhi” [17-18 November 2022]


  1. Presented paper titled  – “ Forest Rights Act, 2006 and its impact on the Tribals of West Singhbhum (Jharkhand): A socio-legal analysis” in a two-day National Seminar on Forest dependent rural livelihood, organized by the North Eastern Hill University (NEHU), Shillong [ February 24-26, 2023]


Visiting Faculty/Guest Lectures

  1. Delivered lecture as resource person in One Day Long Discussion on Social Justice in Judiciary, jointly organized by Jai Jharkhand Advocates’ Manch, SC-ST Advocate Manch and Indian Association of Lawyers; Venue – Jharkhand Legislative Assembly Auditorium, Ranchi, India. [02 December, 2018]
  2. Delivered a guest lecture on “The Myths and Realities of the Fifth Schedule” on 9th August 2021, on the 27th International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples at the Indian Social Institute, New Delhi.
  3. Delivered a  lecture on the topic “ Human rights and Customary Law of Tribals – A socio-legal analysis”at the UGC- HRD Refresher course, organized by UGC- HRD, at Ranchi University, on February 14, 2023
  4. Delivered  lecture on the topic “ Human rights and Customary Law of Tribals – A socio-legal analysis”at the UGC- HRD Refresher course, organized by UGC- HRD, at Ranchi University, on January 2024
  5. Delivered lectures on workshop on the Forest and Land Laws to the Forest Officials  at Forester Training School cum -Divisional Forest Officer, Saranda Forest Division, Chaibasa [February 10 -11, 2024]


Articles in Journals

  1. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research (ISSN: 2277-7881),  Impact Factor: 3.318, IC Value: 5.16, ISI Value: 2. 286.   & UGC Approved / Peer reviewed and refereed international journal

Title of Paper: PESA and Tribal Development: A Critical Analysis with Respect to Jharkhand

Volume-04 ; Issue-12(2); Year-December 2015; Page: 48-63

  1. The Rights (ISSN: 2454-9096 online), Open Access /Peer reviewed

Title of Paper: Status of Civil (Life and Liberty) Rights of Tribals in Anti-Naxal Operations: A Case of Jharkhand

Volume-01 ;  Issue-II

Year-December 2015;  Page: 01-09

  1. Social Action (A Quarterly Review of Social Trends) – (ISSN: 0037-7627), UGC Care Listed – J.No. 41612.

Title of Paper: Relevance of Tribal Customary Rights – A Global Perspective

Volume-67 ; Issue-03; Year-July to Sept. 2017; Page : 241-252

  1. Journal – CPJ Law Journal,UGC Care Listed, ISSN NO: 0976-3562

Title of Paper – Natural resource exploitation and conflicts in West Singhbhum, Jharkhand.: A socio-legal study

Volume : XIII;  Issue-01; Year-Jan 2023;  Page: 366-379


Chapters in Books

  1. Title of Book: Human Resource

Edited by: Dr. Ganga Kumar Binha, (ISBN: 978-93-84686-04-8)

Publisher: Institute for Social Development and Research, Ranchi, India.

Chapter’s Title: Rights of Domestic Worker: A Critical Analysis

Chapter No – 43 ; Year-2015 ; Page : 329-337


Dr. Sanchita Tewari

Dr. Sanchita Tewari linkedin

Teaching Assistant

call Phone Number :
drafts Email Id : sanchita.0910@gmail.com

About Dr. Sanchita Tewari

Dr. Sanchita Tewari has completed her doctoral study under the title Child Labour vis a vis International Trade: Regulation and Enforcement in India in the year 2022. Having completed her B.A.LL.B from Bangalore University and Masters in Law from National Law University, Jodhpur, her academic journey has been characterized by her passion for teaching. Throughout her academic tenure, Dr. Sanchita has written extensively on subjects of Corporate Law, Child Rights, International Trade and Human rights.


Personally presented with a text book on Business Laws by Prof. Dr. M.R. Sreenivasan for securing highest marks in Company Law in M.S.R.C.L. Bangalore.


B.A.LL.B., LL.M., Ph.D.

Areas of Interest/Research

Insolvency and Bankruptcy Laws, Business Laws

Teaching / Research Experience

7 Yrs.

Conference / Seminar / Workshop

Title of Paper Seminar Details
Impact of IBC on Real Estate Sector in India 17-18 November, 2023: National Conference on Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code: Implementation, Efficacy and Impact organized by CBLT, RGNUL, Punjab in collaboration with IBBI
The International Investment Law and Expropriation: A study September 29 2023 / Ankara, Türkiye:  7th International Conference on Forensic Science and Law (Online)
Contours Of Denial Of Justice İn International Investment Law: Harmonizing Investor Protection, Sovereign Rights, And India’s Perspective 09-10 September 2023 Diyarbakir/Turkey : In Online And Technical Solo Exhibition, Recognition And Appreciation Of Research Contributions To 5. International Dicle Scientific Research And Innovation Congress


Reverse CIRP: An Alien Concept under the IBC Regime 18th March , 2023: National Conference on Corporate and Commercial Law organized by NMIMS School of Law, Hyderabad in collaboration with Taxmann Publications
“The Convergence Of International Law To National Law In The Backdrop Of Children’s Rights” 22nd April 2022 – 23rd April, 2022: International Conference on the Convergence of International law into National Law in the era of Globalization organized by VIT School of Law, VIT Chennai.


‘Ineligibility under Section 29A: Casting a net too wide’ 18th December 2020: Presented Paper in International Conference on Insolvency Law and CISG@40 organized by UNCITRAL Regional Centre for Asia and Pacific in joint collaboration with  IBBI and GNLU Centre for Corporate and Insolvency Law.


“Women in Detention’’ 13th January 2018: Presented Paper in International  Seminar On ‘’Women and Law’’-2018 organized by  IJLRG, Law Mantra in collaboration with Student Division, International Council of Jurists,  London held at ILI, New Delhi.


“Shaping the society through education’’ 22nd April 2017- 23rd April 2017: Presented paper  in UGC Sponsored National Seminar  organized by department of Psychology, Marwari College, Ranchi in collaboration with Truecare Research and Development Ranchi.

Visiting Faculty

Amity University, Ranchi, Jharkhand (2021)

Guest Lectures:

Institution Date(s) Topic Duration
Resource person at Regional Consultation on Rights of Women under PropertyLaws (Eastern India)”

organised by the Centre for Women and Law held at National Law University Odisha.

12th January 2024 Muslim Women’s Right To Property Under Intestate Succession


1 Day
Resource person at Institutional Training for Basic Legal Orientation of Drug Inspectors of State of Jharkhand at NUSRL Ranchi.


15th December 2020 ‘Pharmaceutical Industry under the prism of Competition Law’ 1 Day




Articles in Journals

Title Name of Journal & ISSN Author/Co-Author
Child Labour and International Trade: Challenges in Adopting Humanistic Approach under World Trade Regime Chotanagpur Law Journal


“Globalization And Children’s Rights: Toward A Re-Vision Of Human Rights” IJRAR Journal

ISSN 2349-5138,

“The New Lawyer and a New Approach to Ethics (Volume 1 Issue 2) of   International Journal For Legal Research And Analysis Author
 “Linkage between Trade and Child Labour standards” AD VALOREM – Journal of Law : Volume 6:Issue I: Part II: January- March 2019 :ISSN:2348-5485 Author

Chapters in Books

  1. Book Chapter titled ‘Can Suspension Of Concessions Replace Full Compliance At The WTO Dispute Settlement’ has been published in theBook, Dynamics of Corporate and Commercial Laws with ISBN 978-93-91145-48-4
  2. Chapter titled “Trafficking of Children: The Child Trade Paradigm” has been published in a book named Dynamics of Socio-Economic Offences, Satyam Law International with ISBN 978-93-91345-12-9


Dr Sangita Laha

Dr Sangita Laha linkedin

Associate Professor, Law

call Phone Number :
drafts Email Id : sangita.laha@nusrlranchi.ac.in

About Dr Sangita Laha

Dr Sangita Laha has passed Senior Cambridge from St. Joseph’s Convent High School, Patna. She did her graduation securing First Class in Political Science (honours) and further completed Master of Arts in Political Science from Patna University, MBA (Marketing), LLB (Labour Laws), LLM (Hindu Law), PhD (Law) from the University of Calcutta .Recently she has been awarded LLD (the Post Doctoral programme) on the topic” Democratic Decentralization and Woman’s Participation: A critical study with reference to Panchayati Raj System in India” from CNLU, Patna. Before joining Academia, she was a practising lawyer in Patna High Court, Patna for few years.

She joined WBNUJS, Kolkata as Assistant Lecturer and has served CNLU, Patna. Prior to joining NUSRL, Ranchi, she served as Professor & Deputy Director, Amity Law School, Amity University, Lucknow. Currently, she is Associate Professor (Law)  in National University of Study & Research in Law, Ranchi.


Awards and Accomplishments

Sl. No. Name of Award Year of Award Awarded by
1. Innovative Legal Teaching Award 5th September, 2021 LEDX Legal Education


No Data

 Areas of Interest/Research

Constitutional Law, Women & Gender Justice

Teaching / Research Experience

Around 22 years.

Conference / Seminar / Workshop/FDP:



Title of the Conference Date Place / Institution Title of Paper Presented
1. Law, Economics and Politics in the context of Digitalization Lecture

Winter Online School of Foreign Law

2023 Kutafin Law University, Moscow, Russia The role of Legislative Bodies in the Process of Lawmaking: A study on the example of India and Russia”


2. Ecolaw as a new reality of legal science in the context of global climate change March 15, 2022 Kutafin Law University, Moscow, Russia Moderating the Session
3. ‘Eurasian and Russia studies in the Post pandemic world conferference Perspective on society, policy and economy 2021 State Academic University for Humanities with Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia ‘Covid-19, India’s Greatest Crisis – Its Impact on Migration’
4. First Annual Conference 2021 Office of National Unity and Reconciliation          ( ONUR), Colombo, Sri Lanka ‘Women and Armed Conflict: with reference to North Eastern States of India’
5. Eurasian and Russia studies in the Post pandemic world conference:

Perspective on society, policy and economy.

30th June 2021 Online Conference Organized by State Academic University for Humanities with Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow,Russia. Covid-19, India’s Greatest Crisis – Its Impact on Migration.
6. Resolving Differences through Understanding:

Sustainable Peace, Security and Reconciliation in Modern Society

30th October,2021 First Annual Conference, Office of National Unity and Reconciliation,

Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Women and Armed Conflict: with reference to North Eastern States of India
7. Sustainability – A Global Challenge and Opportunity from Legal and Interdisciplinary Perspectives. December,2017 Graduate School of Law, National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA),Bangkok, Thailand, Role of Women and Sustainable Development in India – A Comparative Study with ‘South Asian Countries
1. 8th National Conference for Women in Police, organized by IPS officers. 2018 National Judicial Academy, Ranchi. Sexual harassment in workforce
2. 10 ‘Patterns and Trends of Trafficking in Person in the State’ (Stakeholders Consultation 2ndApril 2019 Office of

Lucknow, UNODP

Modern Slavery in Digital India
3. Voices of the Unheard :Putting the last first,


8-9th November, 2019, Xavier’s Institute of Social Service, Ranchi in collaboration with Pan India and Save the children. Beyond 377- Is Corporate India L GBT Inclusive
4. Multi- Stakeholder Training to counter trafficking in persons. 19-20 September 2019 UNODC in collaboration with Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India. Modern Slavery in India.
5. Women Issues and Everyday Life, Power, Resistance,


10th-11th January2020. St Xavier’s College,


Journey from Marginal from Mainstream-the woes of Transgender

in India

6. Empowering Educators, Organized by 7th October,2019 Institute of Company Secretaries, Ranchi Chapter (ICSE),


Role of teachers in imparting education.
7. National Seminar on Feminist Jurisprudence and Gender Biased Laws in India 29th Sep.2018 CNLU, Patna. Role Of Tribal Women At Grassroots Level – A Study In Reference To Panchayati Raj   In The State Of Jharkhand.
8. National Seminar on Environmental Justice through Sustainable Water Resource Management, Issues, Challenges and Solutions 28th -29th December 2019 Dept of Law, University of North Bengal. Sustainability and Water Resource System – A critical Study in the State of Jharkhand.
9. National Seminar on working of Panchayati Raj System in India. 18th-19th August,2017 WBNUJS, Kolkata. Participation of Women in PRI: A myth or a reality
10. National Conference of ‘Violence against Children in North Eastern States and Sikkim 22nd– 23rd August 2017 National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam Trafficking of persons in North eastern states and Sikkim.
11. National Seminar on Juvenile Justice. 2013 TPS Law College, Magadh University

Patna. Bihar

Live-In Relationship & conflict with Law


12. National Seminar on



Banking Law.

7th– 8th December





National Law University, Patna

Corporate Social

responsibility – an analysis of public and private sector.

13. National Seminar Faculty of Law, University of Lucknow. Constitutional and Legal Protection of schedule cast and schedule tribe in India – An analysis of different States.
14. Seminar on IPR. Amity Law School, Amity University Madhya Pradesh, Gwalior Protection and Importance of pharmaceutical industry an analysis .
15. FDP PROGRAMME 22nd June 2021 Directorate of legal Studies,

Tamil Nadu& Dr Ambedkar Government Law College, Pudupakaam

Gender Equality and Women Empowerment- a ground reality


Invited as Key Speaker/Speaker in International/National Webinars
International Webinar
Key Speaker


Title of the Conference Date Place / Institution
1. ‘Practical Application of Marriage Laws 31st May 2020 &7th June2020. Into- Legal World, Lucknow
2. Silent Voices: Legal Journey of Surrogacy in India’ 18th May2020 Adhrit Foundation, Lucknow
3. Criminalizing Triple Talaq 11th May2020 Vinoba Bhave University, Hazaribagh.
4. International Webinar on ‘COVID- 19 LOCKDOWN: Increase in Cyber Crimes in India and Worldwide: Issues and Challenge’ 17th June 2020 NUSRL, Ranchi.
5. ‘Journey from Marginalised to Mainstream: the woes of Transgender in India 30th June 2020. Knowledge Streez, New Delhi
6. Gender discrimination in the workplace 29th June 2020.


IIT, Patna
7. Stay Home, Stay Safe? Domestic Violence during Covid-19″ o 19th June 2020. Marwadi University
8. Equal Rights for all 25th July 2020 Savitha School of Law (SIMATS)
9. Gender Bias and Stereotyping, Gender Equality and Women’s Right’ 13th July 2020 Central University of Jharkhand (CUJ), Ranchi in collaboration with UGC, New Delhi.
10. Duty of the Indian judiciary to protect the liberties of the people and freedom of the media 10th July, 2020 Rama University, Kanpur.


11. Triple Talaq – Beyond Political Bickering’ organised by Royal School of Law 4th July 2020. Royal School of Law, Royal University, Assam on 4th July 2020.
12. International Webinar  on Covid 19 Pandemic Environmental hazards and Challenges –Role of Civil Society in India” 12th July2020 Marigoan College, IQAC,

Assam in association with Indian Economic Association and SIPA, The Root Foundation, Assam.


13. Overview Intellectual Property Right in India 4th September 2020. Government Degree College, Dooru, affiliated  to the University of Kashmir
14. New Education Policy 1st September 2020 Nari  Skilsha Niketan Post Graduate College,Lucknow
15. The Changing Dynamics of Women’s Role in local self governance in
Bangladesh & India
31th Jan, 2021 Centre of Law & social Studies, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh.
16. Invited as resource person in the 11th International E-conference for the Academicians, Researchers and Policy makers. 9-10th Jan, 2021 Gitarattan International Business School, affiliated to Indraprashta University, New Delhi
17. Women’s Right to Property 8th Mar, 2021 SGT University, Noida
18. The Changing Dimensions of Gender Equality in Succession Laws” 10th May, 2021 Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata



Visiting Faculty/Guest Lectures


1. Legal Provisions of Law-latest amendment and important judicial pronouncement on 12/03/2019 for Assistant Public Prosecutors at Judicial Academy, Ranch, Jharkhand
2. Research Methodology for Doctoral Scholars in Social Sciences on 10th April,2021 at Department of Contemporary and Tribal Customary Law at Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi.
3. Hindu Women’s right to Property. A comparative Study with Muslim Law for Advocates on 3/03/2019 at District Legal Service authorities (DLSA) Ranchi
District Legal Service authorities (DLSA) Ranchi
4. On Investigation of 498A and Dowry deaths on 26th Feb.2019 for Police Personnel at Cyber Crime cell, Ranchi
5. Legal Provisions of Law latest Amendment and Important Judicial Pronouncement for Training of Public Prosecutors on the subject “Women safety”.
Women’s Right to Property- Pre and Post 2005, Lucknow {Unity Law and Degree College, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh}
6. Young Women in an Urban Social Construct: The Real Picture, {Lady Babourne College, University of Calcutta, Kolkata}


Books: Women and Legal Profession: in reference to Indian Context, ISBN-10 ‏: ‎9382823077

Publisher ‏:  Satyam Law International; First Edition (1 January 2014)

Articles in Journals

Journal Title
1. NIDA Law for Development, Graduate School of Law, National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA) Bangkok, Thailand, ISBN (e-book): 978-974-231-948-9, Role of Women and Sustainable Development in India – A Comparative Study with ‘South Asian Countries
2. Book of Abstract published by the National Unity of Reconciliation

3. ONUR, Sri Lanka.

‘Women and Armed Conflict: With reference to North Eastern States of India’
4. An Analysis, Law Review, Vol. 37, no.1 Women’s participation in Panchayti Raj
5. International Peer Reviewed, Open Access Journal, Vol.7. Sustainability and water resources system- A critical study of the state of Jharkhand
6. IJRAR,June-V,2019, ISSN2348-1269,P-ISSN 2349-5138, Children and the law-Emerging Issues
7. Ram Manohar Lohia National Law University Journal,

8. Volume-XI

The Journey from Marginal to

Mainstream-the woes of Transgender

in India

9. Ram Manohar Lohia National Law University Journal,

10. Volume-XII

From Dream to Broken relationship – Fraudulent Non Resident (NRI) Marriages in India –A critical Study
11. Journal of Law and Policy, Vol.V, 2018, ISSN 2349-9982, NUSRL, Ranchi. Rise of Crimes against Children in India: Are Children safe today?
12. Remarking an Analisation ISSN NO.: 2394-0344, VOL-2, ISSUE-6, September- 2017, How safe are Women today? Crimes against Women in India
13. International Journal of Arts, Humanities and Management studies.

14. ISSN NO2395-0692, Volume 02, No.06, June 2016 ,

Live-In Relationship-An Analysis through cases
15. Ever greening of Patents, CNLU,

16. Patna.

Judicial activism and Patent Laws In India – n analysis of cases
17. International Journal of Arts , Humanities and Management Substance Use and Abuse in India-

A comparative studies with other countries

18. Legal Express:

19. International Journal of Law,Vol.3,Issue-6, ISSN 2394-465X

Women’s Reservation Bill – Increasing the role of women in democratization of the country
20. Journal Published by NUSRL, Ranchi Women’s Right to Property- India, Bangladesh & Nepal
21. Book published by CNLU, Patna. Role Of Tribal Women At Grassroots Level – A Study In Reference To Panchayati Raj   In The State Of Jharkhand’


  1. A wake up call – will India deal with its migrant labourers”.Published on 25/04/2020, http://tehelka.com/from-chalkboards-to-google-meet-to-cisco-webex-covid-19-gives-momentum-to-classroom-teaching/,Tehelka magazine, Hindustan Times, Digital Services, New Delhi.
  1. Community Kitchens are leading – the need of the hour”. Published on 29/04/2020, Tehelka,http://tehelka.com/community-kitchens-are-leading-the-need-of-hour/,Hindusthan Times, Digital Services, New Delhi.
  1. From Chalkboards to Google Meet to Cisco Webex-Covid 19 gives momentum to Classroom teaching”. Published on 30/05/2020, Tehelka, http://tehelka.com/from-chalkboards-to-google-meet-to-cisco-webex-covid-19-gives-momentum-to-classroom-teaching/Hindus than Times, Digital Services, New Delhi.
  1. ‘Netting Knowledge via online’.Pg 58, Tehelka Magazine(English and Hindi), New Delhi. June 2020.
  1. Pampering the taste buds without cooking”,Published on 17th July2020, Tehelka;com/pampering-the-taste-buds-without-cooking.
  1. “The New education policy brings changes after 34 years, Published on 30thJuly2020,Tehelka.com; http://tehelka.com/the-new-education-policy-brings-changes-after-34-years/
  1. Ruling on divinity and dynasty” ,   Published on 15th  August 2020, Tehelka; com/ruling-on-divinity-and-dynasty.
  1. Uncertainty compounds for Indians in the US” Published on 15thAugust 2020,Tehelka ;com/uncertainty-compounds-for-indians-in-the-us.
  1. “Daughters have equal right in ancestral property: SC” ,Published on 30thAugust,2020,Tehelka; http://tehelka.com/daughters-have-equal-right-in-ancestral-property-sc/
  1. ‘Jamtara – A new cybercrimes hub’,http://tehelka.com/jamtara-a-new-cybercrimes-hub/
  1. ‘Speak up — the only way to fight stalking’http://tehelka.com/speak-up-the-only-way-to-fight-stalking/
  2. A cup full of woes for the valley’s ‘half widows’  , http://tehelka.com/a-cup-full-of-woes-for-the-valleys-half-widows/


Chapters in Books

Religious Freedom: The long decade Struggle for equal voice in India in Religious Rights of women and human rights, 2021. ISBN 978-81-952237-6-3.

Sr. No. Client/Organization’s Name Nature of Project
1. Pan India Research Project on ‘Revisiting the Law and Policy of Prison Administration in India by MNLU Mumbai Research Project
2. 3rd Law Review (Eastern) Consultation on the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 and the 2017 Amendment, National Commission for Women, New Delhi Consultation as a Panelist
3. Eastern Regional Consultation on “Rights of Muslim Women: Reviewing Muslim Personal Law” Consultation


Research guidance

PhD Scholars :Awarded

  1. Mr Arun Sasi “Critical analysis of existing legal framework, in efficiency and industrial climate of large manufacturing units”,
  2. “Vandana Singh- Autonomy of Central Bureau of Investigation: Law & Policy Perspectives”.
  3. Archita MishraMigrant Labourers in the State of Jharkhand: a Socio Legal Study.


Dr. Satyabrata Mishra

Dr. Satyabrata Mishra linkedin

Assistant Professor

call Phone Number :
drafts Email Id : satyabrata.mishra@nusrlranchi.ac.in

About Mrs. Dr. Satyabrata Mishra

Mrs. Dr. Satyabrata Mishra is an Assistant Professor (Law) at NUSRL, Ranchi since 2020. Prior to joining NUSRL, Ranchi she has served as an Assistant Professor of Law at ICFAI Law School, IFHE, Hyderabad and as a Faculty Associate at School of Law, KIIT University. She has also worked in World Bank sponsored Dept. of Higher Education’s Project on Litigation Management in Higher Education and as Research Assistant to Hon’ble The Chief Justice of Orissa High Court.  She teaches Public International Law, Private International Law and allied papers to the undergraduate students and Investment Laws to the postgraduate students at NUSRL, Ranchi. She is Course Coordinator for 4th year. She served as the Convenor of the Cultural Club and is currently Convenor of the Center for Research in ADR and she is a member of the Placement Committee.


B.A.LLB (International Law Hons.)

LLM (Corporate and Commercial Laws)

PhD (International Investment Law)

Areas of Interest/Research

International Laws, Investment Law, Trade Law and Family Law.

Teaching / Research Experience

 4 years and 6 months

Conference / Seminar / Workshop

  1. Attended the Basel Winter Arbitration School from 5th-9thFebruary 2024.
  2. Attended Certificate Course on Investment Arbitration Conducted by Indian Institute of Arbitration and Mediation, New Delhi, India  on 24th-25thFebruary 2024.
  3. Attended a Certificate Course on International Commercial Arbitration Conducted by Indian Institute of Arbitration and Mediation New Delhi, India on 20th-23rdMarch, 2024.
  4. Participated in National Online Workshops on Public Policy Process (Basic and Advance), Alternative Dispute Resolution (Basic and Advance) and Intellectual Property Rights (Basic and Advance) and Right to Information (Basic and Advance) organized by Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi Under the Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) of Ministry of Education held from 9th-16th January 2023.
  5. Participated in Faculty Development Program organized by Sharda University, Noida from 11thJuly to 16th July 2022.
  6. Participated in 11thWinter Course on International Institutions organized by ISIL, New Delhi from 3rd January to 7th January 2022.
  7. Participated in Refresher Course in Law organized by UGC HRDC Ranchi University from 2nd September to 15thSeptember 2021.
  8. Participated in Faculty Induction Program organized by UGC HRDC Gujarat University from 27thJuly to 25th August 2020.
  9. Participated in 15 Days Online Refresher Course for Law Faculties and Research Scholars organized by Ishwar Saran PG College, University of Allahabad, Prayagraj in collaboration with Droit Penlae Group from 13thto 28th July, 2020. Also contributed a book chapter titled “Impact of COVID-19 on Human Rights: A critical Analysis From Business Perspective”.
  10. Participated in online Faculty Development Program organized by Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management Studies, New Delhi from 24thJune to 30th June 2020.
  11. Participated in Faculty Development Program in ICFAI Law School, Hyderabad from 16thto 20th December, 2019.
  12. Participated in 6th Joint Academy Course of World Trade Institute (Bern) and Centre for WTO Studies (New Delhi) on International Trade Law and Policy during June 3-19, 2019, organized by IIFT (Indian Institute of Foreign Trade), New Delhi.
  13. Participated in GIAN (Global Initiative for Academic Networks) Course sponsored by MHRD (Ministry of Human Resource Development) on “Analyzing Public Policy Issues In India” during May 19-25, 2019, organized by NIT (National Institute of Technology), Durgapur.

Visiting Faculty/Guest Lectures

  1. Delivered two guest lectures on 02.09.2022 and 03.09.2022 on topics ‘Relevance of international organizations under international law’ and ‘Exploring the choice of law concept in International Commercial Transactions’ at Prasanna Panda Law College, Jharsuguda, Odisha.
  2. Delivered two guest lectures on 27.03.2024 and 28.03.2024 on topics ‘Conflict Management in International Relations’ and ‘Analysing the role of International Institutions in International Relations’ at Barbil College, Barbil, Odisha.


Articles in Journals:

  1. Published a paper  titled “Concept of Investment Arbitration and Legal Framework for regulating it in Australia” Volume6 Issue 1 Pg 97-102 of International Journal of Law Management & Humanities [ISSN 2581-5369]
  2. Published a paper titled “Governance framework for Foreign Investments in India” Volume 11, Issue 2, Pg 1304-1307 of International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods [ISSN: 2455-6211]
  3. Published a paper titled, “ A Comparative Analysis of Regulatory Framework relating to foreign investments in India, UK and USA” IN Volume 18 Issue 5, 2023  Pg 1533-1549 in The Seybold Report ISSN 1533-9211.
  4. Published a paper titled, “Different Phases of India’s Involvement with Investment Arbitration” in Vol X, Issue II, 2023 Pg 126-136 of Shodhasamhita, UGC CARE GROUP 1, ISSN: 2277-7067
  5. Presented a paper titled, “Analysis of the ISDS Mechanism with Reference to Indian BIT’s” at the International Seminar on Exploring the Role of International Institutions in Resolving Contemporary Issues, conducted by BHU Faculty of Law, Varanasi, India on 1-3rdMarch, 2024.
  6. Participated and presented a paper titled “BIT’s : A global boomerang Analysis of India’s Model BIT” at National Seminar on International Trade and Investment Law: Emerging Trends at ICFAI Law School, Hyderabad from 10th– 11th January, 2020.
  7. Participated and presented a paper titled “Analysis of Challenges to Enforcement of Arbitral Awards in India” at International Seminar on Challenges and Prospects of ADR at THE INDIAN LAW INSTITUTE, New Delhi, from 14th-15th June, 2019.
  8. Participated and presented a paper titled “India’s Refugee Policy: Need of a Refugee Law” at International Seminar on Global Refugee Crisis: A Multidisciplinary Humanitarian Approach organized by University Law College, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, from 27th-28thApril, 2019.

Shantanu Braj Choubey

Shantanu Braj Choubey linkedin

Assistant Professor

call Phone Number :
drafts Email Id :

About Mr. Shantanu Braj Choubey

Mr. Choubey is inclined towards the interdisciplinary aspects of laws and adopts a practical approach towards his areas of interest, that include labour laws and corporate governance.


  • B.A.LL.B. (Hons. in Corporate Laws) from National Law University Odisha
  • Master of Laws in Comparative Law, Economics and Finance from the University of Turin, Italy & International University College of Turin, Italy.

Areas of Interest/Research

Labour laws, corporate governance, law & economics

Teaching / Research Experience

 6 years

Conference / Seminar / Workshop

  • Paper presenter, International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Emerging Markets Conference, held at IIM Bodh Gaya, India.
  • Paper presenter, Festival for New Economic Thinking and 2017 INET Conference, held at the University of Edinburgh, UK.
  • Paper presenter, YSI Plenary “Piercing Together a Paradigm” 2016, held at the Central European University, Budapest, Hungary.
  • Paper presenter, 2nd International Conference on Law and Economics, held at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India.

Visiting Faculty/Guest Lectures

  • Guest lecture on “[w]ho is a worker?”, at International University College of Turin, Italy, in 2023.

Resource Person, Management Development Programme on Excellence in Public Service, at Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, India, in 2022.


Articles in Journals

  • Abril, Choubey, et. al. (2024). Reasonable Accommodation and Disability: A Comparative Analysis. Diritto della Sicurezza sul Lavoro, available at https://journals.uniurb.it/index.php/dsl/article/download/4466/3895/16564.
  • Choubey, S.B. (2023). The Uber Conundrum. National Law School Journal, Vol. 17(1), available at https://repository.nls.ac.in/nlsj/vol17/iss1/5/
  • Choubey, S.B. (2022). Economic Analysis of the Laws Concerning Eminent Domain in India. NUSRL Journal of Law & Policy, Vol IX.
  • Choubey, S.B. & Singh, A.V. (2014). Foreign Portfolio Investors: A Developmental Approach. [2014] Company Law Journal 80(1)
  • Choubey, S.B. & Singh, A.V. (2013). SEBI’s Action Plan for Foreign Portfolio Investors. [2013] 117 Corporate Law Advisor (Mag.) 37